

单词 行动中
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-tailed〕Officers had tailed the gang from London during a major undercover inquiry.在一次重大的秘密调查行动中,警察从伦敦就盯上了那帮匪徒。柯林斯高阶〔CATCH〕Nine men were arrested in drug raids, Saturday. 在星期六的扫毒行动中九名男子被捕。朗文写作活用〔Fabian〕Cautious or dilatory, as in taking action.谨慎而保守的:谨慎的、保守的,如在采取行动中美国传统〔Navy Cross〕A decoration awarded by the U.S. Navy for exceptional heroism in action.海军十字勋章:一种装饰品,由美国海军奖给在行动中表现出特殊的英雄主义的人美国传统〔PRAISE〕The police acted with commendable restraint, considering the amount of pressure they were under. 考虑到警方在行动中承受的巨大压力,他们的克制是值得称赞的。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕He was arrested after a cloak-and-dagger operation involving the CIA and MI6. 他在中情局和军情六处联合展开的秘密行动中被捕。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕Davies was eventually caught during a government crack-down on tax evasion. 戴维斯在政府打击逃税行为的一次行动中终于被抓住了。朗文写作活用〔assassination〕He narrowly escaped an assassination attempt (=when someone tries but fails to kill someone else) .他在一次暗杀行动中死里逃生。朗文当代〔associate〕A person united with another or others in an act, an enterprise, or a business; a partner or colleague.合伙人:一个在一次行动中,一个企业里,或一种业务上与另一人或其他人连在一起的人;伙伴或同事美国传统〔blemish〕These are minor blemishes on a remarkably smooth operation.这些只是一次异常顺利的行动中存在的些微不足之处。外研社新世纪〔bust〕In their latest drugs bust police entered a warehouse where cocaine dealers were meeting.在最近的毒品搜捕行动中,警方突袭了一个可卡因毒贩正在进行交易的仓库。剑桥高阶〔bust〕Six tons of cocaine were seized last week in Panama's biggest drug bust.上周在巴拿马规模最大的毒品搜查行动中查获了6吨可卡因。柯林斯高阶〔cloak-and-dagger〕She was released from prison in a cloak and dagger operation yesterday.在昨天的一次秘密行动中她从监狱获释。柯林斯高阶〔commando〕The hostages were freed in the commando raid.人质在突击队的突袭行动中获释。外研社新世纪〔commando〕The hostages were freed in the commando raid.在突击队的突袭行动中,人质获释。柯林斯高阶〔commit〕The country committed over 30000 troops to its intervention in the island.那个国家在干涉该岛的军事行动中投入了3万多人的兵力。英汉大词典〔concur〕Rival political parties concurred in this action.敌对的政党在这次行动中携手合作。英汉大词典〔cooperate〕Several organizations cooperated in the relief efforts.在救援行动中,多个组织通力协作。韦氏高阶〔dawn〕Ammunition was seized during a dawn raid on the house.在凌晨时分对住户的突击搜查行动中缴获了一批弹药。牛津搭配〔decorate〕They were decorated for their part in the rescue.他们因在此次救援行动中的表现而受到嘉奖。剑桥高阶〔dragnet〕Nine suspects were caught in the police dragnet.九名嫌疑人在警方的搜捕行动中落网。韦氏高阶〔drumhead court-martial〕A court-martial held for the summary trial of an offense committed during military operations.战地军法审判:对军事行动中的犯罪行为进行审判的军事法庭审判美国传统〔empower〕The army is now empowered to operate on a shoot-to-kill basis.军队得到授权,在行动中可以开枪射杀。柯林斯高阶〔eulogize〕Barry Davies eulogized Keegan's part in the operation.巴里·戴维斯盛赞基根在行动中发挥的作用。柯林斯高阶〔eulogize〕Barry Davies eulogized Keegan's part in the operation.巴里•戴维斯盛赞了基根在行动中发挥的作用。外研社新世纪〔feline〕Suggestive of a cat, as in suppleness or stealthiness.似猫的:在柔软或在鬼祟的行动中令人联想到猫的美国传统〔follow-up〕One man was arrested during the raid and another during a follow-up operation.一人在突袭中被捕, 另一人在后续行动中被捕。外研社新世纪〔follow-up〕One man was arrested during the raid and another during a follow-up operation.一人在突袭中被捕,另一人在后续行动中被捕。柯林斯高阶〔functional〕These units played a key functional role in the military operation.这些单位在军事行动中起到了主要的职能作用。牛津高阶〔good〕The police said a good 20 kilos of explosive were found during the raid.警察说在突击搜查行动中发现了20多公斤的炸药。剑桥高阶〔hunt〕Police forces in five counties are now involved in the murder hunt.现在已有 5 个郡的警力加入到搜捕谋杀凶手的行动中来。牛津搭配〔involvement〕In such military involvements we need to make sure that human rights violations do not occur.在这样的军事介入行动中,我们要确保不会发生侵犯人权的事。麦克米伦高阶〔latest〕The strike is the latest in a series by public employees in protest at government austerity measures.这次罢工是公职人员抗议政府财政紧缩措施的一系列罢工行动中最近的一次。外研社新世纪〔lose〕In 1978, 29 million days were lost in industrial action.1978 年,罢工行动中损失了 2.9 千万个工作日。朗文当代〔marine〕One plane, a marine F18, was lost in the raid.突袭行动中损失了一架F18舰载战斗机。剑桥高阶〔normalization〕The United States says they are not prepared to join in normalizing ties with their former enemy.美国表示他们不准备加入到和宿敌恢复正常关系的行动中。柯林斯高阶〔operation〕Ten arrests were made in an undercover operation.在一次秘密行动中有十人被捕。韦氏高阶〔pincer〕A maneuver in which an enemy force is attacked from two flanks and the front.钳形运动:军事行动中,敌方部队受来至两翼及前方的攻击的战略美国传统〔pluck〕Some refugee children were plucked out of the country in a number of mercy missions.在一些救助行动中有些儿童难民被拯救出那个国家。朗文当代〔rear〕The part of a military deployment usually farthest from the fighting front.后方:军事行动中常指远离前线的地方美国传统〔rescuer〕Five children were pulled from the smoke-filled house in heroic rescues by fire crews.在消防人员英勇的营救行动中,有5个孩子从浓烟弥漫的房子里被救出。柯林斯高阶〔rescue〕Ten fishermen were saved in a daring sea rescue.在一次惊心动魄的海上营救行动中,十名渔民获救。牛津高阶〔retire〕To lead (troops, for example) away from action; withdraw.使撤退:带领(例如军队)从军事行动中离开;退出美国传统〔rout〕A company, as of knights or wolves, that are in movement.一帮,一群:如骑士或狼群等正在行动中的一群美国传统〔seamanship〕The rescue was the finest piece of seamanship he had ever seen.这次救援行动中展示了他所见过的最高超的航海技能。外研社新世纪〔seize〕A large quantity of drugs was seized during the raid.在这次突击行动中起获了大量毒品。牛津高阶〔servable〕Come with us, maybe you can serve me in this activity.来吧,也许在这次行动中你会给我帮上忙。21世纪英汉〔shaggy〕Marked by a lack of order or clarity in thinking, planning, or performance.缺乏条理的:在思考、计划或行动中以缺乏顺序或条理性为特征的美国传统〔start〕To come quickly into view, life, or activity; spring forth.呈现:很快出地现在眼前、生活中或行动中;涌出美国传统〔sting〕They were caught in a drug sting.他们在一次精心设计的缉毒行动中被抓获。韦氏高阶〔take〕Combat pilots, flying low to avoid radar, took out the guerrilla leader's bunker in a single mission.在一次行动中,战斗机飞行员在低空飞行以躲避雷达,发现并炸毁了游击队领导所在的掩体美国传统〔umbilically〕It is clear that military and humanitarian objectives are likely to be umbilically linked in any ground operation.显而易见的是, 军事和人道主义目标很可能在任何地面行动中紧密相关。外研社新世纪〔word〕The police use code words for their major operations.警察在重大行动中使用代号。牛津搭配He was reported missing in action.报告称他在行动中失踪。剑桥国际In a daring rescue operation (= one showing bravery and willingness to risk danger), police entered the building and liberated the hostages.在一次勇敢的援救行动中,警方进入房子,解救了人质。剑桥国际In a well-rehearsed manoeuvre, the army swept into the city.在一次精心排练的军事行动中,陆军迅速攻占了那座城市。剑桥国际In the battle against car crime, police forces across Europe are to interlink their databases on stolen cars.在打击窃车罪的行动中,欧洲的警察力量准备将被盗汽车的数据库互相连结起来。剑桥国际The drugs were found during a raid by the police/a police raid (= a sudden entering of a building by the police, esp. when they are looking for criminals or illegal activities).警察在突袭行动中发现了毒品。剑桥国际They were decorated for their part in the rescue.他们因在救援行动中的作用而被授予勋章。剑桥国际Yesterday's announcement brings to twelve the number of British servicemen (= men in the armed forces) killed on active service in this region.昨天发表的公告说在这个地区的军事行动中有12名英国军人殉职。剑桥国际




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