

单词 赛场
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INSULT〕Smith was fined £500 for making foul and abusive comments to match officials. 史密斯因用脏话辱骂赛场裁判被罚500英镑。朗文写作活用〔PLAY A GAME OR SPORT〕One of the players has been sent off the field. 一名选手被罚出赛场。朗文写作活用〔PUNISH〕Even when Morton and Collins started fighting on the field, neither player was disciplined. 即使是莫伦和柯林斯在赛场上先打起架来,他们两人也无一遭到处罚。朗文写作活用〔action〕The Australian player could be back in action within a few weeks.那名澳大利亚球员也许在几周之内就可以重返赛场了。外研社新世纪〔announcer〕The racetrack announcer said that the next race was about to start.赛场播报员宣布,下一场比赛即将开始。韦氏高阶〔arena〕He left the arena to loud applause.他在热烈的掌声中离开了赛场。牛津搭配〔arena〕The rider has to halt the horse in the arena.骑手不得不在赛场上让马停下来。牛津搭配〔backcourt〕The part of the playing area farthest from the goal or target wall in certain court games, such as handball.后场:在某个室内项目如手球中比赛场区离球门或标靶墙最远的部分美国传统〔backstop〕Sports A screen or fence used to prevent a ball from being thrown or hit far out of a playing area, as in baseball.【体育运动】 场后围栏:用于阻止球被投出或打出比赛场地的一种屏障或栅栏,如在棒球比赛中美国传统〔backstretch〕The horses are in the backstretch.马匹都在赛场旁的非终点直道上。韦氏高阶〔barrier〕The palisades or fences enclosing the lists of a medieval tournament. Often used in the plural.高围栏:用来围住中世纪马上比武大赛赛场的木栏或栅栏,常用复数美国传统〔bathe〕The arena was bathed in warm sunshine.赛场沐浴在温暖的阳光中。外研社新世纪〔bench〕The place where the players on a team sit when not participating in a game.赛场外板凳:不参加比赛的运动员坐的地方美国传统〔brave〕The championship prize-winners made a brave sight as they entered the main arena.锦标赛的获奖者们进入主赛场时场面十分壮观。外研社新世纪〔burst〕He burst onto the racing scene in 1998.1998年他突然引人注目地出现在田径赛场。麦克米伦高阶〔capacity〕The game was watched by a capacity crowd/audience of 50,000 (= the place was completely full).比赛场座无虚席,5万观众观看了比赛。剑桥高阶〔chair〕The captain was chaired off the field.队长坐在球员肩上被高高扛出赛场。外研社新世纪〔challenge〕Agassi returned to make a major challenge for the Wimbledon title.阿加西重返赛场挑战温布尔登网球赛冠军头衔。麦克米伦高阶〔champ〕The star striker has been injured for three weeks and is champing at the bit to get back into action.这位明星前锋受伤三个星期了, 正迫不及待地要重回赛场。外研社新世纪〔cheer on〕Their fans cheered them on from the sidelines.粉丝们在赛场边为他们呐喊助威。韦氏高阶〔choose〕Atlanta was chosen as the site for the 1996 Olympic Games.亚特兰大被选定为1996年奥运会的赛场。麦克米伦高阶〔come out〕Those pictures I took at the game yesterday didn't come out.昨天我在赛场拍的那些照片不清楚。韦氏高阶〔compare〕Four racing groups were having an informal meeting in Daytona to compare notes.四支赛车队在代托纳赛场举行非正式会晤, 交换意见。外研社新世纪〔contention〕Team captain Jason Dodd is back in contention after overcoming a knee problem.队长贾森·多德在膝盖伤好之后重返赛场。外研社新世纪〔course〕Only 12 seconds separated the first three riders on the Bickerstaffe course.比科斯达夫赛场上的前3名骑手之间只差12秒。柯林斯高阶〔course〕Only twelve seconds separated the first three riders on the Bickerstaffe course.比科斯达夫赛场上的前3名骑手之间只差12秒。外研社新世纪〔crosscourt〕To or toward the other side of a playing court, especially a basketball or tennis court.斜线的:向着赛场,尤指篮球场或网球场的另一边的美国传统〔cruelly〕By a cruel irony, his horse came down on a flat part of the course.十分残酷而且极具讽刺意味的是,他的马在赛场的平地上摔倒了。柯林斯高阶〔cruel〕By a cruel irony, his horse came down on a flat part of the course.非常不幸的是, 他的马在赛场的平地上摔倒了。外研社新世纪〔debut〕Dundee United's Dave Bowman makes his international debut tonight.邓迪联队的戴夫•鲍曼今晚首次亮相国际赛场。外研社新世纪〔diamond〕The whole playing field.(棒球或垒球的)整个比赛场地美国传统〔disgrace〕She was sent home from the Olympics in disgrace.她被不光彩地从奥运会赛场打发回国了。牛津搭配〔disrepute〕The players' behaviour on the field is likely to bring the game into disrepute.球员在赛场上的表现很可能使这场比赛臭名远扬。牛津高阶〔drive〕Torrential rain drove the players off the course.滂沱大雨迫使选手们离开了赛场。朗文当代〔début〕Dundee United's Dave Bowman makes his international debut tonight.邓迪联队的戴夫•鲍曼今晚首次亮相国际赛场。外研社新世纪〔eject〕They ejected him from the game for hitting another player.因为他动手打另一名球员,他们将其逐出赛场。韦氏高阶〔field of play〕The field of play must be marked with distinctive white lines.比赛场地必须用白线清楚地标出。剑桥高阶〔field〕The portion of a playing field having specific dimensions on which the action of a game takes place.比赛场:有特定范围的举行比赛的比赛场地的一部分美国传统〔fight〕The team came out on the field full of fight.队员们斗志昂扬地进入了赛场。剑桥高阶〔flat〕The salt flats are used for motor racing.盐滩被用作摩托车比赛场地。剑桥高阶〔garden〕A large public auditorium or arena.大型公共礼堂,大型竞赛场地美国传统〔groundhopper〕Groundhoppers travel the world in order to attend matches of any level in as many stadiums as possible. 球场跳跃者周游世界,目的是尽可能多地去各级别比赛场地观战。剑桥高阶〔hallowed〕The hallowed turf of Twickenham is the venue for the Middlesex Rugby Sevens Finals.备受尊崇的特威肯纳姆体育场是米德尔塞克斯七人制橄榄球赛决赛的比赛场地。柯林斯高阶〔headset〕Soon the wearer of a virtual reality headset will be able to be 'present' at sporting or theatrical events staged thousands of miles away.不久以后, 人们戴上虚拟现实耳机就能在千里之外“呈现出”体育赛场和演出剧场。外研社新世纪〔home ground〕Austria, playing on home ground in Vienna, took a 3-0 lead over Italy.奥地利队在维也纳自家赛场以3比0领先意大利队。柯林斯高阶〔lay-off〕Owens is back in action today after a three-month injury lay-off.欧文斯由于伤病停赛3个月后今天又重回赛场。麦克米伦高阶〔layoff〕Foster is playing again after a six-week layoff due to injury.福斯特因伤休息6周后又重新回到了赛场。剑桥高阶〔lead〕The lead car is now three minutes ahead of the rest of the field.现在跑在最前面的汽车较赛场上其余的赛车领先三分钟。牛津高阶〔loyalty〕Mr Armstrong has divided loyalties when England play Scotland at rugby.当英格兰队和苏格兰队在橄榄球赛场相遇时, 阿姆斯特朗先生对两支球队都非常支持。外研社新世纪〔mark〕The competitors'arena had been marked off with cones.比赛场地已经用圆锥筒分隔出来了。朗文当代〔midfield〕The section of a playing field midway between goals.中场:比赛场地中位于两个球门之间中央的部分美国传统〔mudder〕A racehorse that runs well on a wet or muddy track.泥腿子赛马:一种在湿的或泥泞的赛场上跑得很好的赛马美国传统〔mustard〕The place simply does not cut the mustard as a venue for a leading tournament.这个地方完全不符合一流比赛场地的要求。外研社新世纪〔news〕And now with news from the Games, over to our Olympic correspondent.下面是来自奥运赛场的消息,由我们的奥运会采访记者报道。牛津搭配〔order〕The referee ordered the player off the pitch.裁判勒令那位选手离开赛场。外研社新世纪〔out of〕He got kicked out of the game for playing too rough.由于动作过于粗野,他被罚出了赛场。韦氏高阶〔penalty box〕An area to the side of an ice-hockey rink in which penalized players wait out the time of their penalties.受罚席:冰球或曲棍球比赛中被罚下场的球员在赛场一侧的座席美国传统〔pig〕According to the British show jumping team manager, 'It's a pig of a course — much too big and also very technical.' 据英国场地障碍赛马队教练说,“整个赛场太大,对技术的要求也高,比赛起来很困难。”柯林斯高阶〔pitch〕Hundreds of fans invaded the pitch at the end of the game.几百名球迷在比赛结束时蜂拥进入赛场。麦克米伦高阶〔playable〕Despite the frost, the pitch was playable.尽管有霜,赛场还是可以用。朗文当代〔presence〕She was a formidable presence on the set.她在赛场上令人生畏。牛津搭配〔rank outsider〕He came from nowhere, this rank outsider, to beat a field of top-class athletes.他这个谁都没有看上眼的选手一下子冒了出来,竟然击败了赛场上所有的顶尖运动员。剑桥高阶〔record〕Woods broke the course record with a superb score.伍兹以优异成绩打破了赛场纪录。麦克米伦高阶〔redeem〕A poor game was redeemed in the second half by a superb performance from Anthony Edwards.安东尼‧爱德华兹在下半场表现绝佳,使得本来糟糕的比赛场面大为改观。剑桥高阶〔renewed〕Price returned to the sport with renewed vigour after injury problems.普莱斯在受伤痊愈后又充满活力地重返赛场。麦克米伦高阶〔retire〕The racehorse will have to be retired.这匹赛马将不得不从赛场上撤下而永不参赛了。英汉大词典〔return〕He made a successful return to the game after several years of retirement.退役几年之后,他回到赛场又创佳绩。牛津搭配〔return〕Jones is hoping for an early return to racing after her injury.受伤后,琼斯盼望着能尽快重返赛场。牛津搭配〔ringside〕Sports The area or seats immediately outside an arena or a ring, as at a prizefight.【体育运动】 比赛场的外围:在竞技场或圆形场地外部紧邻的区域或座位,如在职业拳赛中美国传统〔ring〕He will never again be allowed inside a British boxing ring.他被终身禁止踏入英国拳击赛场。外研社新世纪〔roar〕The team came roaring back in the second half to win the game.这个队在下半场气势满满地回到赛场,以赢得这场比赛。韦氏高阶〔same〕I want to go home having won a game of football the same as you leave the ground and you want to go away with your team having won.你希望离开赛场的时候自己的球队取得了胜利,同样我也想赢了一场球赛再回家。柯林斯高阶〔scar〕The arena was scarred by deep muddy ruts.赛场上留下了深深的车辙泥痕。柯林斯高阶〔shadow〕Johnson returned to the track after his ban but was a shadow of his former self.约翰逊禁赛结束后又回到了赛场, 但其状态已远不及当初。外研社新世纪〔shot〕This is her first shot at an international title.这是她在国际赛场夺冠的第一次机会。麦克米伦高阶〔sideline〕Mercer will have his jaw wired up tomorrow and will be sidelined for six to eight weeks.默瑟明天要进行下颌骨固定手术, 将离开赛场 6至8 个星期。外研社新世纪〔sideline〕Mercer will have his jaw wired up tomorrow and will be sidelined for six to eight weeks.默瑟明天要进行下颌骨固定手术,将离开赛场 6至8 个星期。柯林斯高阶〔so〕The football arena was so designed that every seat had a good view of the field.美式橄榄球赛场这样设计,是为了让每位观众都能有个好视角。韦氏高阶〔spill〕Fans spilled onto the playing field.足迷们纷纷涌上赛场美国传统〔star turn〕She was the star turn in yesterday's game.她是昨天赛场上的明星。韦氏高阶〔stooper〕Slang One who looks for winning pari-mutuel tickets carelessly discarded by others at a racetrack.【俚语】 寻找赛场中被他人不经心遗弃的同柱分彩计算的中奖彩券的人美国传统〔streaker〕The game was interrupted when two streakers ran onto the field with a banner.两个裸奔者拿着个横幅跑进赛场,比赛被迫中断。剑桥高阶〔surge〕At the end of the game, there was a surge of fans onto the field.比赛结束后,大群的球迷涌向比赛场地。剑桥高阶〔thing〕The thing is to get well, and then you can think about playing again.首先要恢复健康,然后再考虑重返赛场。韦氏高阶〔touchline〕Either of the sidelines bordering the playing field in soccer and Rugby.边线:足球或橄榄球赛场的边线中的任意一条美国传统〔tournament〕She retired from tournament golf last year.她去年从高尔夫球赛场退役。牛津搭配〔track and field〕Athletic events performed on a running track and the field associated with it.田径运动:在跑道及其围成的田赛场上进行的体育运动美国传统〔track and field〕The team had no chance of striking gold in track and field.这支队伍中无人有机会在田径赛场上拿金牌。剑桥高阶〔use〕These lights are used for illuminating the playing area.这些灯用于比赛场地的照明。剑桥高阶〔venue〕The match will be played at a neutral venue.比赛将在中立方的赛场举行。牛津搭配〔vile〕Spain issued an unprecedented apology yesterday over the vile racist soccer chants.西班牙队昨天破天荒头一回就足球赛场上令人反感的种族主义加油口号作出道歉。外研社新世纪〔zest〕He retired from professional chess because he had lost the zest for winning.他退出了职业国际象棋赛场, 因为他已经失去了求胜欲望。外研社新世纪He was taken off the field suffering from a groin/hamstring strain.他因腹股沟/腿筋损伤而被抬下了赛场。剑桥国际It's heartwarming to see the friendship and enthusiasm these kids display on the sports field.孩子们在赛场上表现出的友谊和热情,真令人感到愉快。剑桥国际The Norwich fans gave their team a loud cheer as they trooped off the field.当球队队员列队离开赛场时,诺里奇的球迷向着他们大声欢呼。剑桥国际The field looked (like) a possible site for the competition. [L; I always + adv/prep] 该场地看来有可能成为比赛场地。剑桥国际The gymnastics team won the championship on home turf.体操队在本国赛场获得了冠军。剑桥国际The police roped off the playing field to keep back the crowd. 警察把比赛场地用绳子围起来,以防人群靠近。译典通These lights are used for illuminating the playing area.这些灯光用来给赛场照明。剑桥国际We spent the afternoon at the museum/the beach/a football match (=in that particular place).我们在博物馆/海滩/足球赛场度过了下午。剑桥国际




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