

单词 计时赛
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔fate〕Seemingly fated to fail at the highest level, Kelly finished fourth in the 1000m time trial.好像注定在要最高级别上失利一样, 凯利在1000米计时赛中只得了第四名。外研社新世纪〔processing〕He finished ahead of the Spaniard, and in the process picked up his first time trial win as a pro.他领先那个西班牙人到达终点,同时也首次作为职业选手获得计时赛的胜利。柯林斯高阶〔time trial〕A competitive event, as in sports, that participants must complete within a given period of time, often in order to qualify for another event.(汽车比赛等的)计时赛:为取得参加另一比赛项目资格的一种(运动)比赛项目,参加者必须在固定时间内完成美国传统〔time trial〕He posted the second best lap in the time trials.他公布了本次计时赛亚军的圈速。韦氏高阶




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