

单词 规章制度
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔adherence〕strict adherence to the rules 严格遵守规章制度牛津高阶〔against the rules〕the company's rules and regulations 公司的规章制度韦氏高阶〔aspect〕a system of rules that covers almost every aspect of their lives 几乎涵盖他们生活各个方面的规章制度麦克米伦高阶〔batch〕a great batch of rules and regulations 一大堆规章制度英汉大词典〔caveat〕a caveat against too much regulation 避免过多规章制度的告诫英汉大词典〔constrict〕constricting rules and regulations 具有约束性的规章制度牛津高阶〔date〕a set of rules dating as far back as the Middle Ages 早在中世纪就已存在的一套规章制度韦氏高阶〔elastic〕elastic regulations 有灵活性的规章制度英汉大词典〔gas〕regulations to cut the emissions of gases such as carbon dioxide 降低二氧化碳等气体排放量的规章制度麦克米伦高阶〔hamper〕handcuffed by rigid regulations; 被严格的规章制度束缚着;美国传统〔hard and fast〕hard and fast rules/regulations 严格的规则/规章制度麦克米伦高阶〔impose〕rules and regulations imposed by national governments 中央政府实施的规章制度麦克米伦高阶〔inequable〕the inequable incidence of the regulations 规章制度实施中的厚此薄彼英汉大词典〔labyrinth〕a labyrinth of rules and regulations 错综复杂的规章制度牛津高阶〔lenient〕lenient parents; lenient rules. 仁慈的父母;宽松的规章制度美国传统〔loophole〕a loophole in the regulations 规章制度中的漏洞牛津搭配〔maze〕a maze of regulations 一大堆复杂的规章制度英汉大词典〔maze〕a maze of regulations 一大堆纷繁复杂的规章制度牛津高阶〔maze〕a maze of rules and regulations 一大堆纷繁复杂的规章制度韦氏高阶〔maze〕the maze of rules and regulations. 各种错综复杂的规章制度柯林斯高阶〔obey〕to obey regulations遵守规章制度21世纪英汉〔observance〕strict observances 严格的规章制度英汉大词典〔observe〕to observe the rules strictly严格遵守规章制度21世纪英汉〔paralyze〕strict regulations that paralyze economic activity. 阻碍经济活动的严格的规章制度美国传统〔pettifogging〕pettifogging rules and regulations that hamper us nowadays 眼下束缚我们手脚的烦琐的规章制度英汉大词典〔range〕hospital regulations under the purview of the department of health; 在卫生部监督下的医院规章制度;美国传统〔regulation〕too many rules and regulations 过多的规章制度牛津高阶〔religious〕be religious in one's observance of rules and regulations 不折不扣严守规章制度英汉大词典〔shakeup〕a shakeup in regulations 规章制度的重大变革英汉大词典〔stifle〕rules and regulations that stifle innovation 压制创新的规章制度朗文当代〔strict〕strict rules/regulations/discipline 严格的规则╱规章制度╱纪律牛津高阶〔thorough〕a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations 对规章制度的透彻理解韦氏高阶〔transparent〕transparent rules 一目了然的规章制度麦克米伦高阶rules and regs 规章制度牛津商务the rules and regulations of corporate life 公司的规章制度牛津商务




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