

单词 赛季结束
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FINISH〕Eleven girls joined the junior high football team, but only four stuck it out until the end of the season. 十一名女孩参加了初中的足球队,但只有四个人坚持到了赛季结束。朗文写作活用〔MAYBE〕Martinez will need surgery, but there's an outside chance he'll be playing again before the end of the season. 马丁内斯要做手术,但在赛季结束之前他还有可能上场。朗文写作活用〔at the bottom of the pile〕The team finished the season at the bottom of the pile.本赛季结束时,球队排名靠后。韦氏高阶〔at the top of the pile〕The team finished the season at the top of the pile.本赛季结束时,球队排名靠前。韦氏高阶〔fairness〕In fairness to Bates, he always made it very clear that Webb was on trial until the end of the season.替贝茨说句公道话, 他意思一直很明确, 韦布在本赛季结束前只是试用。外研社新世纪〔fairness〕In fairness to Bates, he always made it very clear that Webb was only on trial until the end of the season.替贝茨说句公道话,他意思一直很明确,韦布在本赛季结束前只是试用。柯林斯高阶〔give〕Darren has decided to give up football at the end of this season.戴伦决定本赛季结束后就不再踢球。朗文当代〔go down〕At the end of the season, the three teams at the bottom go down.赛季结束时,有三支球队降级。剑桥高阶〔head〕They finished the season at the head of their league.赛季结束时他们在联赛中排名榜首。牛津高阶〔quietly〕Speculation is growing that Grogan will be replaced at the end of the season, and he is unlikely to go quietly .有关格罗根在本赛季结束时将会被替换掉的猜测越来越多,而他是不会善罢甘休的。朗文当代〔silverware〕The club has not yet given up hope of ending the season with some silverware.该俱乐部仍未放弃希望,想在本赛季结束时拿个银杯什么的。朗文当代〔stud〕The Derby winner Generous will be put to stud at the end of the season.德比赛马的获胜者“慷慨”在本赛季结束后将会作为种马留下来。剑桥高阶〔tie〕At the end of the season, we were tied with the Tigers.赛季结束时,我们与老虎队得分相同。朗文当代〔unceremoniously〕The team unceremoniously dumped him at the end of the season.球队在本赛季结束时粗暴地抛弃了他。韦氏高阶He has decided to retire from cricket at the end of the season.他决定在本赛季结束后从板球界退役。剑桥国际The Derby winner Generous will be put to stud in Britain at the end of the season.德比马赛的赢主“慷慨”将在赛季结束后留在英国做种马。剑桥国际The Mets will surely finish the season in last place (= at the lowest rank of their division).梅茨队肯定是这个赛季结束时的最后一名。剑桥国际The stakes -winning horse will be retiring from racing at the end of this season.这匹赢得了比赛的马将在这赛季结束时退休。剑桥国际




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