

单词 艾弗
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Eifel〕A hilly region of western Germany west of the Rhine River. The barren area has limestone moors and crater lakes.艾弗尔:位于德国西部的莱茵河西岸的丘陵地带,土地贫瘠,有石灰岩泥沼和火口湖美国传统〔NW〕Ivor Place, London NW 1.艾弗住所,伦敦西北1号柯林斯高阶〔NW〕Ivor Place, London NW1艾弗街, 伦敦NW1外研社新世纪〔also〕It is the work of Ivor Roberts-Jones, who also produced the statue of Churchill in Parliament Square.这是艾弗·罗伯茨-琼斯的作品,他还创作了议会广场上的丘吉尔塑像。柯林斯高阶〔approach〕I hear that Everton have made an approach to (= an attempt to make a business arrangement with) Arsenal to buy one of their players.我听说艾弗顿队跟阿森纳队进行过接洽,意欲出钱转入他们的一名球员。剑桥高阶〔dream〕Ivor dreamed that he was on a bus.艾弗梦见他在一辆公共汽车上。柯林斯高阶〔general semantics〕A discipline developed by Alfred Korzybski that proposes to improve human behavioral responses through a more critical use of words and symbols.普通语义学:由艾弗烈·卡基布斯基提出的一原则,主张通过单词或符号的更严格用法来发展人类的行为反映美国传统〔standard-bearer〕Mr Everhart wants Caltech to be the standard-bearer for excellence in scientific research of all kinds.艾弗哈特先生想使加州理工学院成为各项科学研究的翘楚。剑桥高阶She established a pottery at St Ives, where she made earthenware and stoneware.她在圣艾弗斯建了家陶器厂,生产陶器和粗陶器。剑桥国际




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