

单词 脆的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕The crisp, dry leaves rustled underneath her feet. 她踩着又干又脆的树叶,发出沙沙的响声。朗文写作活用〔HARD〕Children love crunchy breakfast cereals and they're full of vitamins too. 儿童喜欢吃脆脆的谷物早餐,维生素也多。朗文写作活用〔HARD〕You can serve the chicken with a crispy stir fry of mixed vegetables. 鸡肉可以配一道松脆的杂炒蔬菜。朗文写作活用〔Melba toast〕Very thinly sliced crisp toast.梅尔巴吐司:一种烤得很松脆的薄面包片美国传统〔Peking duck〕A Chinese dish of roast duck with crispy skin.北京烤鸭:一种属中国菜的外皮酥脆的烤鸭美国传统〔baritone〕Her free-flowing soprano complemented his sensuous ringing baritone.她流畅自如的女高音衬托出了他悦耳清脆的男中音。外研社新世纪〔bark〕The big guns barked.大炮发出短促清脆的轰响。21世纪英汉〔bell pepper〕The large, crisp, bell-shaped red, yellow, or green fruit of this plant.青椒果:此种植物大而脆的红色、黄色或绿色钟状果实美国传统〔biscuit〕A small cake of shortened bread leavened with baking powder or soda.饼干:由烘烤剂或苏打发酵制成的松脆的小块点心美国传统〔biscuit〕A thin, crisp cracker.薄而脆的饼干美国传统〔chicken Kiev〕A dish made of a rolled chicken fillet that is filled with butter, coated with batter, and fried until crisp.基甫炸鸡:为鸡肉片卷起后塞入奶油、裹上面糊,再炸至酥脆的菜美国传统〔clank〕To make a sharp, hard, metallic sound.发叮当声:发出尖锐、清脆的金属声美国传统〔clink〕A light, sharp ringing sound, as of glass or metal.叮当声:轻快、清脆的铃声,如玻璃或金属发出的声音美国传统〔clink〕To make or cause to make a light, sharp ringing sound.(使)叮当作响:发出或使发出轻快、清脆的铃声美国传统〔cookie〕A small, usually flat and crisp cake made from sweetened dough.甜饼干,曲奇饼:一种用加糖的生面团做成的通常为扁平、松脆的小糕点美国传统〔corn chip〕A thin, crisp piece of food made from cornmeal batter.玉米饼:用玉米粉糊做成的一种薄而脆的食品美国传统〔crackly〕Likely to crackle; crisp.易碎的;松脆的美国传统〔creamy〕Do you prefer creamy or crunchy peanut butter? 花生酱你喜欢口感细腻的还是松脆的?韦氏高阶〔crisp〕He stepped carefully through the crisp, deep snow.他小心地走在松脆的、厚厚的雪地里。朗文当代〔crisp〕She kicked at the crisp leaves at her feet.她踢着脚下松脆的树叶。朗文当代〔crisp〕The meat should be nice and crisp on the outside.这肉的外面应该是脆脆的。朗文当代〔crumbly〕Easily crumbled; friable.易碎的;脆的美国传统〔diapir〕An anticlinal fold in which a mobile core, such as salt or gypsum, has pierced through the more brittle overlying rock.底辟作用:在背斜褶曲内的可活动岩核(如盐或石膏),穿透覆于其上的较脆的岩层美国传统〔fragile〕Easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; frail.脆的:易被打碎的、易被破坏或毁坏的;脆弱的美国传统〔fragile〕Egg-shell is fragile.蛋壳是脆的。牛津同义词〔friable〕Readily crumbled; brittle.易碎的;脆的美国传统〔gazar〕A loosely woven silk with a crisp finish.透明丝织物:一种纺织疏松的丝织品,有脆的涂饰美国传统〔gingersnap〕A flat, brittle cookie spiced with ginger and sweetened with molasses.姜饼:一种薄而脆的饼干,用姜汁调味并加糖蜜使之甜美国传统〔grill〕Grill the bacon until crisp.把培根肉烤得脆脆的。朗文当代〔home fry〕A potato that has been peeled, boiled, sliced, and then fried in butter, oil, or shortening. Often used in the plural.家常炸土豆片:削皮,煮熟,切片的土豆然后在油和黄油中炸过或变松脆的土豆条,常用复数美国传统〔muck〕Give me a straight answer, don't muck me about! 给我一个干脆的回答,不要耍弄我。英汉大词典〔napoleon〕A rectangular piece of pastry made with crisp, flaky layers filled with custard cream.拿破仑派:一种长方形的糕点,由数层酥脆的薄片构成,中间夹有蛋糕奶油美国传统〔paste〕A smooth dough of water, flour, and butter or other shortening, used in making pastry.面团,油酥:由水、面粉和黄油或其它使糕饼变脆的油混和而成的光滑的面团,用来做糕点美国传统〔powdery〕Easily made into powder; friable.易成粉末的;易脆的美国传统〔reecho〕The valley reechoed her clear and melodious singing.山谷中又传回她清脆的歌声。21世纪英汉〔ring out〕A shot rang out.突然一声清脆的枪声。剑桥高阶〔ring〕A number of shots rang out.这时听见几声清脆的枪声。牛津高阶〔saltine〕A thin, crisp cracker sprinkled with coarse salt.咸饼干:一种撒上粗盐的薄而脆的饼干美国传统〔shivery〕Easily broken; brittle.易碎的;脆的美国传统〔shortening〕A fat, such as butter or lard, used to make cake or pastry light or flaky.起酥油:一种使饼式糕点变松软或松脆的脂肪,比如白脱或板油美国传统〔silver maple〕The hard, brittle wood of this tree.银槭木:这种树硬而脆的木材美国传统〔silvery〕The violinist played with a bright, silvery tone.小提琴手演奏着欢快清脆的曲调。韦氏高阶〔silvery〕We were woken early by the peal of silvery bells.我们一大早就被一阵清脆的铃声吵醒了。剑桥高阶〔simnel〕A crisp bread made of fine wheat flour.精麦面包:由精制麦粉制成的松脆的面包美国传统〔snap pea〕A variety of snow pea cultivated for its plump crisp edible pod.清脆豌豆:糖荚豌豆的变种,因其饱满松脆的食用豆荚而栽培美国传统〔snap〕A sudden, sharp cracking sound or the action producing such a sound.啪嗒声或发出啪嗒声:一种突然、轻脆的声音或发出这种声音的动作美国传统〔tapping〕Her shoes made a clear tapping on the sidewalk.她的皮鞋在人行道上发出清脆的“笃笃”声。英汉大词典〔tasty〕Try this tasty dish for supper with a crispy salad.晚饭就着鲜脆的色拉尝尝这道佳肴。柯林斯高阶〔ting〕A single light metallic sound, as of a small bell.叮铛声:一阵轻脆的金属般的声音,如一个小铃铛发出的声音美国传统〔ting〕To give forth a light metallic sound.发出叮铛声:发出一种轻脆的金属般的声音美国传统〔tinkle〕A piano was tinkling in the background.背景中传出清脆的钢琴声。韦氏高阶〔tinkle〕In the distance we heard the silvery tinkle of a stream.我们在远处就听到了小溪清脆的流水声。剑桥高阶〔wafer〕A small, thin, crisp cake, biscuit, or candy.华夫饼干:一种小而薄、脆的饼、饼干或糖果美国传统〔waffle〕A light, crisp battercake baked in a waffle iron.华夫饼:用蛋奶烘烤的轻而脆的蛋奶饼美国传统A crisply roasted leg of lamb formed the centrepiece of the meal.一道烤得松脆的羊腿成了这顿饭的主菜。剑桥国际Bake it in the oven for half an hour--the top should be brown and crisp, and the underneath moist and succulent.在炉子里烤半个小时----顶部应该是褐色、酥脆的, 底部应是湿润而松软的。剑桥国际Before baking, cover the mixture with a layer of breadcrumbs for a crunchy topping.烘烤前将混合物撒上一层面包粉以形成松脆的顶皮。剑桥国际I like toast best when it's really crunchy.我最喜欢烤得松脆的面包片。剑桥国际In the production, the recitatives are eliminated and replaced with much crisper spoken dialogue.在演出中,宣叙部被除去,代之以更清朗爽脆的对白。剑桥国际Lightly cooked vegetables retain their crispness.下锅即起的蔬菜保留了生脆的口味。剑桥国际Rolled and filled tortillas can be covered with sauce and cheese then baked until melted or deep fried into crisp parcels.擀过而又加入了植物油的玉米粉圆饼可以涂上果酱和乳酪,然后烘烤直到果酱和乳酪熔化,或者把它们油炸成松脆的玉米片。剑桥国际The crisp snow crunched underfoot as she walked up the path.她沿小径走时,脚底下的雪发出清脆的嘎吱声。剑桥国际The liquid notes of an oriole sound pleasing to the ear. 黄莺清脆的鸣叫声听起来很悦耳。译典通




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