

单词 装束
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER〕A simple string of pearls will complement any outfit. 一条简单的珍珠项链配任何装束都很好看。朗文写作活用〔black〕He was dressed all in black.他一袭黑衣装束。柯林斯高阶〔bloomer〕A costume formerly worn by women and girls that was composed of loose trousers gathered about the ankles and worn under a short skirt.布卢姆服:妇女和少女以前的一种装束,由束紧在脚踝的宽松裤组成,并且穿在短裙的下面美国传统〔chic〕Chic was wearing a clean pair of sweat socks.流行的装束是穿一双干净的球袜。英汉大词典〔color〕She added color to her outfit with a bright scarf.她带了一条艳丽的围巾,给她的装束增色不少。韦氏高阶〔costume〕In the colourful markets at Chincero and Pisac, women still wear their traditional costume.在金测罗和皮萨克五颜六色的集市上,女人们还是身着传统装束。柯林斯高阶〔dressed〕He is usually dressed in black.他通常是一身黑色装束。韦氏高阶〔dress〕She always dressed entirely in black.她一向全身黑色装束。牛津高阶〔dress〕The play was performed in modern dress (=clothes from the present time) .这出戏里穿的是现代装束。朗文当代〔every inch〕She looked every inch a vampire in her costume.她穿那身装束看起来真像吸血鬼。剑桥高阶〔fop〕A man who is preoccupied with and often vain about his clothes and manners; a dandy.纨绔子弟:一个过于注重衣着和仪表或常以自己的装束和仪态而自负的人;花花公子美国传统〔formalwear〕Attire, such as evening gowns and tuxedos, for wear on formal occasions.礼服:出席正式场合穿着的装束,如晚礼服和小夜礼服美国传统〔get up〕He was in some kind of Mafia get-up, with a pinstriped suit and wide tie.他穿着竖条纹西装和宽领带,像是黑手党的装束。剑桥高阶〔getup〕I hardly recognized him in that getup! 他那副装束,我几乎认不出来了!朗文当代〔habit〕A distinctive dress or costume, especially of a religious order.宗教服装:独特的衣服或装束,尤指宗教教派所穿的美国传统〔issue〕She was wearing the heavy black jacket that was standard police issue.她穿着那件厚重的黑夹克衫,那是标准的警察装束。麦克米伦高阶〔livery〕The costume or insignia worn by the retainers of a feudal lord.装束:封建主的随从所穿的服装或所戴标志美国传统〔midriff〕She wore a skimpy outfit that showed her bare midriff.她装束短小,露出了上腹部。韦氏高阶〔minute〕Her styles are always up to the minute.她的装束总是非常时髦。牛津高阶〔mix and match〕She's able to mix and match her sweaters with different skirts to create new outfits.她能用羊毛衫和不同裙子搭配出新的装束。韦氏高阶〔norm〕Their appearance conforms to the group norm.他们的装束符合这一群体的规范。牛津搭配〔photobomb〕We were photobombed by a guy dressed in a gorilla suit.我们的照片被一个身穿大猩猩装束的人搅了。剑桥高阶〔regalia〕The war regalia of the tribe is on display at the museum.这个部落的出征装束在博物馆里展出。韦氏高阶〔thing〕It wouldn't be quite the thing to turn up in running gear.一身跑步装束露面可不大成体统。牛津搭配〔toilette〕A person's dress or style of dress.装束:一个人的衣着或衣着的风格美国传统〔underdress〕An outer garment, such as a dress beneath a tunic or coat, that is worn as part of a costume or suit.衬裙:穿在束腰长套衫或外套里边,作为装束或套装一部分的外衣美国传统〔vesture〕Clothing; apparel.衣服;装束美国传统His very clothes seemed to partake of his hospitable nature. 他这身装束似乎显示了他的好客。译典通Many women who take the veil say that it liberates them, because men no longer chat them up.许多穿戴穆斯林传统装束的妇女说,那种装束使他们得到解放,因为男人不再与她们搭讪。剑桥国际She wore the usual garb of the office worker--smart suit and high heels.她穿的是办公室工作人员的通常装束----时髦的套装和高跟鞋。剑桥国际




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