

单词 脊髓
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ME〕if you are unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with ME如果你非常不幸地被确诊患有肌痛性脑脊髓炎外研社新世纪〔attenuate〕an attenuated form of the polio virus 脊髓灰质炎减毒病毒朗文当代〔cerebrospinal〕cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊髓液剑桥高阶〔cerebrospinal〕cerebrospinal meningitis 脑脊髓膜炎文馨英汉〔chordoma〕conventional/sacral chordoma 典型/骶骨脊髓瘤剑桥高阶〔chord〕the spinal chord 脊髓文馨英汉〔cord〕the spinal cord 脊髓文馨英汉〔cord〕the spinal cord脊髓外研社新世纪〔fuse together〕an operation on his spinal cord to fuse the bones together为使骨头长合而在他脊髓上进行的手术外研社新世纪〔lesion〕a lesion of the spinal cord. 脊髓损伤柯林斯高阶〔sensory〕sensory information passing through the spinal cord. 经过脊髓传送的感官信息柯林斯高阶〔seronegative〕children who remain seronegative after polio vaccinations 在接种脊髓灰质炎疫苗后血清反应呈阴性的儿童剑桥高阶〔spinal〕administer a spinal 施用脊髓麻醉剂英汉大词典〔spinal〕spinal reflexes 脊髓反射英汉大词典〔spinocerebellar〕spinocerebellar degeneration. 脊髓与小脑的退化美国传统〔strike〕a young woman who had been stricken with polio. 曾患脊髓灰质炎的年轻女子柯林斯高阶〔strike〕a young woman who had been struck down with polio患上脊髓灰质炎的年轻女性外研社新世纪〔vaccine〕a live vaccine containing the polio virus 含有脊髓灰质炎病毒的活疫苗牛津搭配〔vaccine〕polio vaccine 小儿麻痹症(或脊髓灰质炎)疫苗英汉大词典




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