

单词 被提升
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕He joined the army in 1914, and soon after was promoted to the rank of captain. 他于1914年入伍,不久以后就被提升为上尉。朗文写作活用〔EXPECT〕Tina was shocked when she heard she was not being promoted, but it came as no surprise to the rest of us. 蒂娜听说自己没有被提升很是吃惊,可是我们其他人对此并不感到意外。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕He's been made Head of Security at the Chicago National Bank. 他被提升为芝加哥国民银行的保安主管。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕Despite her reputation as a trouble-maker, she was promoted to department manager. 尽管她是个出了名的惹是生非的人,但还是被提升为部门经理。朗文写作活用〔SHOP/STORE〕Ron was promoted to branch manager of the North West region. 罗恩被提升为西北区的分区经理。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕High flyers can expect promotion to Branch Manager by the time they're 30. 有能力的人可望在30岁前被提升为分公司经理。朗文写作活用〔advancement〕His advancement to general (to his third star) came the following year.翌年,他被提升为上将(三星军官)。英汉大词典〔advance〕He was advanced to the rank of corporal.他被提升为下士。21世纪英汉〔base〕The number that is raised to various powers to generate the principal counting units of a number system.乘方数:被提升到各种乘方上,产生数字系统内基本计算规则的数字美国传统〔be gunning for sb〕She's been gunning for me ever since I got the promotion she wanted.自从我被提升到她觊觎的那个职位后,她就一直在找我的茬。剑桥高阶〔be one in the eye for sb〕His promotion was one in the eye for his rivals.他被提升了,这对他的对手来说无疑是个打击。剑桥高阶〔captaincy〕He was promoted to a captaincy.他被提升为队长。韦氏高阶〔dispassionate〕He was dispassionate about his promotion to professorship.他对于被提升为教授无动于衷。英汉大词典〔elevate to〕The first mate was elevated to the position (或rank) of captain.那位大副被提升为船长。21世纪英汉〔elevate〕He has been elevated to deputy manager.他已被提升为副经理。剑桥高阶〔exalt〕He was exalted to the position of general manager.他被提升为总经理。英汉大词典〔exalt〕She was exalted to the position of president.她被提升为校长(或总裁)。21世纪英汉〔fever pitch〕Nationalistic fervour was raised to fever pitch by the promoters and the press.在倡导者和新闻界的鼓动下, 民族主义情感被提升到白热化程度。外研社新世纪〔middle management〕He was just promoted to middle management.他刚被提升为中层干部。韦氏高阶〔month〕In just a few short months he was promoted to manager.短短几个月,他就被提升为经理。牛津搭配〔move〕Dr. Wells was moved up from an associate to a full professorship.韦尔斯博士从副教授被提升为正教授。英汉大词典〔on a power trip〕She's been on a power trip since she was promoted to manager.自从被提升为经理后,她就一直享受着权力带来的快乐。韦氏高阶〔outrageous〕She considered it absolutely outrageous that he should be promoted over her.他竟被提升到她之上,她觉得难以忍受。牛津搭配〔overdue〕She feels she's overdue for promotion.她觉得她早该被提升了。剑桥高阶〔promote〕He was promoted (to 或to the rank of) captain.他被提升为上尉。英汉大词典〔promote〕Helen was promoted to senior manager.海伦被提升为高级经理。朗文当代〔promote〕I was promoted to editor and then editorial director.我先是被提升为编辑,然后又晋升为编务总监。柯林斯高阶〔promote〕I was promoted to editor.我被提升为编辑。外研社新世纪〔promote〕In 1982 he was promoted to the rank of sergeant.1982年,他被提升为中士。麦克米伦高阶〔promote〕She's just been promoted to senior sales rep.她刚刚被提升为高级销售代表。剑桥高阶〔promote〕Steve Burrows was recently promoted to senior group manager.史蒂夫·伯罗斯最近被提升为高级团体经理。麦克米伦高阶〔rank〕He has just been promoted to the rank of captain.他刚被提升为上尉。剑桥高阶〔rank〕He was soon promoted to the rank of captain.他很快被提升至上尉军阶。牛津高阶〔rank〕Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank.不出几个月,她就被提升至部级。牛津高阶〔shunt〕Independent thinkers are shunted into minor jobs or refused promotion.见解独到的人士要么被调往次要的岗位,要么就不被提升。柯林斯高阶〔skip〕To be promoted beyond (the next grade or level).跳级:被提升超过(下一年级或水平)美国传统〔spike〕His promotional chances were spiked.他被提升的所有机会全都错过了。21世纪英汉〔step ... up〕He has been stepped up to the Ministry of National Defense.他已被提升,到国防部去工作了。21世纪英汉〔step〕You are going to be stepped up to manager.你将被提升为经理。英汉大词典〔thence〕He was promoted to manager, thence to a partnership in the firm.他被提升为经理,然后又成了公司的合伙人。牛津高阶〔timber hitch〕A knot used for fastening a rope around a spar or log to be hoisted or towed.捆木索结:一种用来捆紧将要被提升或拖曳的圆材或圆木的结美国传统〔up〕Are you really up for promotion? 你真的会被提升吗?剑桥高阶A lot more women need to be promoted to top company positions before business can claim to be a genuine meritocracy.更多的女性被提升至公司最高层之后,企业才有资格声明自己是真正的精英管理。剑桥国际After five years with the company she hadn't been promoted. Small wonder (= It is not surprising) then that she decided to quit her job and become self-employed.她在公司干了五年还没有被提升。她决定辞去工作成为自由职业者就一点儿也不奇怪了。剑桥国际Congratulations, I hear you've been upgraded to divisional manager.祝贺你, 我听说你已经被提升为部门经理了。剑桥国际He advanced shortly to a full professor. 他很快被提升为教授。译典通He has been promoted to general manager. 他已被提升为总经理。译典通He was elevated to cabinet rank. 他被提升到内阁部长级。译典通He was elevated to the peerage after distinguished service in industry.在工业上作出杰出的贡献后,他被提升为贵族。剑桥国际He was exalted to the position of president. 他被提升当了总裁。译典通He was soon advanced to the position of CEO. 不久他被提升为总裁。译典通His advancement to major came two years ago. 他于两年前被提升为少校。译典通I suppose he's feeling a bit resentful about not having been promoted.我想他没被提升心里有些愤愤不平。剑桥国际I was absolutely amazed when I heard he'd been promoted.当听说他被提升了时,我的的确确吃了一惊。剑桥国际I was an editor for seven years before I was promoted to publisher.我被提升为社长前做了七年的编辑。剑桥国际I've got some marvellous news for you--you're going to be promoted.我有个好消息要告诉你----你就要被提升了。剑桥国际I've just been promoted, but keep it dark--I don't want everyone to know just yet.我刚被提升了,不过要保密----我还不想让每个人都知道。剑桥国际Mike Ransom was promoted to captain and then became a battalion chief.迈克·兰塞姆被提升为陆军上尉并成为营长。剑桥国际People in the office think he's an upstart because he was so young when he was promoted.办公室的人认为他是一位新贵,因为他被提升时这么年轻。剑桥国际She claimed that it was because of sexism that she had not been promoted.她声称她因受到性歧视而未被提升。剑桥国际She feels she's overdue for promotion.她感到自己早该被提升了。剑桥国际She has just been promoted to the rank of captain.她刚被提升到上尉军衔。剑桥国际She made such a good impression at work that she was soon promoted.她在工作中给人留下了如此好的印象,以致她很快被提升了。剑桥国际She was expecting to be promoted but ended up being shunted aside to make way for a younger person.她等着被提升,最后却被搁置一边以便给年轻人让路。剑桥国际She was promoted to inspector.她被提升为巡官。剑桥国际The Director had given her to understand (= told her) that she would be promoted.董事长告知她她将被提升。剑桥国际When she began the job she showed initiative and was promoted to manager after a year.她开始工作后显示出主动精神,一年后就被提升为经理。剑桥国际




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