

单词 赛季开始
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SAME〕The team has played consistently well since the start of the season. 赛季开始以来,该球队一直发挥得很好。朗文写作活用〔catch up〕John began the season better than me but I have fought to catch up.约翰本赛季开始成绩比我好, 我在努力追赶他。外研社新世纪〔catch-up〕After our bad start to the season we were always playing catch-up.我们在赛季开始时受挫之后一直在努力追赶。牛津高阶〔condition〕When the season started, he was out of condition and not at his best.赛季开始的时候, 他身体状况不好, 不在最佳状态。外研社新世纪〔fit〕I need to get fit before the football season starts.我得在足球赛季开始以前恢复健康。麦克米伦高阶〔holdout〕He says he might be a holdout at the start of the next season if the team doesn't agree to pay him more.他说下个赛季开始时,若球队不同意多给他开工资,他会坚持斗争到底。韦氏高阶〔penalize〕Major-league baseball will begin penalizing players for steroid use next season.美国职业棒球大联盟将于下一赛季开始对服用类固醇的运动员实施处罚。外研社新世纪〔preseason〕The period immediately before the start of a new season, in which athletes undergo intensive training and participate in exhibition games.旺季前,活跃季节前:紧挨着新赛季开始前的一段时间,此时运动员进行高强度训练并参加表演性比赛美国传统〔punter〕He started off the season as both the kicker and punter.本赛季开始时他既是踢球手又是弃踢手。外研社新世纪〔start〕At the season's start, the team didn't play well.赛季开始时,球队表现不佳。韦氏高阶〔start〕He joined the team prior to the start of the season.他在本赛季开始之前就加入了这支队伍。牛津搭配〔win〕We've had two wins so far this season.这个赛季开始以来,我们已赢了两场。朗文当代He is about to join the big league of Formula 1 in time for the start of the new season at the South African Grand Prix.他打算新赛季开始及时参加南非国际汽车大奖赛的一流水平的一级方程式汽车赛。剑桥国际Inter Milan have signed two new midfielders for the start of the season.国际米兰队在这赛季开始时与两名新中场队员签了约。剑桥国际




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