

单词 草原
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕The Huns, normally a peaceful race, launched an invasion into Europe via the Caspian Steppes. 一向爱好和平的匈奴人经由里海草原发动进攻,入侵欧洲。朗文写作活用〔Araucanian〕A member of a widespread group of South American Indian peoples of south-central Chile and the western pampas of Argentina.阿劳干人:智利中南部及阿根廷大草原西部的一支广泛分布的南美印第安人部落成员美国传统〔Ciscaucasia〕A steppeland of southeast European U.S.S.R. in the Caucasus north of the main range of the Caucasus Mountains.内高加索,北高加索:苏联欧洲部分东南部高加索地区的干旷草原,位于高加索山脉主脉以北美国传统〔ENVIRONMENT〕Ancient habitats such as grasslands, bogs, and wetlands are rapidly disappearing. 草原、沼泽和湿地等古老的天然栖息地正在迅速消失。朗文写作活用〔Esdraelon〕A fertile plain of northern Israel extending from the coastal lowlands near Mount Carmel to the Jordan River valley.埃斯德赖隆草原:以色列北部肥沃的草原,从海边的低洼地一直延伸到卡默尔山附近的约旦河谷美国传统〔Prairie Provinces〕The Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.草原诸省:加拿大的马尼托巴省、萨斯喀彻温省和亚伯达省美国传统〔Prairie style〕A style of decorative arts associated with this school, characterized especially by strong horizontal and vertical elements.草原风格:与草原学派有关的装饰风格,特别着重于强烈的垂直或水平元素美国传统〔Prairie style〕The architectural style of the Prairie School.草原建筑风格:草原学派的建筑风格美国传统〔anxiety〕We all felt anxiety when the prairie fire came close to town.当草原大火快要延烧到市镇时,我们都感到焦急不安。英汉大词典〔bay〕An area of land, such as an arm of prairie partially enclosed by woodland, that resembles in shape or formation a partially enclosed body of water.山坳:一片陆地区域,其中一部分为森林所围绕的大草原,它与一部分被围绕的水域在外形相似美国传统〔be/fall prey to〕The deer fell prey to coyotes.鹿成为了草原狼的猎物。韦氏高阶〔bowery〕Trees made the meadow a bowery maze.树木使那草原变成绿荫处处的迷宫。文馨英汉〔bullboat〕A shallow, saucer-shaped skin boat used especially by Plains Indians for transporting possessions and sometimes persons across rivers or streams.牛皮舟:大草原印第安人用来运送货物有时也用来运人过河或过溪流的浅盘状的小舟美国传统〔bustard〕Any of various large, long-legged Old World game birds of the family Otididae that frequent dry, open, grassy plains.鸨:一种分布于东半球的大型、长腿、鸨科狩猎鸟类,经常出现在干燥而开阔的大草原美国传统〔campo〕A large grassy plain in South America, with scattered bushes and small trees.南美草原:南美的一个大而多草的平原,零星地长有一些灌木丛和小树美国传统〔camp〕The herdsmen camped themselves on the grasslands.牧民们在草原上扎营住宿。英汉大词典〔chernozem〕A very black topsoil, rich in humus, typical of cool to temperate semiarid regions, such as the grasslands of European Russia.黑钙土:含丰富腐殖质的一种很黑的地表土,产于俄罗斯欧洲部分的草原地区等干旱温凉地带美国传统〔cloud〕Smoke clouded the city sky after two large grass fires continued to burn over the weekend.两场草原大火燃烧了整整一个周末, 烟雾笼罩在城市上空。外研社新世纪〔colour〕Summer came and flowers coloured the Alpine meadows.夏天来了,花朵将阿尔卑斯山的草原点缀得五彩缤纷。英汉大词典〔covered wagon〕A large wagon covered with an arched canvas top, used especially by American pioneers for prairie travel.有蓬马车:有弧形帆布蓬顶的大马车,昔时美国拓荒者专门用于在大草原上旅行美国传统〔dervish〕In the heart of the Anatolian steppe, dervishes still whirl on festive occasions in mystic union with God.在安纳托利亚大草原的深处, 与真主神秘会合的庆祝场合中仍然会有托钵僧旋转起舞的身影。外研社新世纪〔dervish〕In the heart of the Anatolian steppe, dervishes still whirl on festive occasions in mystic union with God.在安纳托利亚大草原的深处,与真主神秘会合的庆祝场合,仍然会有托钵僧旋转起舞的身影。柯林斯高阶〔dog〕Any of various other animals, such as the prairie dog.似犬动物:似犬动物,如草原犬鼠美国传统〔drive〕Cowboys drove the herds across the prairie.牛仔们赶着牛群穿过大草原。韦氏高阶〔fecund〕The pampas are still among the most fecund lands in the world.南美大草原仍然是世界上最富饶的土地之一。外研社新世纪〔fecund〕The pampas are still among the most fecund lands in the world.南美大草原仍然是世界上最肥沃的土地之一。柯林斯高阶〔folklore〕The coyote appears in a great deal of Native American folklore.许多美国本土的民间故事中都有草原狼。韦氏高阶〔forb〕A broad-leaved herb other than a grass, especially one growing in a field, prairie, or meadow.非草属植物:非草属的宽叶草本植物,尤其指生长在田野、草原或草地上的一种植物美国传统〔gaucho〕A cowboy of the South American pampas.高楚牧人:南美彭巴斯草原上的牧民美国传统〔grassland〕An area, such as a prairie or meadow, of grass or grasslike vegetation.草地:一块区域,如草原或草地,长有草或类似草的植被美国传统〔graze〕The cows were grazing in the field.牛在草原上吃青草。文馨英汉〔green〕Stormy weather has greened pastures.暴风雨天气使草原恢复了绿色的生机。外研社新世纪〔habitat〕The bird's preferred habitat is grassy prairie.绿色的大草原是这种鸟的首选栖息地。牛津搭配〔habitat〕The grassland is an important habitat for many wild flowers.草原是很多野花的重要生长地。朗文当代〔hardening〕She was hardened by the rigours of the Siberian steppes.西伯利亚大草原的艰苦环境使她变得坚强起来。柯林斯高阶〔homesteader〕In the 1800s, thousands of homesteaders settled on the prairies of the western US.19世纪,数以千计的农场主来到美国西部的大草原上定居。剑桥高阶〔hunt〕He hunted the parkland.他在稀树草原打猎。外研社新世纪〔interdigitate〕Forests interdigitate with the grassland.森林和草原错杂相间。英汉大词典〔invoke〕The music invoked the wide open spaces of the prairies.该音乐营造出了一幅大草原上宽广辽阔的景象。柯林斯高阶〔midsection〕Grassy plains used to cover large portions of America's midsection.草原曾经覆盖了美国中部的大部分地区。韦氏高阶〔migrate〕They followed the migrating herds of buffalo across the plains.他们跟随着迁徙的水牛群穿过了大草原。韦氏高阶〔motte〕A copse or small stand of trees on a prairie.丛林:草原上的矮丛林或灌木丛美国传统〔overabound〕Ecological balance would be broken by the fact that rabbits overabound on the grasslands.草原上过度繁殖的野兔对草原的破坏将导致生态平衡的失控。21世纪英汉〔overrun〕Locusts overran the prairie.蝗虫肆虐草原美国传统〔pampa〕In South America, a treeless, grassland area.南美大草原:南美洲的一个无树的草原美国传统〔pampean〕Of or relating to a pampa or the Pampas or their inhabitants.南美大草原的:南美大草原或潘帕斯草原的或其居民的,与其有关的美国传统〔pampero〕A strong, cold southwest wind that blows across the Pampas.帕姆佩罗风:吹过潘帕斯草原的强冷的西南风美国传统〔park〕A tract of land attached to a country house, especially when including extensive gardens, woods, pastures, or a game preserve.庄园:尤指有宽大的花园、树林、草原或游戏场所的附属于乡村住房的一块土地美国传统〔plainsman〕An inhabitant or a settler of the plains, especially of the prairie regions of the United States.平原居民:平原上的居住者或定居者,尤指在美国的大草原地区美国传统〔plain〕Cattle move freely across the grassy plain.牛群自由自在地走过草原。牛津搭配〔plat〕San Francisco was platted as if it were a prairie town.把旧金山作为草原城市来规划。21世纪英汉〔prairie schooner〕A covered wagon, drawn by horses or oxen, that was used by pioneers in crossing the North American prairies and plains.大篷马车:用马或牛拉的篷盖四轮马车,拓荒者们乘坐它穿越北美的草原和平原美国传统〔prairie〕An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland, especially the large tract or plain of central North America.大草原:多为广阔而无树木的平坦或起伏的草原区域,尤指北美洲中部的大平原美国传统〔prairie〕Bison were hunted off the prairies, nearly off the face of the earth.大草原上的美洲野牛被捕杀殆尽, 几乎从地球上消失。外研社新世纪〔prairie〕Millions of buffalo once roamed the prairies.这个大草原上曾经生活着数百万头野牛。韦氏高阶〔prairie〕Only about 5% of native prairie is left in Kansas.堪萨斯州只剩有大约 5 %的原生草原。牛津搭配〔prairie〕The hollow cuts into a low hill on the gently rolling prairie.延绵起伏的大草原上, 这条山谷横穿一座小山丘。外研社新世纪〔prairie〕The train tracks extend over miles of prairie.铁路在大草原上绵延数英里。韦氏高阶〔prance〕The herdsmen pranced on the grasslands.牧民在草原上策马前进。21世纪英汉〔range〕A flock of sheep are ranging over the grassland.一群羊在草原上来回走动。21世纪英汉〔rounded〕I saw a low rounded hill far across the grassy plain.我看到草原远处有一座低矮的圆顶山丘。外研社新世纪〔savanna〕A flat grassland of tropical or subtropical regions.热带大草原:热带或亚热带地区的平坦草原美国传统〔semidesert〕A semiarid area often located between a desert and a grassland or woodland.半沙漠,半荒漠:半干旱的地区,通常位于沙漠和草原或林地之间美国传统〔sense〕If a prairie dog senses danger, he whistles a warning.如果草原犬鼠觉察到有危险,它就会鸣叫以发出警告。朗文当代〔shrinkage〕Pollution led to a shrinkage of grasslands.污染导致了草原面积的缩小。朗文当代〔sore〕His eyes got sore from the dust of the prairie roads.他的眼睛因受草原道路上尘埃的影响而疼痛发炎。英汉大词典〔speckle〕The village houses are speckled on the grassland.绿色的草原上点缀着几间村舍。21世纪英汉〔spread〕The spread of the prairies was breathtaking.草原的浩瀚使人为之惊叹。英汉大词典〔steppe〕A vast semiarid grass-covered plain, as found in southeast Europe, Siberia, and central North America.大草原:一片半干燥的大草原,如在东南欧洲、西伯利亚或中北美洲的美国传统〔steppe〕These people have lived for centuries on the Russian steppes.这些人已经在俄罗斯大草原上居住了几个世纪。剑桥高阶〔tinamou〕Any of various chickenlike or quaillike birds of the family Tinamidae, living in grasslands and jungles of Central and South America.:一种象小鸡和鹌鹑的科鸟类,生活在中南美洲的草原和林地美国传统〔tint〕Dusk tinted the prairie.草原上暮色苍茫。英汉大词典〔top〕The prairie is topped occasionally by low hills.偶尔可见大草原上隆起着几座低矮的小山。英汉大词典〔veldt〕Any of the open grazing areas of southern Africa.草原:非洲南部开阔的放牧地区美国传统〔war bonnet〕A ceremonial headdress used by some Plains Indians consisting of a cap or band and a trailing extension decorated with erect feathers.战帽:北美大草原印第安人用的礼仪性头饰,包括一顶帽子或帽带和一个用直立羽毛装饰的拖带延伸物美国传统China is a country surrounded by desert, sea, steppe and mountain.中国是个由沙漠、大海、草原和山脉围绕的国家。剑桥国际Flames and smoke billowed over the prairie. 草原上空烟火滚滚。译典通I prefer the gently undulating hills of the Dales to the more dramatic landscape of the Moors.我喜欢谷地缓慢起伏的丘陵甚于荒草原那更多变的风景。剑桥国际Indians hunted the prairie for buffalo. 印第安人在北美大草原上捕猎野牛。译典通It is a vegetation zone intermediate between desert and savannah conditions, where rainfall is irregular and unpredictable.该区域是处于沙漠和热带草原之间的植被地带,降雨没有规律, 也无法预测。剑桥国际It says in my book that the cheetah inhabits dry grassland and scrub.我的书里说猎豹生活在干燥的草原和密灌丛中。剑桥国际It will take weeks to snuff out the burning grassland.熄灭草原上的火需要几星期的时间。剑桥国际Kazakhstan covers vast territories of steppe and desert between Siberia, China and Iran.哈萨克斯坦在西伯利亚、中国和伊朗之间有大片的领土是草原和沙漠。剑桥国际Lions live in small groups called prides in grassland and open woodland.狮子以群居方式生活在草原和开阔的林地。剑桥国际Most rhinoceroses are solitary inhabitants of open grassland, savanna, scrub forest, or marsh in eastern and southern Africa and tropical Asia. 大多数犀牛孤居在宽阔的草原,热带的稀树大草原,灌木林或东南非和亚热带的沼泽里。译典通Prairies stretch as far as the eye can see.极目望去皆是草原。剑桥国际The Argentinian pampas is among the most fertile lands in the world.阿根廷的大草原是世界上最肥沃的土地之一。剑桥国际The onslaught of a cold winter made the food very scarce in the prairies. 寒冷的冬天来袭,使得草原上的食物变得稀少。译典通The savanna was covered by the aggregation of herds. 这个大草原遍地是牧群。译典通The spread of the prairies was indeed a startling sight. 草原的浩瀚确是奇观。译典通The vast prairie stretches west to the horizon. 茫茫大草原向西伸展,直至天边。译典通The wheat growers of the Canadian prairies are some of the world's most efficient farmers.在加拿大大草原上种小麦的人是世界上一些效率最高的农民。剑桥国际These people have lived for centuries on the Russian steppes.这些人在俄罗斯的大草原上生活了好几个世纪了。剑桥国际Wheat is grown on the steppes in Ukraine.乌克兰的大草原上种植着小麦。剑桥国际When he was a young man he farmed 2500 acres of Nebraska prairie.他年轻的时候耕种了2 500英亩的内布拉斯加州大草原。剑桥国际




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