

单词 脚趾
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FEEL〕When they found her the next morning, she had no feeling in her toes. 次日上午他们发现她时,她的脚趾已失去知觉。朗文写作活用〔HARD〕Point your toes and stiffen the muscles in your legs. 伸直脚趾,绷紧腿部肌肉。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Emily dipped her toes in the water and squealed. 埃米莉把脚趾浸了一下水便尖叫起来。朗文写作活用〔across〕Trim toenails straight across using nail clippers.用指甲刀逐个修剪脚趾甲。柯林斯高阶〔afraid〕She was afraid of treading on somebody's toes (或 lest she should tread on somebody's toes).她怕踩到别人的脚趾。英汉大词典〔ball〕He balanced on the balls of his feet.他靠大脚趾底部的肉球来取得平衡。麦克米伦高阶〔be (as) cold as ice〕Feel my toes - they're as cold as ice.摸摸我的脚趾头——冰凉冰凉的。剑桥高阶〔bend〕Now, bend forward/over and touch your toes! 现在,向前弯腰触摸脚趾。剑桥高阶〔brachydactylic〕Having abnormally short fingers or toes.短指的:手指或脚趾异常短的美国传统〔buttonquail〕Any of various small, quaillike Old World birds of the family Turnicidae that lack a hind toe and are related to the crane and the bustard.三趾鹑:一种象鹌鹑的无后脚趾的三趾鹑科小体型东半球鸟类,与鹤和大鸨有一定的亲缘关系美国传统〔chance〕He couldn't chance playing with a broken toe.他脚趾带伤,不能冒险参赛。韦氏高阶〔claw〕A sharp, curved nail on the toe of a mammal, reptile, or bird.爪:哺乳动物、爬行动物或鸟脚趾上的尖锐、弯曲的指甲美国传统〔clubbing〕A condition in which the ends of the fingers and toes are enlarged and the nails are shiny and abnormally curved.杵状膨大:手指与脚趾的末端扩大,指甲闪闪发亮且不正常弯曲的情形美国传统〔curl〕Raise one foot, curl the toes and point the foot downwards.抬起一只脚, 脚趾弯曲, 脚尖向下。外研社新世纪〔cut〕You have to learn not to cut your toenails in the living room.你要知道不可以在起居室里剪脚趾甲。柯林斯高阶〔cut〕You need to cut your toenails.你的脚趾甲该剪了。麦克米伦高阶〔dabble〕She dabbled her toes in the stream.她把脚趾浸在小河里嬉水。牛津高阶〔deaden with〕My toes are deadened with cold.我的脚趾冻麻木了。21世纪英汉〔drop off〕Gangrene can set in and fingers and toes drop off.会感染坏疽, 手指和脚趾会脱落。外研社新世纪〔dusting〕Dry your feet well and then dust between the toes with baby powder.把脚完全擦干,在脚趾间撒上婴儿爽身粉。柯林斯高阶〔dust〕Dry your feet well and then dust between the toes with baby powder.把脚彻底擦干, 然后在脚趾间撒上婴儿爽身粉。外研社新世纪〔explore〕She explored the sand with her toes.她用脚趾触探沙子。牛津高阶〔feeling〕Harry had lost all feeling in his toes.哈里的脚趾已经完全失去了知觉。朗文当代〔feeling〕My toes were so cold that I'd lost all feeling in them.我的脚趾冻得完全失去知觉了。剑桥高阶〔fissipalmate〕Having lobed or partially webbed separated toes, as in the feet of certain birds.裂掌状的,蹼足的:如一些鸟的脚上有分叶的或部分带蹼的不相连的脚趾美国传统〔flex〕He eased his boots off and flexed his toes in front of the stove.他慢慢脱下靴子,在火炉前弯曲脚趾。文馨英汉〔flip-flop〕A backless, often foam rubber sandal held to the foot at the big toe by means of a thong.扣拇指胶底凉鞋:一种在大脚趾处用一根带子固定在脚上的无背的、通常用泡沫橡胶制成的凉鞋美国传统〔from〕Her toe was sticking out from the hole in her shoe.她的脚趾从鞋上的洞里伸出来。麦克米伦高阶〔hammertoe〕A toe, usually the second, that is permanently flexed downward, resulting in a clawlike shape.锤状趾:一种脚趾,通常是第二趾,由于永久性向下弯曲使其呈爪子的形状美国传统〔hardness〕I kicked a dustbin very hard and broke my toe.我狠狠地踢了一脚垃圾箱,结果脚趾骨折了。柯林斯高阶〔heel-and-toe〕Characterized by a stride in which the heel of one foot touches ground before the toe of the other foot is lifted, as in walking races.竞走的:特点为行走时一只脚之脚跟先着地,另一只脚之脚趾部才抬离地面,如竞走比赛之情形美国传统〔hoof〕The horny sheath covering the toes or lower part of the foot of a mammal of the orders Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla, such as a horse, an ox, or a deer.蹄:覆盖奇蹄目或偶蹄目哺乳动物脚趾或足下部的角质鞘,如马,牛或鹿美国传统〔itch〕My toes are itching like mad.我脚趾奇痒难熬。英汉大词典〔limit〕And now you're cutting your toenails in bed! That really is the limit! 你竟然在床上剪脚趾甲!——真是太过分了!剑桥高阶〔mainline〕Instead of injecting drugs into toes, they mainlined themselves under the tongue.他们不是在脚趾注射毒品,而是在自己的舌头底下注射。21世纪英汉〔nail polish〕A clear or colored cosmetic lacquer applied to the fingernails or toenails.指甲油:涂在手指甲或脚趾甲上的一种清亮的或有色的化妆用漆美国传统〔nail〕A fingernail or toenail.手指甲,脚趾甲美国传统〔numb〕I had a numb feeling in my toes.我的脚趾麻了。韦氏高阶〔paint〕She'd painted her toenails with red nail polish.她用红色指甲油染了自己的脚趾甲。朗文当代〔pare〕She pared the two corns on her little toes.她削去自己小脚趾上的两个鸡眼。英汉大词典〔peek〕His toes peeked through the hole on his shoes.他的脚趾从鞋上的破洞里露出来。英汉大词典〔peep〕I could see her toes peeping out from under the sheet.我看见她的脚趾从被单下露出来。朗文当代〔perissodactyl〕Having an uneven number of toes.奇蹄的:有奇数个脚趾的美国传统〔podagra〕Gout, especially of the big toe.痛风,足痛风:痛风,尤指大脚趾的痛风美国传统〔poke〕She poked at the sand with her toes.她用脚趾戳沙子。韦氏高阶〔purpose〕You stepped on my toe on purpose.你故意踩我脚趾。英汉大词典〔quadrumanous〕Having four feet with opposable first digits, as primates other than human beings.四足如手的:有四足和与其他脚趾相对的第一个足趾的;如除人类以外的灵长类动物美国传统〔run〕She ran a splinter into her toe.她的脚趾扎进一根刺。英汉大词典〔sore〕The patient developed pressure sores on the toes of both feet.病人两只脚的脚趾上都长了褥疮。牛津搭配〔stamp on〕She accidentally stamped on my toe.她不小心踩到我的脚趾。韦氏高阶〔stamp〕She stamped on my toe! 她踩到我的脚趾了!牛津搭配〔stretching〕Try stretching your legs and pulling your toes upwards.试着双腿伸直并且向上拉伸脚趾。柯林斯高阶〔strike〕My right toe struck against a submerged rock.我的右脚趾踢到水下的一块石头上了。柯林斯高阶〔stub your toe〕She stubbed her toe against/on the leg of the chair.她踢到了椅子腿,踢痛了脚趾。韦氏高阶〔stubbed my toe〕I stubbed my toe on the table's leg.我的脚趾踢到了桌腿。韦氏高阶〔stub〕He stubbed his toe against the doorsill.他的脚趾踢上了门槛。英汉大词典〔submerged〕My right toe struck against a submerged rock.我的右脚趾踢到水中的一块石头上了。柯林斯高阶〔syndactyly〕A congenital anomaly in human beings characterized by two or more fused fingers or toes.并指(趾)现象:人类的一种先天性畸形,症状为两个或多个手指或脚趾并在一起美国传统〔tap〕To attach metal plates to (shoe toes or heels).给(鞋)钉掌:将金属片附钉在(鞋的脚趾处或后跟)美国传统〔thaw〕I could feel my ears and toes start to thaw out.我觉得耳朵和脚趾暖和过来了。牛津高阶〔tingle〕My fingers and toes are tingling with the cold.我的脚趾和手指冻得刺痛。剑桥高阶〔toast〕He toasted his feet [toes] at the fireplace.他在火炉旁烘暖他的脚[脚趾]。文馨英汉〔toenail〕The thin, horny, transparent plate covering the upper surface of the end of a toe.趾甲:一个覆盖一个脚趾末端的上部表面透明的角质薄片美国传统〔toe〕Can you touch your toes?(= by bending over while keeping your legs straight) 你弯腰够得着你的脚趾么?牛津高阶〔toe〕I accidentally stepped on her toe.我不小心踩到了她的脚趾。韦氏高阶〔toe〕I stubbed my toe against a stone.我的脚趾踢到了石头。外研社新世纪〔toe〕I stubbed my toe on the step.我的脚趾踢在了台阶上。牛津高阶〔toe〕I stubbed my toe(=hurt it by hitting it) on the step.我的脚趾碰到台阶受伤了。麦克米伦高阶〔toe〕The pitcher toed the mound,wound up and threw a fast ball.投球手用脚趾踩踏板,挥动手臂,投出了一个快球。21世纪英汉〔toe〕The shoe pressed painfully against her big toe.鞋子把她的大脚趾挤得很痛。牛津搭配〔toe〕Vera slipped off her shoes and wriggled her toes.薇拉甩掉鞋子,扭动着脚趾头。麦克米伦高阶〔touched〕She reached down, touching her toes with opposite hands… 她弯腰向下,左右手交叉触及脚趾。柯林斯高阶〔training〕Redman broke a toe in training.雷德曼在训练中折断了一根脚趾。柯林斯高阶〔tread〕I kept treading on his toes when we were dancing.我们俩跳舞时,我老是踩到他的脚趾。剑桥高阶〔trickle〕We let the sand trickle between our toes.我们让沙子在脚趾间滑落。麦克米伦高阶〔turn〕Turn your toes in, like this.像这样把脚趾往里翻。麦克米伦高阶〔waggle〕He was waggling his toes in his socks.他的脚趾在袜子里动来动去。柯林斯高阶〔wiggle〕He wiggled his fingers/toes.他摆了摆手指/扭了扭脚趾。韦氏高阶〔wiggle〕Henry wiggled his toes.亨利扭动他的脚趾。朗文当代〔wiggle〕Henry wiggled his toes.亨利摇动着脚趾头。21世纪英汉〔wing〕One of a pair of movable organs for flying, as the feather-covered modified forelimb of a bird or the skin-covered modified digits of the forelimb of a bat.翅膀,翼:用于飞行的一对可移动器官,如鸟的羽毛覆盖的改进的前肢或蝙蝠的皮毛覆盖的改进的前肢脚趾美国传统〔wriggle〕Baby Martha was wriggling her toes in the sand.小婴儿玛莎在沙子中扭动着脚趾。剑桥高阶〔wriggle〕She took off her shoes and wriggled her toes.她脱掉鞋子,扭动脚趾。朗文当代〔wriggle〕She wriggled her toes.她扭动着脚趾。牛津高阶A crab nipped his toe. 一只蟹咬住了他的脚趾。译典通All I could see was two feet sticking out from under the blanket with toes waggling.我所看到的只是从毯子下面伸出来两只脚,脚趾头在摆动着。剑桥国际Deformity of fingernails and toenails was common among people who drank the polluted water.手指甲和脚趾甲畸形的现象在饮用污染水的人中间很普遍。剑桥国际He stubbed his toe against the doorsill. 他的脚趾踢到了门槛上。译典通He suffered from frostbitten toes after crossing the Antarctic on foot.他在步行穿越南极之后脚趾冻伤。剑桥国际Her toes gave a wiggle. 她的脚趾扭动了一下。译典通I hit my toe against the door this morning and it's starting to throb.今天早晨我的脚趾踢到了门上,现在开始作痛。剑桥国际I kept treading on his toes when we were dancing.我们俩在跳舞时我不断地踩到他的脚趾头。剑桥国际It looks like you've broken your toe.看上去你好像跌断了脚趾头。剑桥国际My toes were so cold that I'd lost all feeling in them.我的脚趾冻得失去知觉了。剑桥国际Now, bend forward/over and touch your toes! 现在,朝前弯腰碰到脚趾。剑桥国际She dabbled her toes in the river. 她把脚趾伸在河中嬉水。译典通She put a dressing on the mangled toe. 她包扎砍伤的脚趾。译典通She wiggled her toes in the water.她在水中扭动脚趾。剑桥国际There is nothing more relaxing than lying on a beach and wriggling your toes in the sand.再也没有比躺在沙滩上,脚趾在沙子中扭来扭去更轻松自在的事情了。剑桥国际These tight shoes irritate my toes. 我的鞋太紧,夹痛我的脚趾。译典通




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