

单词 自由职业
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANTAGE〕She talked about some of the pluses and minuses of being self-employed. 她讲到了从事自由职业的一些利和弊。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕All our artwork is done by in-house designers; we don't normally use freelance people. 我们所有的插图均是由内部人员设计的,我们通常不用自由职业者。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕I've been self-employed for over 10 years. 我做自由职业已有十年多了。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕He'll work as a freelance consultant, unless he finds a better job elsewhere. 除非在其他地方找到更好的工作,否则他就做一个自由职业顾问。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕I'd built up a number of contacts in the world of graphic design, so in the end I went freelance. 我在平面设计界建立了一些联系,因此到最后我做起了自由职业。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕If you work freelance from home, your hours are completely flexible. 要是你在家做自由职业,你的时间完全是灵活的。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕The government gives generous tax allowances to the self-employed. 政府给自由职业者很大的免税额。朗文写作活用〔a mug's game〕She decided that freelancing was a mug's game.她觉得自由职业是件吃力不讨好的事。剑桥高阶〔attraction〕A freelance career has the attraction of flexibility.自由职业的灵活性很诱人。牛津搭配〔by〕Freelance workers are paid by the hour (= for every hour they work).自由职业者按小时领取报酬。剑桥高阶〔courage〕So I decided to take my courage in both hands and become a freelance.因此我决定鼓起勇气做一个自由职业者。外研社新世纪〔down〕Let's put you down as self-employed.我们就把你登记为自由职业者吧。朗文当代〔employee〕Freelance workers do not enjoy the benefits of employee status.自由职业者没有与雇员同样的福利。牛津搭配〔farm〕We could always farm the typing out to freelancers.我们可以一直把打字工作分包给自由职业者。麦克米伦高阶〔free-lance〕She works free-lance.她是一位自由职业者。英汉大词典〔freelance〕He could bring in one of the freelances that we occasionally use.他可以带来一名我们偶尔雇用的自由职业者。外研社新世纪〔freelance〕He is now working freelance from his home in Hampshire.他现在在汉普郡的家中以自由职业者身份工作。外研社新世纪〔freelance〕He is now working freelance from his home in Hampshire.他现在在汉普郡的家里从事自由职业工作。柯林斯高阶〔freelance〕He was freelancing full time.他是全职的自由职业者。外研社新世纪〔freelance〕He's been freelance for several years.他成为自由职业者已有好几年了。牛津搭配〔freelance〕He's freelancing for several translation agencies.他为几家翻译机构做自由职业。朗文当代〔freelance〕I would rather freelance from home than work in an office.我宁可在家当自由职业者,也不愿到办公室上班。剑桥高阶〔freelance〕Of, relating to, or working as a freelance.自由职业者的:属于,关于或作为自由职业者的美国传统〔freelance〕She continued to work for the company on a freelance basis.她以自由职业者的身份继续为这家公司工作。牛津搭配〔freelance〕She decided to give in her notice and go freelance.她决定递交辞呈做自由职业者。牛津搭配〔freelance〕She had a baby and decided to go freelance.她有了孩子, 决定去做自由职业者。外研社新世纪〔freelance〕She had a baby and decided to go freelance.她生了孩子后决定做一个自由职业者。柯林斯高阶〔freelance〕She has freelanced as a writer and researcher.她从事自由职业,一边写作,一边搞研究。柯林斯高阶〔freelance〕She now gets enormous pleasure out of working freelance.现在她通过从事自由职业获得了极大的乐趣。外研社新世纪〔freelance〕She works freelance from home.她在家做自由职业。朗文当代〔freelance〕She works freelance from home.她是在家工作的自由职业者。牛津搭配〔freelance〕The firm employs several freelances.该事务所雇用了几个自由职业者。剑桥高阶〔freelance〕When there's work to do, freelances have to work extra evenings and weekends.有活儿干的时候, 自由职业者就得不分昼夜、不分周末地加班干。外研社新世纪〔go into sth〕She's decided to go into business as a freelance computer programmer.她已决定从事自由职业,当一名计算机程序师。剑桥高阶〔hire sth/sb out〕He's decided to go freelance and hire himself out as a technical writer.他决定做自由职业者,从事技术文档撰稿。剑桥高阶〔hour〕This was freelance work, paid by the hour .这是自由职业的工作,按小时算工资。朗文当代〔idea〕What gave you the idea to go freelance? 你怎么会产生做自由职业者的念头?牛津搭配〔job〕He was tempted to give up freelancing and get a regular job.他很想放弃现在的自由职业而找一份固定的工作。牛津搭配〔long〕Cutting jobs could be more expensive in the long run if we have to hire freelancers.如果我们不得不聘请自由职业者的话,精简职位的代价从长远来看可能更高。麦克米伦高阶〔look〕I went freelance two years ago, and have never looked back.两年前我开始从事自由职业, 之后便一帆风顺。外研社新世纪〔master〕Determined to be his own master, Simmons quit in 1998 and started working freelance.西蒙斯一心要自己支配自己,于是在 1998 年辞去工作干起了自由职业。朗文当代〔niche〕Simon Lane quickly found his niche as a busy freelance model maker.西蒙·莱恩很快找到了适合自己的位置,成了一名忙碌的模型制作的自由职业者。柯林斯高阶〔niche〕Simon Lane quickly found his niche as a busy freelance model maker.西蒙•莱恩很快就找到了自己的定位, 成了一名忙碌的自由职业模型师。外研社新世纪〔open〕Going freelance opens up all sorts of possibilities to you.从事自由职业为你创造了各种各样的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔pension〕If you are self-employed, you should think about taking out a private pension .如果你是自由职业者,应该考虑办理私人养老金。朗文当代〔permanent〕He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance.他放弃了固定工作是为了去当一名自由职业者。朗文当代〔put〕A lot of the work is put out to freelancers.许多工作都外包给自由职业者了。牛津高阶〔restrictive〕He is self-employed because he finds working for other people too restrictive.他是个自由职业者,因为他觉得在别人手下工作太不自由。剑桥高阶〔tax〕There are tax advantages to working freelance.自由职业者享受纳税优惠。牛津搭配〔work〕He has some freelance work at the moment.目前他有一些自由职业工作。牛津搭配A lot of the work is put out to freelancers.许多工作都请自由职业者做了。牛津商务After five years with the company she hadn't been promoted. Small wonder (= It is not surprising) then that she decided to quit her job and become self-employed.她在公司干了五年还没有被提升。她决定辞去工作成为自由职业者就一点儿也不奇怪了。剑桥国际Are you ready to e-lance? 你准备从事网络自由职业吗?牛津商务Free agents often work longer hours and under greater pressure than their colleagues inside companies.自由职业者通常比公司内的同事工作时间长、压力大。牛津商务Freelance workers are paid by the hour (= for every hour they work).自由职业者按小时领取报酬。剑桥国际He freelances for several companies.他为几家公司做自由职业工作。牛津商务I decided to become self-employed because I like being my own master.我决定当自由职业者,因为我喜欢独立创业。剑桥国际I prefer to freelance from home rather than to work in an office, 我宁愿在家当自由职业者,不愿在办公室座班。剑桥国际I work for the company on a freelance basis.我作为自由职业者为公司工作。牛津商务I've stopped doing freelance work as my marginal tax rate on it was more than 50%.我已经不再从事自由职业,因为我在这项工作上的边际税率超过 50%。牛津商务If you are self-employed you have to complete a self-assessment tax return.自由职业者须填写自行报税表。牛津商务She described her employment status as ‘freelance’.她将自己的就业状况说成是“自由职业者”。牛津商务She went (= started to work) freelance in 2005.她 2005 年开始从事自由职业。牛津商务The firm employs several freelances.这家商行雇佣了几位自由职业者。剑桥国际The inflexibility of the working day makes some people choose to go freelance.工作日的不容变更使有些人选择自由职业。剑桥国际The website hosts a chat room for freelancers.这网站为自由职业者开设了一个聊天室。牛津商务There are relatively few salaried posts in the company -- most employees work freelance.这家公司带薪的岗位很少----大多数雇员都是自由职业者。剑桥国际They have two full-time employees and 100 freelances around the world.他们在全世界有两名全职员工和 100 名自由职业者工作人员。牛津商务They pay slightly more than the going rate for freelance work.他们付给自由职业者的酬金稍高于现行标准。牛津商务




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