

单词 coins
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔COLLECT〕a set of commemorative gold coins 一套纪念金币朗文写作活用〔CONTAIN〕a pewter box containing Spanish coins from the 1540s 一个装有16世纪40年代西班牙硬币的白镴盒子朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕a collection of ancient Greek coins 一批古希腊硬币收藏品朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕money in the form of coins or notes 形式为硬币或纸币的钱朗文写作活用〔alloy〕gold or silver coins that are alloyed with brass掺入黄铜而降低了成色的金币或银币外研社新世纪〔base〕base coins 搀有贱金属的硬币;劣币文馨英汉〔base〕pass base coins 使用假钱币英汉大词典〔bill〕bills and coins 纸币和硬币韦氏高阶〔cast〕to cast coins into a well.把辅币掷到井里。牛津同义词〔change〕a dollar in change(= coins that together are worth one dollar) 总值一元钱的硬币牛津高阶〔chink〕the chink of coins 硬币叮当作响的声音朗文当代〔circulation〕coins in circulation 流通的硬币英汉大词典〔circulation〕put the new coins into circulation 发放新硬币流通于市英汉大词典〔clink〕clink coins 把钱币敲得丁当响英汉大词典〔clink〕clinking coins 叮当响的硬币牛津高阶〔coin〕coins jingling in his pockets 在他口袋里叮当作响的硬币牛津搭配〔coin〕a pizza topped with coins of pepperoni.比萨上撒有钱币状的意大利香肠美国传统〔coin〕gold coins 金币剑桥高阶〔coin〕gold/silver/copper coins 金/银/铜币韦氏高阶〔counterfeiter〕the coins Davies is alleged to have counterfeited.据称是戴维斯伪造的硬币柯林斯高阶〔counterfeit〕the coins Davies is alleged to have counterfeited据称是戴维斯伪造的硬币外研社新世纪〔currency〕coins now in currency.现在流通的货币美国传统〔date〕coins of Roman date 罗马时代的货币文馨英汉〔denomination〕coins and banknotes of various denominations 各种面额的硬币和纸币牛津高阶〔description〕medals, coins and things of that description 纪念章、硬币以及诸如此类的东西牛津高阶〔disc〕rows of copper discs like coins 一排排硬币似的铜片麦克米伦高阶〔display〕a display of Roman coins 古罗马硬币展牛津搭配〔efface〕coins with dates effaced by wear 日期已被磨损的硬币韦氏高阶〔feed〕feed coins into a parking meter 往泊车计时器塞入硬币英汉大词典〔find〕find a few coins in the street 在街上捡到几个硬币英汉大词典〔fistful〕a fistful of coins (sand) 一把硬币(沙子)英汉大词典〔fistful〕a fistful of coins 一把硬币牛津高阶〔fistful〕a fistful of coins 一把硬币韦氏高阶〔hoard〕one of the biggest hoards of Roman coins ever found 迄今为止所发现的最大一批秘藏的古罗马硬币牛津搭配〔hoard〕the discovery of a hoard of gold coins 一批秘藏金币的发现朗文当代〔inter alia〕a collector who had, inter alia, 900 engraved gems, 59 marble busts, and over 2,500 coins and medals.有 900 颗雕花宝石、59 尊大理石半身像、2,500 多枚钱币和纪念章,以及其他许多收藏品的收藏家柯林斯高阶〔jangle〕the jangle of loose coins 零散硬币碰撞的叮当声韦氏高阶〔jingle〕the jingle of coins in his pocket 他兜里硬币的叮当声牛津高阶〔keeper〕the keeper of Greek coins in the British Museum 大英博物馆内的古希腊硬币保管员朗文当代〔machine〕one of those gadgets that sorts coins 一台分拣硬币的小装置朗文当代〔mint〕coins fresh from the mint 刚刚出厂的硬币英汉大词典〔mint〕coins issued by the Royal Mint 皇家铸币厂发行的硬币朗文当代〔mint〕coins shipped directly from the mint 从铸币厂直接运出的硬币韦氏高阶〔mint〕coins that were minted before 1965 *1965年以前铸造的硬币韦氏高阶〔mint〕mint coins (silver dollars) 铸造硬币(银元) 英汉大词典〔mint〕mint copper into coins 把铜铸成硬币英汉大词典〔mint〕the Royal Mint(= the one where British coins and notes are made) 皇家铸币厂牛津高阶〔one-armed bandit〕a young woman feeding coins into a one-armed bandit向独臂强盗里塞硬币的年轻女人外研社新世纪〔pity〕give a beggar a few coins out of pity 出于同情给乞丐几个子儿英汉大词典〔pocketful〕a pocketful of coins 一口袋硬币麦克米伦高阶〔silverless〕silverless coins 不含银的硬币英汉大词典〔slot〕a slot for coins in a vending machine; a mail slot.自动售货机上的投币口;投信口美国传统〔slot〕to put some coins in the slot 往投币口中塞几个硬币牛津高阶〔spurious〕spurious coins 伪币英汉大词典〔stamp〕newly stamped coins 新冲压的硬币韦氏高阶〔strike〕strike coins 铸造硬币英汉大词典〔turn〕turn coins into paper money 把硬币换成纸币英汉大词典a dollar in change (= coins that together are worth one dollar) 总值一元的硬币牛津商务euro banknotes and coins 欧元纸币和硬币牛津商务the successful launch of euro notes and coins 欧元纸币和硬币的成功发行牛津商务




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