

单词 行家
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abscond〕a banker who absconded with all the money 携带所有款项潜逃的银行家韦氏高阶〔adept〕a form of kung fu practiced by only a handful of adepts 只有少数几个行家才会的一种武功朗文当代〔banker〕a merchant banker 投资银行家牛津高阶〔banker〕a merchant banker. 商业银行家柯林斯高阶〔banker〕an investment banker. 投资银行家柯林斯高阶〔big time〕a big-time investment banker. 十分成功的投资银行家柯林斯高阶〔brash〕a brash young banker 自以为是的青年银行家剑桥高阶〔camouflage〕an expert in military camouflage 军事伪装方面的行家麦克米伦高阶〔cognoscenti〕the jazz cognoscenti 爵士乐行家韦氏高阶〔connoisseur〕a connoisseur of ballet/cigars 芭蕾舞/雪茄行家剑桥高阶〔connoisseur〕a connoisseur of fine cuisine/art/jazz 美食家/艺术鉴赏家/爵士乐行家麦克米伦高阶〔dilemma〕the perennial dilemma between work and family commitments 事业成功与履行家庭义务之间长期存在的矛盾牛津搭配〔eye〕cast a professional economist's eye over the problem 以经济学行家的眼光审视这个问题 英汉大词典〔gnome〕the gnomes of Zurich 苏黎克的小鬼怪(以瑞士银行为根据地的大银行家们)文馨英汉〔high-flying〕a high-flying investment banker 极为成功的投资银行家剑桥高阶〔improver〕home improvers 进行家居修缮的人剑桥高阶〔inexpert〕a vicious circle of reluctant students and inexpert tutors不愿学的学生与外行家教构成的恶性循环外研社新世纪〔investment〕an investment banker 投资银行家麦克米伦高阶〔investment〕investment bankers. 投资银行家柯林斯高阶〔judge〕a good judge of used cars; a poor judge of character. 鉴定旧车的行家;不会判断性格的人美国传统〔maestro〕a maestro in the field of travel 旅行家英汉大词典〔manage〕a banker with long experience in managing the economy 具有管理经济事务长期经验的银行家英汉大词典〔mortgage〕a mortgage agreement/banker/lender/loan 按揭协议/银行家/贷方/贷款韦氏高阶〔office〕offices Chiefly British The parts of a house, such as the laundry and kitchen, in which servants carry out household work. offices 【多用于英国】 厨房,洗衣处:房间的一部分,如洗衣间和厨房,在那里仆人进行家务工作美国传统〔opulent〕an opulent banker 富有的银行家英汉大词典〔patrician〕the patrician banker Sir Charles Villiers. 出身名门的银行家查尔斯·维利尔斯爵士柯林斯高阶〔patrician〕the patrician banker Sir Charles Villiers贵族出身的银行家查尔斯•维利尔斯爵士外研社新世纪〔philanthropy〕a retired banker well known for his philanthropy. 以乐善好施著称的退休银行家柯林斯高阶〔philanthropy〕a retired banker well known for his philanthropy一位以行善著称的退休银行家外研社新世纪〔professionalism〕demonstrate one's skills and professionalism 表现出自己的技艺与行家本色英汉大词典〔proficient〕a proficient in music 音乐行家英汉大词典〔rich〕an affluent banker; 富裕的银行家;美国传统〔savvy〕a banker known for financial savvy. 以金融技能著称的银行家美国传统〔take〕was taken in by a confidence artist. 被一名骗人的行家给骗了美国传统〔thoroughpaced〕a thoroughpaced liar 说谎行家英汉大词典〔voyage〕voyages of the early travellers 早期旅行家的航海游记英汉大词典〔wiz〕a wiz at cars 汽车行家英汉大词典junior lawyers/analysts/bankers 初级律师/分析员/银行家牛津商务senior analysts/bankers/editors 高级分析员;资深银行家;高级编辑牛津商务the gnomes of Brussels 布鲁塞尔银行家牛津商务




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