

单词 脓液
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔edema〕Pathology An excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue spaces or a body cavity.【病理学】 水肿:组织间或体腔内脓液的过多积累美国传统〔empyema〕The presence of pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity.积脓:体内积有脓液,尤指在胸膜腔内美国传统〔head〕The tip of an abscess, a boil, or a pimple, in which pus forms.脓头:中间有脓液的脓疮、疖或丘疹的顶端美国传统〔ichor〕Pathology A watery, acrid discharge from a wound or ulcer.【病理学】 脓液:从伤口溃疡中流出的液体,毒液美国传统〔infect〕Jenner infected cuts in the boy's arms with pus from a milkmaid with cowpox.詹纳用取自一名出牛痘的挤奶女工的脓液感染了这个男孩手臂上的伤口。外研社新世纪〔purulence〕The condition of containing or discharging pus.化脓:含有或流出脓液的状态美国传统〔pustule〕A small inflamed elevation of the skin that is filled with pus; a pimple.小脓疮:皮肤上充满脓液的小的发炎了的隆肿;小丘疹美国传统〔pus〕A generally viscous, yellowish-white fluid formed in infected tissue, consisting of white blood cells, cellular debris, and necrotic tissue.脓,脓液:通常是粘性的,黄白色的,由受感染的肌体组织形成的液体,由白血球,细胞碎片和坏死的组织美国传统〔pus〕Pus oozed from the cat's injured ear.脓液从猫那只受伤的耳朵上流了出来。韦氏高阶〔pyogenic〕Producing pus.产生脓液的美国传统〔sanies〕A thin, fetid, greenish fluid consisting of serum and pus discharged from a wound, an ulcer, or a fistula.腐脓液:从伤口、溃疡处或感染的伤口流出的绿色稀薄带浆液的脓性排出物美国传统〔seropurulent〕Consisting of serum and pus.浆液脓性的:由浆液和脓液组成的美国传统〔sinus〕Pathology A fistula leading from a pus-filled cavity.【病理学】 瘘管:与装满脓液的穴连通的瘘管美国传统She removed the bandage to reveal a red swollen wound oozing pus.她除去绷带,露出渗出脓液的红肿的伤口。剑桥国际




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