

单词 coins
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕Lenny bent over to pick up the coins. 伦尼弯下腰去捡硬币。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕The coins were discovered by a team of archaeologists. 这些钱币是一个考古小组发现的。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕He melts down coins to make into earrings and ornaments. 他把硬币熔化掉,做成耳环和装饰品。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕Sam fished about in his pockets and produced a few coins. 萨姆在口袋里摸摸,找出几枚硬币来。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Insert the correct coins, then select the drink you want and press the button. 投入适当的硬币,然后选择想要的饮料,按下那个按钮。朗文写作活用〔RARE/RARELY〕Silver coins of this period are not common, and could be very valuable. 这一时期的银币不常见,可能很值钱。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕She took a few coins out of her purse. 她从钱包里拿出几枚硬币。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The coins in his pocket jingled together noisily. 他口袋里的硬币叮当作响。朗文写作活用〔TIE/UNTIE〕I put the coins in a piece of cloth, tied it up and put the package in my bag. 我把硬币放在一块布里,把它扎紧,然后把这布包放在我的包里。朗文写作活用〔abrasion〕Coins become thinner by constant abrasion.硬币因经常磨损而变薄。英汉大词典〔accept〕The new coffee machines will accept coins of any denomination.新型咖啡机接受任何面值的硬币。剑桥高阶〔accept〕The payphones here accept either coins or phonecards.这里的付费电话可用硬币也可用电话卡。麦克米伦高阶〔accept〕The telephone booths accept 10 and 20 pence coins.电话亭可使用10便士和20便士的硬币。柯林斯高阶〔accept〕The telephones accept 10 and 20 pence coins.这些电话接受10和20便士的硬币。外研社新世纪〔accept〕This machine only accepts coins.这台机器只接受硬币。牛津高阶〔amazed〕Mr Graham was amazed to find 46 ancient gold coins inside the pot.格雷厄姆先生惊奇地发现罐子里有46枚古代金币。剑桥高阶〔away〕He's got lot of gold coins hidden away somewhere.他在某处藏了很多金币。麦克米伦高阶〔a〕If A, B, and C divide the coins equally, how many does each person get? 如果甲、乙、丙三人均分这些硬币,每人获得几枚?韦氏高阶〔bag〕They'll only accept coins that have been bagged up.他们只接受袋装的硬币。麦克米伦高阶〔be about〕There are not gold coins about now.目前没有金币在流通。21世纪英汉〔bend〕Emma bent over to pick up the coins.埃玛弯下腰去捡硬币。朗文当代〔bend〕I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road.我弯腰捡起路上的硬币。剑桥高阶〔billon〕An alloy of gold or silver with a greater proportion of another metal, such as copper, used in making coins.金银合金:金或银与大部分其他金属,如铜的合金,用于铸币美国传统〔bloom〕A similar coating, as on newly minted coins.涂抹粉霜:类似的涂抹,例如涂抹新铸的钱币美国传统〔bottom〕I found some coins at the bottom of my bag.我在我的手提包底找到了几枚硬币。牛津高阶〔cascade〕Coins cascaded from/out of the fruit machine.大量硬币从吃角子老虎机中倾泻而出。剑桥高阶〔cascade〕One million coins cascaded into their pockets.100万硬币倾注他们囊中。英汉大词典〔cash〕Any of various Asian coins of small denomination, especially a copper and lead coin with a square hole in its center.亚洲小额货币:一种小额的亚洲钱币,尤指中间有一个方孔的铜币和铅币美国传统〔chance〕Henry chanced upon some valuable coins in the attic.亨利无意中在阁楼里发现了一些很珍贵的硬币。朗文当代〔change〕Could you give me change for a ten pound note(= coins or notes that are worth this amount)? 你能换给我十英镑的零钱吗?牛津高阶〔change〕I didn't have any small change(= coins of low value)to leave as a tip.我没有零钱留下来付小费。牛津高阶〔chink〕A slight, metallic sound, as of coins rattling in a pocket.叮铛声:一种象口袋中硬币碰撞发出轻微的金属声美国传统〔chink〕He chinked his coins in his pocket.他使口袋里的钱币叮当作响。文馨英汉〔chink〕The coins chinked lightly in his pocket as he walked along.他走路的时候,口袋里的硬币发出叮当轻响。剑桥高阶〔chink〕We heard the chink of coins from the slot machine.我们听到了老虎机里硬币的碰撞声。韦氏高阶〔chop〕A mark stamped on goods or coins to indicate their identity or quality.戳记:打在货物或硬币上标明质量或数量的一种戳记美国传统〔circulation〕The coins have recently entered circulation.这些硬币最近开始流通。韦氏高阶〔circulation〕The coins were taken out of circulation.这种硬币已停止流通。牛津高阶〔circulation〕The Treasury Department plans to remove older coins from circulation and replace them with new ones.财政部打算从市场上收回旧硬币,以新的硬币取代它们。朗文当代〔circulation〕The new coins will go into general circulation next year.新铸币将于明年进入全面流通。牛津搭配〔circulation〕The one and two cent coins were withdrawn from circulation in 1991.一美分和两美分的硬币从1991年起就不再流通了。外研社新世纪〔clink〕I could hear the clink of coins in his pocket.我能听到他口袋里的硬币叮当作响。剑桥高阶〔clink〕The coins are clinking in his pocket.硬币在他口袋里丁当作响。21世纪英汉〔coinage〕The right or process of making coins.制造硬币的权利或过程美国传统〔coin〕I asked for £10 in 20p coins.我要10英镑面值为20便士的硬币。剑桥高阶〔coin〕I have a dollar in coins.我有一美元的硬币。韦氏高阶〔coin〕I haven’t any coins, only notes.我没有硬币,只有钞票。牛津同义词〔coin〕Some of the coins are still in circulation.这些硬币中有一些还在流通。牛津搭配〔coin〕The last silver coins were minted in 1964.最后一批银币是在 1964 年铸造的。牛津搭配〔collection〕She made a collection of Roman coins and medals.她收藏古罗马钱币和纪念章。牛津搭配〔collect〕He collects coins for a hobby.他为嗜好而搜集钱币。文馨英汉〔conjure ... up〕The old man conjured up a bag of silver coins from his pocket.老人像变戏法似的从衣袋里掏出一包银币。21世纪英汉〔conjure〕He could conjure coins from behind people's ears.他可以从人们的耳朵后面变出硬币来。牛津高阶〔conjure〕He is good at conjuring with silver coins.他擅长用银币变戏法。21世纪英汉〔currency〕Coins and paper money are currency in the United States.铸币和纸币在美国是通货。英汉大词典〔custom〕People threw coins onto the stage, as was the custom.人们向舞台上扔钱币,这是他们的习俗。牛津搭配〔decimal〕In 1971, the 1p and 2p decimal coins were introduced in Britain.1971年, 英国开始流通一便士和两便士的十进位硬币。外研社新世纪〔decimal〕In 1971, the 1p and 2p decimal coins were introduced in Britain.英国于 1971 年开始使用十进制的 1 便士和 2 便士硬币。柯林斯高阶〔delve〕Frank delved into his pocket and brought out a few coins.弗兰克从口袋里翻出几个硬币。麦克米伦高阶〔denomination〕I need coins of the right denomination for the slot machine.我需要面额合适的硬币来使用自动售货机。牛津同义词〔denomination〕It always takes time to get used to the different denominations of coins when you go to a foreign country.到了国外,总要花些时间才能熟悉不同面额的硬币。剑桥高阶〔dig〕He dug into his pocket and took out a few coins.他把手伸进口袋里摸索一番后掏出了几枚硬币。剑桥高阶〔dip (sth) in/dip (sth) into sth〕He dipped his hand in his pocket and took out a few coins.他伸手从口袋里掏出了几枚硬币。剑桥高阶〔dip〕I dipped into my pocket for some coins.我从口袋里掏出几枚硬币美国传统〔dip〕She dipped into her purse and took out some coins.她从钱包里掏出一些硬币。牛津高阶〔dive〕She dived into her bag and took out a couple of coins.她立即将手伸进包里拿出几枚硬币。牛津高阶〔drop〕He dropped a few coins into my hand.他把几枚硬币丢在我手里。麦克米伦高阶〔ducat〕Any of various gold coins formerly used in certain European countries.达克特:旧时用于某些欧洲国家的各类金币美国传统〔eject〕The coffee machine suddenly ejected a handful of coins.突然从咖啡自动售卖机里弹出一把硬币。剑桥高阶〔enhance〕Rarity enhances the worth of old coins.旧钱币以稀为贵。21世纪英汉〔ever〕Goldfine was the only person ever to have offered me some coins then.戈尔德凡是唯一在当时主动给我几个硬币的人。英汉大词典〔fare〕I need some coins for the bus fare.我需要几个硬币买公共汽车票。韦氏高阶〔feed〕He fed coins into the meter.他把硬币投入停车计时收费器。牛津高阶〔feed〕She fed her last two coins into the machine for a cup of coffee.她将最后两枚硬币塞进机器里买一杯咖啡。朗文当代〔feed〕She fed more coins into the slot.她往投币口塞进更多的硬币。韦氏高阶〔find〕He found a few coins in the car.他在汽车里捡到几枚硬币。21世纪英汉〔finger〕He fingered the few coins in his pocket.他拨弄着口袋里的几枚硬币。外研社新世纪〔finger〕He fingered the few coins in his pocket.他拨弄着口袋里的几枚硬币。柯林斯高阶〔fistful〕Mandy handed him a fistful of coins.曼迪递给他一把硬币。柯林斯高阶〔fist〕He came back with a fist of coins.他回来时手里攥着一把硬币。外研社新世纪〔flat〕Coins are usually round and flat.硬币通常都是扁圆形的。韦氏高阶〔florin〕Any of several gold coins similar to the Florentine florin, formerly used in Europe.与弗罗林相似的钱币:任何一种与佛罗伦萨的弗罗林相似的钱币,旧时用于欧洲美国传统〔handful〕He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket.他从口袋里掏出一把硬币。剑桥高阶〔hoard〕Gold coins have been found in hoards in many parts of the country.在这个国家的很多地区都发现了大批埋藏的金币。牛津搭配〔insert〕Insert coins into the slot and press for a ticket.把硬币放进投币口,按钮取票。牛津高阶〔issue〕An item or set of items, as stamps or coins, made available at one time by an office or bureau.成套发行:一细目或一套细目,例如邮票和货币的发行,通常是由部或局在某一段时间内规定有效的美国传统〔jangle〕Coins jangled out of the machine.硬币叮叮当当地从机器里掉出来。韦氏高阶〔jingle〕She jingled the coins in her pocket.她把兜里的硬币弄得叮当响。牛津高阶〔jingle〕She jingled the coins in her pocket.她把兜里的硬币弄得叮当响。韦氏高阶〔jingle〕The coins jingled in her pocket as she walked along.她走路时硬币在口袋里叮当作响。剑桥高阶〔joke〕The comedian joked coins from audience.那喜剧演员靠插科打诨赢得观众钱币。英汉大词典〔kreuzer〕Any of several small coins of low value formerly used in Austria and Germany.十字币:旧时在奥地利和德国使用的一种低面值小硬币美国传统〔legal tender〕Those coins are no longer legal tender.这些硬币已经不再是法偿币了。外研社新世纪〔lira〕Coin-operated telephones took 100, 200 and 500 lire coins.投币电话接受100,200和500里拉的硬币。柯林斯高阶〔lira〕Coin-operated telephones took 100, 200 and 500 lire coins.投币电话机接受100、200或500里拉的硬币。外研社新世纪〔medallion〕Any of various large ancient Greek coins.古希腊各种大硬币之任何一种美国传统〔metal detector〕A hand-held unit used in searching an area for coins or other metal objects.手持式金属探测器:用以搜寻某个地区的钱币或是金属物体的手持式仪器美国传统〔milling〕The ridges cut on the edges of coins.轧出的边:硬币周围所轧制的边美国传统〔mintage〕Coins manufactured in a mint.硬币:在铸币厂铸造的硬币美国传统〔mintage〕The act or process of minting coins.铸币:铸币的过程或行为美国传统〔mint〕A place where the coins of a country are manufactured by authority of the government.铸币厂:在政府的授权之下铸造一国所使用的硬币的地方美国传统〔mint〕One of the coins was minted in Africa.其中一枚硬币是在非洲铸造的。外研社新世纪〔mint〕Only 2,000 of the special commemorative coins are being minted.只有 2000 枚这种特别纪念币在铸造。朗文当代〔mint〕We mint coins out of copper.我们用铜铸造硬币。韦氏高阶〔miscellany〕The top drawer held a miscellany of foreign coins and banknotes.最上层的抽屉装着各式各样的外国硬币和钞票。柯林斯高阶〔moneychanger〕A machine that holds and dispenses coins.钱币兑换器:存储和分发钱币的机器美国传统〔money〕I don't have any small change(= coins of low value).我没有零钱。牛津高阶〔money〕The collection box was full of coins and paper money.募捐箱里装满了硬币和纸币。牛津搭配〔money〕The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes issued by a government.通货:由政府发行的官方货币、铸币和可转让纸币美国传统〔motley〕His pockets contained a motley collection of coins, movie ticket stubs, and old candies.他的口袋里乱七八糟地放了很多东西,有硬币、电影票票根,还有很久以前的糖果。朗文当代〔nature〕I collect coins, medals, and things of that nature.我搜集硬币、奖章那一类东西。牛津同义词〔nip away〕He nipped away after giving me some coins.他给了我几枚硬币之后,便匆匆离去了。21世纪英汉〔novelty〕At Easter, we give them plastic eggs filled with small toys, novelties and coins.复活节时,我们给他们分发塑料彩蛋,里面装着小玩具、新颖的小玩意儿和硬币。柯林斯高阶〔novelty〕At Easter, we give them plastic eggs filled with small toys, novelties, and coins.在复活节, 我们给他们装有小玩具、小饰物和硬币的塑料蛋。外研社新世纪〔numismatic〕Of or relating to coins or currency.货币的,关于货币的美国传统〔out〕She shook the bag and some coins fell out.她抖了抖袋子,几个硬币掉了出来。牛津高阶〔overestimate〕We overestimated the value of the coins.我们高估了这些硬币的价值。韦氏高阶〔palm〕She looked at the coins in her palm.她看了看掌中的硬币。朗文当代〔penny〕Any of various coins of small denomination.任何小面额的硬币美国传统〔penny〕I keep pennies and other small coins in a jar.我把便士和其他小硬币放在一个罐子里。剑桥高阶〔percent〕Roman coins containing about 25% zinc 锌含量大约 25% 的罗马硬币牛津搭配〔plough up〕There is a good chance in this area that you might plough up some valuable ancient coins.在这块土地上你很有可能用犁翻出一些值钱的古币。21世纪英汉〔pocket〕He took a few coins out of his pocket.他从口袋里拿出几枚硬币。牛津搭配〔pocket〕He took some coins from/out of his pocket.他从口袋里掏出几枚硬币。剑桥高阶〔polish ... up〕He polished up the old copper coins.他把古铜币擦得锃亮。21世纪英汉〔pouch〕Archaic A purse for small coins.【古语】 零钱袋:装小硬币的钱包美国传统〔preserve〕The iron coins are poorly preserved and have rusted.这些铁币保存不善,生锈了。牛津搭配〔prise〕She prised the child's fingers apart and forced him to give her the coins. 她把小孩的手指掰开,逼着他把硬币给她。剑桥高阶〔punch out〕The machine can punch out 30 000 coins a whole day.这台机器一整天可冲压出三万枚硬币。21世纪英汉〔pyx〕A chest in a mint in which specimen coins are placed to await assay.硬币样品盒:造币厂存放待检金银币样品的盒子美国传统〔ran〕In ancient times the rulers ran copper or silver into coins.古时候统治者把铜或银铸成钱币。21世纪英汉〔rattle〕She rattled the jar with the coins in it. = She rattled the coins in the jar.她把罐子里的钱币摇得叮当响。韦氏高阶〔rattle〕The coins rattled in the box.钱币在盒子里叮叮当当地响。韦氏高阶〔reject〕The phone box often jammed, or rejected perfectly good coins.公用电话钱箱常常卡住,要不就把一无瑕疵的硬币退出不纳。英汉大词典〔reject〕The ticket machine rejected my pound coins.这台售票机把我放进去的几英镑硬币又吐出来了。外研社新世纪〔relief〕Coins have pictures on them in relief.硬币上面有浮雕图案。剑桥高阶〔remedy〕The allowance by a mint for deviation from the standard weight or quality of coins.公差:铸币厂偏离硬币的标准或质量的允许范围美国传统〔reverse〕In the squares place a penny, nickel, dime and quarter in that order. The object is to reverse the order of these coins.在这些方块中按顺序放置1分、5分、10分和25分的硬币各一枚。目标是颠倒这些硬币的顺序。柯林斯高阶〔roll〕He rolled the coins.他把硬币放入纸筒。韦氏高阶〔rouleau〕A small roll, especially of coins wrapped in paper.小卷东西:尤指用纸包的一小卷硬币美国传统〔same〕The coins may look the same but one's a forgery.这些硬币看起来也许一样,但其中有一个是假的。朗文当代〔scrape up〕I scraped the coins up and turned to go.我费力地拾起硬币, 转身准备离去。外研社新世纪〔search〕He searched in his pocket and found a few coins.他在口袋里摸来摸去,找到了几枚硬币。牛津搭配〔seigniorage〕Revenue or a profit taken from the minting of coins, usually the difference between the value of the bullion used and the face value of the coin. 铸造利差:通过铸造硬币所获的收益或利润,通常是指所使用的贵金属内含值与硬币面值之差美国传统〔side〕Canadian coins have a picture of the British Queen's head on one side.加拿大硬币的一面有女王的头像。剑桥高阶〔silver〕Coins made of this metallic element.银币:用这种金属制成的铸币美国传统〔silver〕I need some silver (= coins made of silver or a metal of similar appearance) for the ticket machine in the car park.我需要一些硬币来使用停车场的售票机。剑桥高阶〔slot machine〕A vending or gambling machine operated by the insertion of coins into a slot.自动贩卖机,吃角子老虎:通过将硬币塞入投币口来操作的自动售货机或赌博机美国传统〔slot〕He put a few more coins in the slot.他又将几枚硬币投进投币口。麦克米伦高阶〔slot〕His coins all slotted into the slot machine.他所有的硬币塞给了老虎机。21世纪英汉〔snap〕His eyes snapped when he saw the gold coins in the box.他一看到盒子里的金币,他的双眼一下子亮了起来。21世纪英汉〔sou〕One of several coins formerly used in France, worth a small amount.苏:旧时法国的一种硬币,币值很小美国传统〔stamp〕This machine can stamp out 20,000 coins a day.这台机器一天能冲压出2万个硬币。英汉大词典〔stater〕Any of various gold, silver, or electrum coins of ancient Greece.金银币:任一种古希腊的金、银或金银合金硬币的美国传统〔strike〕The coins were struck in 1789.这些钱币是在1789年铸造的。韦氏高阶〔tune〕The price of gold coins fluctuates in tune with commodities.金币的价格随商品涨落。英汉大词典〔turn〕I’ll turn these coins into paper money.我将把这些硬币换成纸币。21世纪英汉〔use〕He used up all the coins he had.他把硬币都用光了。英汉大词典〔wreck〕Divers exploring the wreck managed to salvage some coins and jewellery.探寻沉船的潜水员们设法打捞到了一些硬币和珠宝。剑桥高阶Coins cascaded (=fell quickly and in large amounts) from/out of the fruit machine.大量硬币从吃角子老虎机中倾泻下来。剑桥国际Coins have pictures on them in relief.硬币上有凸起的图案。剑桥国际A legend says there is gold (= objects made of gold, such as coins and jewellery) buried somewhere on the island.传说岛上某一处藏有黄金。剑桥国际Bill collects foreign coins. 比尔收集外国硬币。译典通Canadian coins have a picture of the Queen's head on one side.加拿大硬币的一面有女王的头像。剑桥国际Divers exploring the wreck managed to salvage some coins and jewellery.探测沉船的潜水员们成功地打捞了一些硬币与珠宝。剑桥国际Have you got change for a twenty-euro note (= coins or notes that are worth this amount)? 你有二十欧元的硬币吗?牛津商务He dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out a few coins.他把手伸进衣袋,掏出几枚硬币。剑桥国际He dug into his pocket and took out a few coins.他掏掏口袋,取出几枚硬币。剑桥国际He has a very good collection of foreign coins. 他收藏著不少外国硬币。译典通He jiggled some loose coins about in his pocket while he waited his turn.他一边等着轮到他,一边抖动口袋里的零散硬币。剑桥国际He jingled the coins in his pocket, wondering what to buy.他把口袋里的硬币弄得丁当响,不知道该买些什么。剑桥国际He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket.他从口袋里拿出一把硬币。剑桥国际He said he hadn't got any money but I could hear the clink of coins in his pocket.他说他没有钱,但我却听到他口袋里的硬币玎玲作响。剑桥国际He took some coins from/out of his pocket.他从衣袋里拿出一些硬币。剑桥国际I asked for ten pounds in 20p coins.我要10英镑20便士的硬币。剑桥国际I drew a handful of coins from my pocket. 我从口袋里摸出一把硬币。译典通I keep pennies and other small coins in a jar.我把便士和其他小硬币放在一个坛子里。剑桥国际I need some silver (= coins made of silver or a metal of similar appearance) for the ticket machine in the car park.我需要一些银币以使用停车场的售票机。剑桥国际I'm all/completely at sea with (= confused by) the new coins.我完全被这些新硬币弄糊涂了。剑桥国际I've got too many coins in my pocket.我口袋里的硬币太多了。剑桥国际In the UK, M0 includes all notes and coins in circulation plus banks' balances with the central bank.在英国,M0 包括流通中所有的纸币和硬币外加各银行在中央银行的存款余额。牛津商务It always takes time to get used to the different denominations of coins when you go to a foreign country.你上国外,总要花点时间去习惯不同的货币单位。剑桥国际Let me change the dollar bill for coins. 让我把这张一元的纸钞换成硬币。译典通Mr Graham was amazed to find 46 ancient gold coins inside the pot.格雷厄姆先生在罐子里惊奇地发现了46枚古金币。剑桥国际That machine won't take 50p coins.那台机器不收50便士的硬币。剑桥国际The coins chinked lightly in his pocket as he walked along.当他走路时,钱币在他口袋里轻轻地叮当作响。剑桥国际The coins in his pocket jingled as he walked. 他行走时口袋里的硬币叮当作响。译典通The coins plopped into water. 金币扑通一下掉进了水里。译典通The Mint has decided to issue the coins next year. 这家造币厂已决定明年发行硬币。译典通The central bank is considering higher denomination coins.中央银行正考虑发行更高面额的硬币。牛津商务The charters granted the royal privilege of minting (=producing) coins to an ecclesiastical institution in Saxony.特许状把皇家制造硬币的特权授予了萨克森州的一个教会机构。剑桥国际The coffee machine suddenly ejected a handful of coins.售咖啡机突然吐出一把硬币。剑桥国际The date on the coins is 1789.硬币上的年份是1789。剑桥国际The downtown area of the city is full of beggars with woebegone faces and hands outstretched waiting for coins.这个城市的闹市区到处都是面容忧伤,伸手乞讨的乞丐。剑桥国际The government has decided to coin more 50-penny coins. 政府决定铸造更多的五十便士硬币。译典通The new telephones will accept (=take) coins of any denomination.新电话机可以接受任何面值的硬币。剑桥国际The old coins weighed about 54 grains of gold.这些旧硬币相当于重约54格令的金子。剑桥国际These coins are no longer legal tender.这些硬币已不再是法定货币。牛津商务These coins were minted in China hundreds of years ago. 这些钱币数百年前铸造于中国。译典通To celebrate the centennial of the founding of our country, the Central Bank especially issued a set of memorial coins. 为了庆祝建国百年,中央银行特别发行了一套纪念币。译典通




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