

单词 装有
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔CONTAIN〕a pewter box containing Spanish coins from the 1540s 一个装有16世纪40年代西班牙硬币的白镴盒子朗文写作活用〔Dolby〕a cassette deck equipped with Dolby noise reduction. 装有杜比降噪系统的磁带盒柯林斯高阶〔amusement〕a place full of swings and amusements. 装有秋千并设有许多娱乐活动的地方柯林斯高阶〔barred〕a brick building with bars across the ground floor windows. 一楼窗户装有铁栅的砖砌建筑柯林斯高阶〔booby trap〕a booby-trapped car 装有饵雷的车韦氏高阶〔clapboard〕a clapboard wall一道装有楔形护板的墙外研社新世纪〔clobber〕cars clobbered with chromium plate 不惜工本装有镀铬饰板的汽车英汉大词典〔closure〕a bag with zipper closure 装有拉链的包英汉大词典〔come〕come the moralist 装有道学家的样子文馨英汉〔compactum〕a handbag containing a lipstick and compactum 装有一支唇膏和盒子的手提包英汉大词典〔contain〕a brown envelope containing dollar bills 装有钞票的棕色信封牛津高阶〔defroster〕a freezer with a built-in defroster 装有内置除霜器的冰柜韦氏高阶〔diminutive〕a radio with a diminutive set of speakers 装有微型扬声器的收音机韦氏高阶〔fin〕a car from the 1950s with fins on the back *20世纪50年代装有尾翼的汽车韦氏高阶〔flask〕a culture flask containing 4 ml of the medium 装有 4 毫升培养基的培养瓶牛津搭配〔fused〕a fused circuit装有熔断器的电路外研社新世纪〔grain〕bags of mixed grain 装有混合谷粒的袋子麦克米伦高阶〔instrumented〕a fully instrumented missile 装有全部导航仪器的导弹英汉大词典〔loaded〕a loaded rifle/pistol 装有子弹的步枪/手枪韦氏高阶〔lushness〕a mirrored bathroom done in soft pink tiles with a lush, plush carpet. 铺粉色瓷砖和豪华地毯、装有镜子的卫生间柯林斯高阶〔meter〕a metered parking place 装有停车计时器的停车场英汉大词典〔mirrored〕a mirrored hall 装有镜子的大厅麦克米伦高阶〔motorized〕a motorized wheelchair 装有发动机的轮椅麦克米伦高阶〔panelled〕a large, comfortable, panelled room. 装有护墙板的舒适的大房间柯林斯高阶〔pivot〕a pivoted mechanism 装有枢轴的机械装置英汉大词典〔raw〕two ships carrying raw sugar from Cuba. 两艘来自古巴装有粗糖的船柯林斯高阶〔refrigerate〕a lorry with refrigerated cargo. 装有冷藏货物的卡车柯林斯高阶〔scrambler〕a phone with a scrambler 装有保密器的电话英汉大词典〔shuttered〕green-shuttered colonial villas. 装有绿色百叶窗的殖民时期风格的别墅柯林斯高阶〔simulate〕to simulate knowledge假装有知识21世纪英汉〔snap〕snap pockets. 装有摁扣的口袋美国传统〔spike〕a 15-foot wall topped with iron spikes. 顶端装有铁刺的 15 英尺高的墙柯林斯高阶〔strand〕high fences, topped by strands of barbed-wire顶部装有几根带刺铁丝的高围栏外研社新世纪〔tip〕a filter-tipped cigarette 末端装有滤嘴的香烟文馨英汉〔turbocharged〕a turbocharged engine 装有引擎排气转动涡轮式强化器的引擎文馨英汉〔tyre〕an off-road vehicle fitted with balloon tyres 装有低压轮胎的越野车牛津搭配〔upholstered〕the deep upholstered chairs in rich jewel colours装有厚软垫的鲜艳宝石色椅子外研社新世纪〔vcr〕a TV equipped with a built-in VCR 装有内置录像机的电视牛津搭配〔weatherboard〕a weatherboard cottage 装有封檐板的小屋韦氏高阶〔windup〕a windup toy (gramophone) 装有发条的玩具(留声机)英汉大词典




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