

单词 规则
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔GAME〕an activity played by rules that you do for enjoyment 用于娱乐、按规则玩的活动朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕a piece that does not have a regular shape 形状不规则的块状物朗文写作活用〔apply〕a rule that applies to everyone. 适用于每个人的规则美国传统〔baroque〕baroque pearls. 形状不规则的珍珠美国传统〔bend〕bend the rules 曲解规则文馨英汉〔brazen〕a brazen violation of the rules 对规则的公然违犯英汉大词典〔cavil〕cavil about the minor points in the rules of the game 对比赛规则的细节问题挑毛病英汉大词典〔comply〕comply with rules (safety regulations) 遵守规则(安全条例) 英汉大词典〔conformity〕conformity to university regulations. 遵守大学规则美国传统〔conform〕conform to (或 with) the rules (the law) 遵守规则(法律) 英汉大词典〔defunct〕defunct regulations (laws) 已废除的规则(法律)英汉大词典〔depart from〕to depart from a rule违反规则21世纪英汉〔disobey〕to disobey the rules.不遵从规则。牛津同义词〔fair〕a fair blow 规则许可的出拳英汉大词典〔fair〕play fair 按规则比赛英汉大词典〔generality〕a rule of great generality 极带普遍性的规则英汉大词典〔grammatical〕a test to determine whether students can write grammatical English考查学生英语写作是否符合语法规则的测试外研社新世纪〔hard and fast〕hard and fast rules/regulations 严格的规则/规章制度麦克米伦高阶〔interrupted〕interrupted inflorescence 不规则花序英汉大词典〔irregular〕an irregular outline 不规则的轮廓韦氏高阶〔irregular〕irregular facial features. 不规则的脸部特征美国传统〔irregular〕irregular patches of shade 一片片不规则的阴影麦克米伦高阶〔law〕the laws of a game.比赛规则。牛津同义词〔law〕the laws of basketball 篮球规则文馨英汉〔observance〕the observance of traffic regulations 交通规则的遵守英汉大词典〔observe〕to observe the rules.遵守规则。牛津同义词〔offence〕commit an offence against traffic regulations 违反交通规则英汉大词典〔outline〕give an outline of the new traffic regulations 概要地说明新的交通规则英汉大词典〔puritanical〕puritanical rules 极为苛刻的规则韦氏高阶〔ragged〕ragged clouds 形状不规则的云牛津高阶〔regular〕a carpet with a regular pattern of flowers 一块有着规则花卉图案的地毯朗文当代〔regular〕nouns with regular plural forms 复数形式变化有规则的名词韦氏高阶〔rule〕her refusal to comply with the club rules 她拒绝服从俱乐部的规则朗文当代〔rule〕lay down the rules for the borrowing and return of books 制定借书及还书的规则英汉大词典〔shape〕tiles of random shape 形状不规则的瓦牛津搭配〔skirmish〕a skirmish over the rules before the debate began. 在争论开始之前的关于规则的小争论美国传统〔unbending〕an unbending rule 绝不通融的规则英汉大词典〔unsteady〕unsteady breathing 不规则的呼吸麦克米伦高阶〔vary〕vary the rules 修改规则英汉大词典〔visitation〕rules governing visitation at a prison. 探监规则美国传统




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