

单词 草原
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔billowy〕a billowy prairie 波浪般起伏的草原英汉大词典〔blaze〕the sun blazed down on the prairie. 阳光照射在草原上。文馨英汉〔broad〕broad prairies 辽阔的草原韦氏高阶〔change〕the gradual change from grasslands to true desert 从草原到真正的沙漠的逐渐改变朗文当代〔extensive〕extensive farms and prairies 广阔的农田和大草原英汉大词典〔featureless〕the featureless landscape of the steppe. 没有特色的草原地带景色美国传统〔flat〕the flat landscape of the prairie 平坦的草原地形韦氏高阶〔free〕animals roaming free across the plains 在草原上自由行走的动物牛津搭配〔grassland〕the grasslands of North America 北美洲草原剑桥高阶〔high〕the grasslands of the high prairies 高地草原牛津高阶〔interrupt〕a grassy plain interrupted by a lone tree 突兀立着一棵孤零零的树的草原韦氏高阶〔island〕a prairie islanded with grooves分布着丛丛孤林的大草原21世纪英汉〔island〕a prairie islanded with groves 分布着丛丛孤林的大草原英汉大词典〔land〕the wide open spaces of the Canadian prairies 加拿大一片片广袤的草原牛津高阶〔moor〕moor and rough grassland 高沼地和苍莽的草原牛津高阶〔natural〕a natural deposit (prairie) 天然矿床(大草原) 英汉大词典〔oceanic〕oceanic steppes. 无垠的大草原美国传统〔out〕a little town way out on the prairies 在遥远的大草原上的一个小镇麦克米伦高阶〔pampas〕cattle roaming the pampas 在大草原上漫步的牛群韦氏高阶〔people〕the grasslands peopled only by nomadic tribes只有游牧民族居住的草原21世纪英汉〔prairie〕a stretch of desolate prairie一片荒无人烟的大草原外研社新世纪〔prairie〕a train of covered wagons crossing the wide American prairies 一队正穿越广阔的美洲大草原的篷车牛津搭配〔prairie〕prairie grasses/flowers 大草原的草/鲜花韦氏高阶〔prairie〕their route across the prairie 他们穿越草原的路线牛津搭配〔reach〕a reach of prairie 一大片草原 英汉大词典〔reach〕a reach of prairie; the lower reaches of the food chain. 大草原地区;食物链的低等生物群美国传统〔rolling〕rolling hills/prairies 起伏的丘陵/大草原韦氏高阶〔scrub〕areas of scrub and grassland矮丛林和草原地区外研社新世纪〔space〕the wide open spaces of the Canadian prairies 加拿大一片片广袤的草原牛津高阶〔space〕the wide open spaces of the prairies 大草原的辽阔朗文当代〔steppe〕the flat wastes of the steppes大草原平坦的荒野外研社新世纪〔steppe〕the vast Russian steppes 辽阔的俄罗斯大草原牛津高阶〔trail〕the pioneers' trail across the prairies. 拓荒者们穿越草原的路线美国传统〔undulating〕an undulating prairie 起伏不平的大草原英汉大词典〔vast〕the vast expanses of the steppe大草原的广袤辽阔外研社新世纪〔veld(t)〕nights on the African veld(t) hunting lions 在非洲草原猎狮的夜晚英汉大词典〔veldt〕a gang of hyenas, stalking about the veldt. 一群在草原上游弋的土狼柯林斯高阶〔wagon〕covered wagons rolling across the prairies 驶过大草原的有篷大马车牛津搭配〔wide〕a broad stretch of meadowland 一片辽阔的草原牛津高阶〔wild〕the wilds of the northern steppes. 北方大草原的荒地美国传统




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