

单词 装置
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Denver boot〕A device locked to the wheel of a parked vehicle to keep it from being driven, used especially to force settlement of outstanding traffic violations.丹佛锁扣:锁住停放的汽车轮子的装置,以防止车被开动,常用于强制性地解决较大的违章事件美国传统〔Get out of my sight〕The controls are hidden from sight behind a panel.控制装置隐藏在控制面板后面。韦氏高阶〔Jacuzzi〕A trademark used for a whirlpool bath or a device that swirls water in a bath.佳骨肌泡沫浴装置:一种用于涡流式沐浴或用于在浴池中产生漩涡的装置的商标美国传统〔MACHINE〕They were both aware that there might be listening devices hidden in the room. 他们俩都意识到房间里可能藏匿了监听装置。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕It is a primitive but effective device for raising water from a well. 这是从井里汲水的一种简陋但很有效的装置。朗文写作活用〔TWO〕It's much safer if you learn to drive in a car which has dual controls. 如果你用配有双重控制装置的汽车来学习驾驶就安全得多了。朗文写作活用〔VAB〕Voice answer back.话音应答装置美国传统〔aglet〕A similar device used for an ornament.类似的饰物:用作饰物的类似装置美国传统〔aid〕This feature is designed to aid inexperienced users.这个特色装置是为帮助没有经验的用户而设计的。牛津高阶〔animatronics〕The technology employing electronics to animate motorized puppets.动画电子学:使用电子装置令电动木偶表演的技术美国传统〔armature〕The moving part of an electromagnetic device such as a relay, buzzer, or loudspeaker.电枢:电磁装置的移动部分,如继电器,蜂音器或扬声器美国传统〔assembly〕For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device.在那天余下的时间里,他继续组装爆炸装置。柯林斯高阶〔automatic〕A transmission or a motor vehicle with an automatic gear-shifting mechanism.自动传动装置:一种带有可自动换档机制的传动器或汽车美国传统〔automatic〕An automatic machine or device.自动装置:自动化机器或设备美国传统〔biosensor〕A device that detects, records, and transmits information regarding a physiological change or process.生物传感器:检测、记录和传送生理变化或过程的信息的装置美国传统〔blue box〕An electronic device having a tone pulsator that prevents telephone equipment from registering long-distance charges.蓝盒子:一种带有声调振动器的电子装置,用以防止电话设备记录长途电话费用美国传统〔bracket〕A wall-anchored fixture for gas or electricity.电灯,煤气灯:安装煤气或电器用的固定在墙上的装置美国传统〔brigantine〕A two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on the foremast and having a fore-and-aft mainsail with square main topsails.双桅帆船:带两根桅杆的帆船,前桅挂横帆,纵帆装置的船挂方形斜桁帆美国传统〔burn〕Aerospace A firing of a rocket.【太空学】 火箭上的点火装置美国传统〔car phone〕A cellular telephone used or installed in a car.车载电话:使用或装置在车上的行动电话美国传统〔compressed air〕Air under greater than atmospheric pressure, especially when used to power a mechanical device or to provide a portable supply of oxygen.压缩空气:在高于大气压的压力下的空气,尤指用来驱动机械装置或为便携供氧器供氧美国传统〔contraption〕The people wondered how the contraption worked.人们想知道这台奇特的装置如何运转。韦氏高阶〔countermeasure〕The army used electronic countermeasures to block enemy radar.军队用电子干扰装置来对抗敌军雷达。韦氏高阶〔coupler〕Music A device connecting two organ keyboards so that they may be played together.【音乐】 联键音栓:连接两个风琴键盘使之能够同时演奏的装置美国传统〔crunch〕This computer has a separate CPU just for number crunching.这部计算机有处理数字的中央计算处理装置。21世纪英汉〔crutch〕A forked device or part.分叉装置,分叉部分美国传统〔cushion〕The suspension is designed to cushion passengers from the effects of riding over rough roads.悬架装置用于减轻汽车在崎岖路面行驶时带给乘客的颠簸感。外研社新世纪〔cutoff〕A device that cuts off a flow of fluid.截止阀:把一股液体截断的装置美国传统〔cutout〕Electricity A device that interrupts, bypasses, or disconnects a circuit or circuit element.【电学】 断流器:切断、分流或隔断某一电路或电路元件的装置美国传统〔cut〕The safety device cuts in automatically.安全装置在需要时会自动开启。朗文当代〔deduct〕Poor plumbing deducts from the value of the house.低劣的水管装置从房子的价格中扣除了美国传统〔detonate〕A remote control device was used to detonate the bomb.有人用遥控装置引爆了那颗炸弹。剑桥高阶〔devil〕A device or machine, especially one having teeth or spikes and used for tearing.扯碎机:某种特定用途的装置或机械,尤指扯碎用的、带齿或尖钉的装置美国传统〔direction finder〕A device for determining the source of a transmitted signal, consisting mainly of a radio receiver and a coiled rotating antenna.无线电测向仪:一种确定被传送的信号源的装置,主要由一个无线电接收器和一卷盘绕的旋转天线组成美国传统〔disk pack〕A computer storage device consisting of several magnetic disks that can be used and stored as a unit.磁盘组:装有几个磁盘的计算机存储装置,可被用作和存储成一个单元美国传统〔disposal〕An electric device installed below a sink that grinds garbage so it can be flushed away.搅碎机,污物碾碎器:一种装在橱房洗涤槽排水管内的电子装置,用来碾碎污物顺水冲走美国传统〔distillery〕An establishment for distilling, especially for distilling alcoholic liquors.蒸馏室;酿酒厂:用于蒸馏的装置,特别是指酒精蒸馏美国传统〔drain〕Medicine A device, such as a tube, inserted into the opening of a wound or body cavity to facilitate discharge of fluid or purulent material.【医学】 引流管:插入伤口或体腔,以便排出液体或脓状物的装置,如管子美国传统〔drive〕Electricity drives the machinery.这个机械装置靠电力驱动。韦氏高阶〔ejection〕He squeezed the ejection trigger.他紧扣弹射装置的扳机。英汉大词典〔elevator〕A granary equipped with devices for hoisting and discharging grain.活动谷仓:一个配有升高或排出谷物装置的谷仓美国传统〔equip〕The car is fully equipped with all the latest gadgets.这辆汽车装备了所有最新的装置。牛津搭配〔explode〕In 1974 India exploded a nuclear device.1974年, 印度引爆了一个核装置。外研社新世纪〔explosion〕Police carried out a controlled explosion of the device.警察对装置进行了控制引爆。朗文当代〔gimmickry〕The use of gimmicks.巧妙装置的用处美国传统〔guard〕An attachment or a covering put on a machine to protect the operator or a part of the machine.外壳:机器上的附加装置或外罩,用以保护操作者或机器的某一部分美国传统〔head〕An attachment to or part of a machine that holds or contains the operative device.附属品:机器上装有操作装置的部分或其附属物美国传统〔hobble〕A device, such as a rope or strap, used to hobble an animal.绳或皮带等用于缚住动物的装置美国传统〔immobilize〕The car's security device will immobilize the ignition system.这辆汽车的安全装置能使点火系统停止工作。朗文当代〔incapacitant〕A device or substance, such as tear gas, used to incapacitate individuals temporarily, as in riot control.致残剂:一种可使人暂时致残的装置或物质,如平定暴乱时所用的催泪瓦斯美国传统〔incendiary〕Five incendiary devices were found in her house.在她家里发现了5个纵火装置。柯林斯高阶〔intercooler〕A device for cooling a fluid between successive heating stages.中间冷却器:用于多级热层间冷却流体的装置美国传统〔intricacy〕These improvements increase the intricacy of the mechanisms.这些改进使机械装置更为机巧灵活。英汉大词典〔jack〕A usually portable device for raising heavy objects by means of force applied with a lever, screw, or hydraulic press.千斤顶,起重机:通过杠杆、螺丝钉或水的压力把重物提起的便携式装置美国传统〔jetfoil〕A passenger-carrying hydrofoil that is propelled by a jet engine.喷流水翼船:由喷气动力装置驱使的载客水艇美国传统〔keyboard〕Music Any one of various instruments played by means of a set of pianolike keys, often connected to a synthesizer or an amplifier.【音乐】 键盘乐器:具有象钢琴键一样装置的乐器,通常与电子合成音响或扬声器相连接美国传统〔life buoy〕A buoyant device, such as a cork or polystyrene ring, for keeping a person afloat in water.救生圈,救生衣:一种有浮力的装置,如软木或聚苯乙烯圈,用来使人能浮在水中美国传统〔linkage〕A system of interconnected machine elements, such as rods, springs, and pivots, used to transmit power or motion.联动装置:用来传递或运动的机器零件内部互相关联的系统,如连杆、弹簧和框轴美国传统〔machine〕A system or device for doing work, as an automobile or a jackhammer, together with its power source and auxiliary equipment.机械系统:用来工作的系统或装置,如汽车或手持式凿岩机,包括其动力源和辅助设备美国传统〔magneto〕A device that produces alternating current for distribution to the spark plugs, used in the ignition systems of some internal-combustion engines.永磁发电机,磁电机:产生交流电流从而给控制放电装置的火花塞配电的装置,用于一些内燃机的点火系统美国传统〔manually〕The device is manually operated, using a simple handle.一只普通的手柄就可以手动操作这个装置。柯林斯高阶〔mechanism〕A bomb has been detonated by a special mechanism.炸弹由一个专门装置引爆。柯林斯高阶〔motor drive〕A system consisting of an electric motor and accessory parts, used to power machinery.电动机驱动装置:适用于电动机器的、由一个电动机及其附属装置组成的设备系统美国传统〔nuclear weapon〕A device, such as a bomb or warhead, whose great explosive power derives from the release of nuclear energy.核武器:一种装置,如炸弹或弹头,其巨大的爆炸力来源于核能量的释放美国传统〔obturator〕A prosthetic device serving to close an opening in the body.修复性装置:用以关闭人体开口的修复性装置美国传统〔oil〕A crew of assistants oiled and adjusted the release mechanism.一班助手给排放装置加润滑油并作调试。外研社新世纪〔pickup〕The apparatus for transmitting a broadcast from an outside place to the broadcasting station.转播装置:把外界广播转入广播站的机器装置美国传统〔preprogram〕To program in advance; preset.预先编制程序;预先装置美国传统〔protector〕A device that protects; a guard.保护物:一个起保护作用的装置;保护装置美国传统〔province〕Once the province of IT departments, these devices are emerging as consumer products.这些装置曾经是信息技术部门的专属,但现在正作为消费品而出现。牛津搭配〔purchase〕A grip applied manually or mechanically to move something or prevent it from slipping.紧抓:用手工或机械装置移动某物或防止其打滑时所使用的牢靠的立足点美国传统〔request〕There was no bell button or any other means of requesting entry.没有门铃按钮或别的叫门装置。英汉大词典〔restraint〕Make sure the child safety restraint is in place.确保儿童安全装置安装到位。韦氏高阶〔rig〕Nautical The arrangement of masts, spars, and sails on a sailing vessel.【航海】 帆装:桅杆或圆材的装置,以及帆船的帆装美国传统〔schooner〕Nautical A fore-and-aft rigged sailing vessel with at least two masts, a foremast, and a mainmast stepped nearly amidships.【航海】 纵帆船:一种纵帆装置的航船,至少有二根桅杆,一根前桅,在靠近船的中部有一根主桅杆美国传统〔security〕Prevention of unauthorized use of a program or device.加密软件,保护设备:阻止非授权使用的程序或装置美国传统〔self-contained〕The device is self-contained, with an internal battery.这个装置是自足式的,配有一个内部电池。麦克米伦高阶〔sensor〕The security device has a heat sensor which detects the presence of people and animals.保安装置中有一个热传感器,能探测人和动物的存在。剑桥高阶〔shuttle〕A device used in weaving to carry the woof thread back and forth between the warp threads.梭子:纺织中带着纬线在经线中来回运动的一种装置美国传统〔sickle〕The cutting mechanism of a reaper or mower.收割机或割草机中的切割装置美国传统〔sight〕A device used to assist aim by guiding the eye, as on a firearm or surveying instrument.瞄准器:通过引导眼睛以帮助瞄准的一种装置,如火器或测量仪器上的美国传统〔sled〕A vehicle mounted on runners, used for carrying people or loads over ice and snow; a sledge.雪橇:装在滑行装置上的车辆,用于运载人或货物通过冰面或雪地;雪橇美国传统〔substitute〕Gas-fired power stations will substitute for less efficient coal-fired equipment.以煤气为燃料的发电站将会代替效率较低的燃煤装置。剑桥高阶〔switchboard〕One or more panels accommodating control switches, indicators, and other apparatus for operating electric circuits.配电板:一块或多块装有控制器、显示器和其它用于操纵电路的装置的板美国传统〔tabulator〕A mechanism on a typewriter for setting automatic stops or margins for columns.跳格键:打字机上为打出自动的停顿并成为纵行间所留空白而设计的一种机械装置美国传统〔tape drive〕A device that reads data stored on magnetic tape and writes data onto the tape for storage.磁带机:可以读写磁带数据的装置美国传统〔trier〕An instrument or a device, such as a tube or siphon, for taking samples of wine, for example.取样管:一种取样(如葡萄酒取样)的仪器或装置,如管或弯管美国传统〔tumbler〕A projecting piece on a revolving or rocking part in a mechanism that transmits motion to the part it engages.转臂:机械装置中转动或摇动部分上的凸出部分,用来把另一机体移到啮合部位美国传统〔tuner〕A device for tuning, especially an electronic circuit or device used to select signals at a specific radio frequency for amplification and conversion to sound.调节器,调谐器:用来进行调节的装置,尤指一种电子电路或电子装置,用来选择某一特定发射频率的信号来放大并转换成声音美国传统〔wheel lock〕A firing mechanism in certain obsolete small arms, in which a small wheel produces sparks by revolving against a flint.转轮点火机:某些老式小型武器的点火机械装置,该装置中的轮子通过绕着火石旋转而产生火花美国传统〔winder〕A device, such as a key, for winding up a spring-driven mechanism.上发条的钥匙:用来给一个弹簧启动的机械上发条的装置,如钥匙美国传统〔wiretap〕Federal agents put a wiretap on his phone.联邦探员在他的电话机内安装了窃听装置。韦氏高阶〔wrestle〕He wrestled with the controls as the plane plunged.飞机向下冲时,他竭力控制住操纵装置。牛津高阶I think it's the ignition that is faulty.我认为是点火装置有问题。剑桥国际I've got a mask with a snorkel attached.我有一个连着水下呼吸装置的面罩。剑桥国际If there's an electrical failure, it's possible to operate the lift manually.如果没有电,可以手动操作这台升吊装置。剑桥国际The device has a built-in calendar.这装置具有内置记事程序。牛津商务The fuse is a safety device, a deliberate weak spot in the circuit.保险丝是一种安全装置,是电路中故意设置的弱点。剑桥国际They're having some sunbeds fitted at the health club that I go to.我常去的那家健身房正在装置一些日光浴床。剑桥国际We've got a juicer, a blender, a coffee grinder--in fact all manner of kitchen gadgetry.我们有果汁器、搅拌器、磨咖啡机----实际上是各种各样的厨房装置应有尽有。剑桥国际




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