

单词 西班牙
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AREA〕Many of the families on our block are Hispanic-Americans. 我们这一街区的许多人家都是西班牙裔美国人。朗文写作活用〔Basque Provinces〕A region comprising three provinces of northern Spain on the Bay of Biscay. It borders on France in the northeast along the western Pyrenees.巴斯科省:由西班牙北部比斯开湾沿岸的三个省组成的地区,沿着比利牛斯西部地区在东北与法国接壤美国传统〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The guide explained the situation, alternating between Spanish and German. 向导交替用西班牙语和德语解释情况。朗文写作活用〔COURT/TRIAL〕The judge ruled that Pinochet was too ill to stand trial in Spain. 法官裁定皮诺切特病得很重,无法在西班牙接受审判。朗文写作活用〔Churrigueresque〕Of or relating to a style of baroque architecture of Spain and its Latin-American colonies, characterized by elaborate and extravagant decoration.西班牙巴洛克建筑的:西班牙和其拉丁美洲殖民地的巴洛克建筑方式或与之相关的,以精细的和过分的装饰为特点美国传统〔GO〕He's been going to Spanish lessons for months and he still can't speak a word of it. 他上西班牙语课好几个月了,还是一句话都不会说。朗文写作活用〔Galician〕A native or inhabitant of Spanish Galicia.加利西亚人:西班牙加利西亚的本地人或居民美国传统〔Hispano American〕A Hispanic American.美籍西班牙裔人美国传统〔Hispano〕A Hispanic.说西班牙语的人美国传统〔INDEPENDENT〕There is a lot of popular support for some form of autonomy in the Basque area of France and Spain. 许多人支持法国和西班牙的巴斯克地区获得某种形式的自治。朗文写作活用〔Papiamentu〕A creole based on Portuguese and pidginized Spanish and spoken in the Netherlands Antilles.帕皮亚门托语:一种荷属安的列斯群岛讲的基本葡萄牙语,并混有西班牙语的克里奥语化的语言美国传统〔SUITABLE〕I need someone who can speak both French and Spanish. Do you know anyone who fits the bill? 我需要一个能说法语和西班牙语的人,你认识这样的人吗?朗文写作活用〔Spanish〕Are you Spanish? 你是西班牙人吗?英汉大词典〔Spanish〕Spanish art/cooking/culture/territories 西班牙艺术/烹饪/文化/领土韦氏高阶〔WEATHER〕The Spanish ships were wrecked in the storm. 西班牙人的船在暴风雨中失事。朗文写作活用〔acquaintance〕Sadly, my acquaintance with Spanish literature is rather limited.可惜,我对西班牙文学所知相当有限。剑桥高阶〔action〕In her last novel, the action (= the main events) moves between Greece and southern Spain.在她最近发表的那本小说里,故事情节在希腊和西班牙南部交替展开。剑桥高阶〔against〕Gibraltar is situated close against the Spanish border.直布罗陀的位置紧靠西班牙边境。英汉大词典〔agent〕Please contact our agent in Spain for further information.如需更多信息,请联系本公司在西班牙的代理。剑桥高阶〔agreeable〕The sisters were agreeably surprised to find out that the King of Spain had been their rescuer.姐妹们惊喜地发现西班牙国王曾经救过她们。柯林斯高阶〔almost〕He contracted Spanish flu, which almost killed him.他得了西班牙流感,险些丧命。柯林斯高阶〔attack〕Spain attacked more in the second half and deserved a goal.西班牙队在下半场加强攻势,攻进了一球。牛津高阶〔bilingual〕He is virtually bilingual in Spanish and Portuguese.他算得上会讲西班牙语和葡萄牙语两种语言。牛津搭配〔bodega〕A small Hispanic grocery store, sometimes combined with a wineshop.小杂货店,酒店:经常有一酒吧的西班牙小杂货铺美国传统〔carer〕Spanish law gives the father equal claim, irrespective of which parent is the main carer.西班牙法律赋予孩子的父亲同等权利, 不管父母双方谁是孩子的主要照看人。外研社新世纪〔chess〕Will Smith enjoys playing chess and speaks fluent Spanish.威尔·史密斯喜欢下象棋, 还操着一口流利的西班牙语。外研社新世纪〔citizenship〕I was born in Spain, but I don't have Spanish citizenship.我出生在西班牙,但无西班牙公民资格。英汉大词典〔civil war〕The Spanish Civil War lasted from 1936 to 1939.西班牙内战从1936年持续到1939年。剑桥高阶〔close-run〕It was a close-run thing before Spain beat Poland 3-2.在西班牙队以3比2击败波兰队之前, 双方难分高下。外研社新世纪〔colonize〕Peru was colonized by the Spanish in the 16th century.秘鲁在16世纪沦为西班牙的殖民地。剑桥高阶〔colour〕Spain's national colours 西班牙国旗的颜色牛津高阶〔common market〕Spain and Portugal are joining the Common Market.西班牙和葡萄牙将加入欧洲共同市场。柯林斯高阶〔comparison〕After months of living in a tropical climate, Spain seemed cool by comparison.在热带气候下生活了几个月之后,西班牙相比之下好像还算凉爽。朗文当代〔compete〕When it comes to yachting, Spain can't compete with Turkey.在帆船运动上, 西班牙不如土耳其。外研社新世纪〔crease up〕He's trying to say hello in Italian and he says goodbye in Spanish, it creases me up every time.他想用意大利语打招呼, 结果却说成了西班牙语的“再见”, 每次都让我捧腹大笑。外研社新世纪〔criollo〕A Spanish American of European, usually Spanish descent.克里奥罗人:生于西属美洲的欧洲人,尤指西班牙血统的人美国传统〔dago〕Used as a disparaging term for an Italian, a Spaniard, or a Portuguese.拉丁人:用作对意大利人、西班牙人或葡萄牙人的贬称美国传统〔distinguish〕I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese.我有时很难分清西班牙语和葡萄牙语。剑桥高阶〔distributor〕Spain's largest distributor of petroleum products西班牙最大的石油产品分销商外研社新世纪〔don〕Don Abbr. D.Used as a courtesy title before the name of a man in a Spanish-speaking area. Don 缩写 D.先生:西班牙语用于男子名前表示尊称美国传统〔elect〕First-year students may elect French, Spanish, or German.一年级学生可选修法语、西班牙语或德语。21世纪英汉〔father〕Spanish was the language of their fathers.西班牙语是他们祖先的语言。麦克米伦高阶〔film〕They filmed for a week in Spain.他们在西班牙拍摄了一周。剑桥高阶〔foreign〕Spain was the first foreign country she had visited.西班牙是她访问过的第一个海外国家。剑桥高阶〔freshen〕You could freshen up your Spanish with some conversation classes.你可以上一些口语班来提高自己的西班牙语水平。麦克米伦高阶〔from〕Is Portuguese very different from Spanish? 葡萄牙语与西班牙语区别很大吗?牛津高阶〔gabble〕She started gabbling away at me in Spanish and I didn't understand a word.她开始叽里咕噜地对我说西班牙语,我一个字都没听懂。剑桥高阶〔ghetto〕The south coast of Spain has become something of a tourist ghetto.西班牙南海岸可以说已经成为旅游者的聚居区。牛津高阶〔go〕We're planning to go to Spain this winter.我们打算这个冬天去西班牙。麦克米伦高阶〔grandee〕A nobleman of the highest rank in Spain or Portugal.大公:西班牙或葡萄牙最高贵族美国传统〔ground〕She broke new ground when she filed her report on the Spanish Civil War.她发回的关于西班牙内战的报道开拓了新的视角。外研社新世纪〔half〕Roughly half (of) the class are Spanish and the others are a mixture of nationalities.班上大约有一半是西班牙人,其余的则来自各个国家。剑桥高阶〔immeasurable〕Your Spanish has improved immeasurably.你的西班牙语进步极大。朗文当代〔independence〕Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898.古巴于 1898 年脱离西班牙而获得独立。牛津高阶〔keep〕Do you still keep up your Spanish? 你还坚持说西班牙语吗?牛津高阶〔lead〕Spain still leads the field as the top British holiday destination.西班牙仍是英国人首选的度假胜地。麦克米伦高阶〔life〕She loved the Spanish way of life and immediately felt at home there.她喜欢西班牙的生活,一到那里就觉得舒适自在。牛津搭配〔memento〕I kept the bottle as a memento of my time in Spain.我留着这个瓶子是为了纪念我在西班牙度过的时光。朗文当代〔mind〕I had it in mind that one day I might move to Spain.我打算有一天也许会移居到西班牙去。朗文当代〔moment〕Julia's on holiday in Spain at the moment.朱莉娅目前在西班牙度假。朗文当代〔money〕Spanish/Italian/Japanese money 西班牙/意大利/日本货币麦克米伦高阶〔mustang〕A small, hardy wild horse of the North American plains, descended from Arabian horses and brought to the New World by Spanish explorers.北美野马,半野马:一种美国北部平原的小型强壮野马,是阿拉伯马的后裔并且被西班牙殖民者带入新大陆美国传统〔native〕He wishes he could speak Spanish like a native.他希望自己的西班牙语说得和西班牙人一样地道。韦氏高阶〔official〕Spanish is the country's official language.西班牙语是该国的官方语言。麦克米伦高阶〔pack〕The Spanish wine, with the flavour of honey, packed quite a punch.那种蜂蜜味道的西班牙葡萄酒劲很大。朗文当代〔padre〕Father. Used as a form of address for a priest in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Latin America.神父:神父,在意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙以及拉丁美洲对教士的一种称谓形式美国传统〔paso doble〕A lively Spanish dance.双步舞:一种轻快的西班牙舞蹈美国传统〔pick up〕I picked up some Spanish during my holiday.我在度假期间学了点西班牙语。外研社新世纪〔popularly〕She possessed the vibrant personality that is so often popularly associated with Spanish women.她拥有通常会令人联想到西班牙女性的火热个性。柯林斯高阶〔prior〕The course required no prior knowledge of Spanish.这门课不要求先前学过西班牙语。剑桥高阶〔proceeds〕We sold the business and bought a villa in Spain with the proceeds.我们卖了公司,用所得的钱在西班牙买了一幢别墅。朗文当代〔rally〕Carlos Sainz of Spain has won the New Zealand Motor Rally.西班牙人卡洛斯·赛恩斯在新西兰摩托车公路大赛中夺冠。柯林斯高阶〔renewed〕Spanish children are showing a renewed interest in traditional puzzles and board games.西班牙儿童正对传统拼图和棋类游戏重新燃起兴趣。外研社新世纪〔resident〕Since 1947 she has been resident in Spain.自1947年起, 她一直定居在西班牙。外研社新世纪〔señora〕A Spanish or Spanish-speaking woman.西班牙妇女或讲西班牙语的妇女美国传统〔share〕His share of the vote rose by 15 percentage points among Hispanics.他在西班牙裔选民中的得票份额增长了15个百分点。剑桥高阶〔shipwreck〕He was drowned in a shipwreck off the coast of Spain.他在西班牙海岸附近的一次海难中溺水身亡。柯林斯高阶〔shrine〕The museum is a shrine to the great Spanish artist.这座博物馆是瞻仰这位伟大西班牙画家的圣地。朗文当代〔south〕Spain is in the south of Europe.西班牙在欧洲的南部。英汉大词典〔sovereign〕In March 1889, she became the first British sovereign to set foot on Spanish soil.1889 年 3 月,她成为第一位踏上西班牙领土的英国君主。柯林斯高阶〔strengthen〕The company plans to strengthen its hand (=make itself more powerful) in Europe by opening an office in Spain.该公司计划通过在西班牙设立办事处来增强在欧洲的实力。朗文当代〔teach〕His mother had taught him some words in Spanish.他母亲教了他一些西班牙语单词。麦克米伦高阶〔term〕Felipe Gonzalez won a fourth term of office in Spain's election.费利佩·冈萨雷斯在西班牙选举中获得第 4 次连任。柯林斯高阶〔time〕Did you have a good time in Spain? 你在西班牙过得愉快吗?牛津高阶〔up〕Two women ran up to us, shouting in Spanish.两个女子用西班牙语叫喊着向我们跑来。麦克米伦高阶〔wax〕Portugal and Spain had possessed vast empires that waxed and waned.葡萄牙和西班牙都曾是经历了兴盛与衰落的大帝国。外研社新世纪〔wedge〕They tried to use the issue as a wedge to divide Democratic lawmakers from Hispanic voters.他们试图利用这一事件使民主党议员和西班牙裔选民产生分歧。外研社新世纪England and Spain waged war for many years. 英国和西班牙曾打过多年的战争。译典通First prize in the competition is a holiday for two in Spain and second prize is a jeroboam of champagne.比赛一等奖的奖品是赴西班牙的双人假日,二等奖是一大瓶香槟酒。剑桥国际I learned Spanish during my residence in Mexico. 我住在墨西哥时学会了西班牙语。译典通I've never been in an aeroplane since I had that panic attack when we flew to Spain.自从我们坐飞机去西班牙遇到那次恐慌事件来我再没乘过飞机。剑桥国际Italy were winning 3:2 until the last minute of the game when Spain managed to equalize.意大利队正要以3比2获胜时,在比赛最后一分钟,西班牙队与之拉平了比分。剑桥国际Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Mexico and Brazil are Latin countries.意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙、法国、墨西哥和巴西是拉丁语国家。剑桥国际My mother tongue is Spanish. 我的母语是西班牙语。译典通My mother, a Spaniard, always used to wax lyrical about the lemon trees which grew in the family garden.我的母亲是个西班牙人,她过去总就家中花园里的柠檬树抒发情感。剑桥国际Please contact our agent in Spain for further information.请与我们在西班牙的代理人联系,以便得到更多信息。剑桥国际Roughly half (of) the class are Spanish and the others are a mixture of nationalities.大约班级的一半是西班牙人,其余是来自各个国家的混合。剑桥国际Spain is the most popular tourist destination for Britons.西班牙是最受英国人欢迎的旅游胜地。牛津商务The three men went to the Bahamas, on the trail of (= searching for) a sunken 17th-century galleon full of treasure.这三个人到巴哈马去,寻找一艘装满了财宝的沉没了的17世纪西班牙大帆船。剑桥国际We went to Spain on a charter (flight).我们乘坐包机去西班牙。剑桥国际




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