

单词 轮船
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEE〕He nodded toward the distant ship, invisible in the darkness. 他朝着远处黑暗中看不到的轮船点点头。朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕The ship was so slow it dropped far behind the rest of the convoy. 该轮船开得很慢,远远地落在船队其他船只的后面。朗文写作活用〔about〕The ship turned about.轮船调转了方向。外研社新世纪〔anchorage〕The vessel yesterday reached anchorage off Dubai.轮船昨天抵达了迪拜近海的锚地。外研社新世纪〔blast〕An enemy submarine blasted a huge hole in the side of the ship.敌人的潜水艇在轮船的一侧炸出了个大洞。麦克米伦高阶〔blast〕The ship's siren let out several short blasts.轮船的汽笛发出几声短促的吼鸣声。麦克米伦高阶〔boat〕A relatively small, usually open craft of a size that might be carried aboard a ship.无篷小船:相对较小的敞篷船,尺寸较小,以至可用轮船装载美国传统〔boat〕A ship or submarine.轮船,潜艇美国传统〔bound〕The steamer is bound for Shanghai.这艘轮船要开往上海。文馨英汉〔break ... up〕The ship went aground and started to break up.轮船搁了浅,开始破碎。21世纪英汉〔break〕A huge wave broke on/against the shore/over the boat.一个大浪打在岸边/冲上了轮船。剑桥高阶〔carry〕The ship could carry seventy passengers.这艘轮船可以载客70名。外研社新世纪〔cast off〕The ship cast off for its maiden voyage on August 10, 1628.1628年8月10日, 这艘轮船解缆开始首航。外研社新世纪〔change〕I had to change from a train to a steamboat for part of the journey.有一部分路程我得由火车换乘轮船。英汉大词典〔charter〕The hiring or leasing of an aircraft, a vessel, or other vehicle, especially for the exclusive, temporary use of a group of travelers.包租,包船,包机:雇佣或出租飞机、轮船或其他交通工具,尤指一群旅游者使用的特权、临时住所美国传统〔chimney〕Chiefly British A smokestack, as of a ship or locomotive.【多用于英国】 大烟囱:轮船或机车上的大烟囱美国传统〔coaler〕Something, such as a ship or train, used for carrying or supplying coal.运煤船,运煤车:用于装运或供应煤的工具,例如轮船或火车美国传统〔combat〕The ship combatted with the wind and waves.这艘轮船与风浪搏斗。21世纪英汉〔develop〕The ship developed engine trouble.轮船的发动机出了故障。英汉大词典〔differ〕Liners differ from other big ships in having a large superstructure.邮船与其他大轮船的区别在于它有庞大的上层建筑。英汉大词典〔dockyard〕An area, often bordering a body of water, with facilities for building, repairing, or dry-docking ships.制船厂,修船厂:近水区有建造、修复轮船或使轮船进干船坞的设备美国传统〔dot〕The ship became a mere dot on the horizon.轮船在地平线上成了一个小黑点。英汉大词典〔draw〕The ship was drawing closer and closer to the island.轮船正慢慢靠近岛屿。英汉大词典〔embark〕She had embarked on the S.S. Gordon Castle at Tilbury.她在蒂尔伯里登上了“戈登堡”号轮船。外研社新世纪〔end〕The ship was burning from end to end.整条轮船都在燃烧。英汉大词典〔escort〕The vessel was escorted to an undisclosed port.那艘轮船在护航下前往一个秘密港口。柯林斯高阶〔fire〕A dense volley of missiles was fired directly at the ship.一排密集的导弹直接射向那艘轮船。牛津搭配〔fit〕We'll fit new tires to the car.我们将给汽车装上新轮船。文馨英汉〔fix〕All tables on the ship will be fixed to the floor.轮船上所有的桌子都将固定在地板上。韦氏高阶〔flare〕When the crew saw flares, they knew the other ship was in trouble.船员们看到闪光信号时,他们知道另一艘轮船遇到了麻烦。韦氏高阶〔funnel〕A shaft, flue, or stack for ventilation or the passage of smoke, especially the smokestack of a ship or locomotive.烟囱,通风井:尤指轮船或机车上的用来通风或排烟的通风井、烟道或排气管美国传统〔go down〕The ship went down after hitting an iceberg.轮船撞到冰山后沉没了。韦氏高阶〔ground〕Nautical To run (a vessel) aground.【航海】 使(轮船)搁浅美国传统〔hail〕We hailed the passing ship.我们冲着驶过的轮船呼喊示意。韦氏高阶〔heave to〕The ship hove to.轮船停航了。韦氏高阶〔heave〕As the wind increased, the deck of the ship began to heave beneath his feet.随着风力增大,轮船甲板开始在他脚下颠簸起来。剑桥高阶〔hereupon〕The warning whistle sounded and hereupon the last passengers scrambled aboard.催客汽笛响了,最后的几名乘客随即匆忙登上火车(或轮船)。英汉大词典〔hold〕The ship continued to hold its course.轮船继续按航线前行。韦氏高阶〔intrude〕The voyage home began, but not before an intruding aeroplane had repeatedly circled the ship.开始返航了,但是在这之前一架入侵的飞机曾反复在轮船上空盘旋。柯林斯高阶〔labour〕The ship laboured in the rough sea.轮船在波涛汹涌的海面上颠簸。英汉大词典〔lose〕Peter was lost at sea when his ship sank.轮船沉没,彼得在海上遇难。朗文当代〔maiden〕The Great Eastern steamship exploded on its maiden trip in 1859.“大东方”号轮船在1859年首航中发生了爆炸。外研社新世纪〔make out〕We could just make out a ship approaching through the fog.雾色中,我们勉强能看到一艘轮船正在靠近。韦氏高阶〔noodle〕He was noodling up a model of a ship when I went into his office.我走进他的办公室时看到他正摆弄一个轮船模型。21世纪英汉〔out〕The ship sailed out to sea.轮船驶离岸边,进入了大海。韦氏高阶〔out〕They rowed out to the ship.他们离岸划向那艘轮船。韦氏高阶〔paddling〕Nautical The act of moving a boat by means of a paddle.【航海】 明轮船美国传统〔paravane〕A device equipped with sharp teeth and towed alongside a ship to cut the mooring cables of submerged mines.破雷卫,扫雷器:一种尖锐的锯齿,装在轮船周边用来牵引切断水下鱼雷系泊索的装置美国传统〔partner〕Often partners Nautical A wooden framework used to strengthen a ship's deck at the point where a mast or other structure passes through it. 常作 partners 【航海】 补板:轮船甲板、桅杆或其它结构中穿过处起加固作用的木制框架美国传统〔pilot〕One who, though not belonging to a ship's company, is licensed to conduct a ship into and out of port or through dangerous waters.导航员:虽不属于轮船的船员但有资格引导一艘轮船进出港或通过危险水域的人美国传统〔port〕We had a good view of all the ships coming into/leaving port.所有进/出港的轮船我们都看得很清楚。剑桥高阶〔progress〕We watched the ship's stately progress out of the docks.我们注视着轮船缓慢而庄严地驶出了港口。牛津搭配〔progress〕Work on the ship progressed quickly.轮船的建造进展迅速。朗文当代〔pull〕Pull pints of porter for the men off the ship.为下轮船的人拿出几品脱黑啤酒来。21世纪英汉〔pup〕Prezza, as the cheeky young pups call him, had been a ship's steward and union activist.那些目中无人、粗鲁无礼的小青年口中的普雷扎一直在轮船当乘务员, 还是工会积极分子。外研社新世纪〔radio〕They radioed for help when the ship was sinking.轮船沉没时他们用无线电呼救。21世纪英汉〔reeve〕The ship reeved the shoals.轮船穿过了浅滩。英汉大词典〔rename〕The ship was sold, painted, and renamed the Suez Star.这艘轮船被出售后油漆一新,并改名为“苏伊士之星”号。剑桥高阶〔rib〕Nautical One of many curved members attached to a boat or ship's keel and extending upward and outward to form the framework of the hull.【航海】 肋材:附在船或轮船的龙骨上向上及向外延伸形成船壳框架的弯曲零件美国传统〔roll〕The ship was rolling heavily to and fro.轮船剧烈地颠簸着。牛津高阶〔run upon〕The ship ran upon the iceberg.轮船撞到冰山上。21世纪英汉〔seacock〕A valve in the hull of a boat or ship that may be opened to let in water so as to flood a ballast tank, for example.船底阀:小船或轮船壳体上的阀,水通过此阀门可进入船中,如放满压舱槽美国传统〔seaway〕The headway of a ship.航进:轮船的前行美国传统〔seaworthiness〕The ship was completely seaworthy.这艘轮船在海上航行没问题。柯林斯高阶〔sheer off〕She sheered off in time to avoid an accident.轮船及时转向,避免了一次事故。21世纪英汉〔ship〕Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure.90分钟之内轮船准备出发。柯林斯高阶〔sick〕As soon as the ship started moving I began to feel sick.轮船一开动,我就感到恶心了。朗文当代〔side-wheeler〕A side-wheel steamboat.舷侧明轮船:一种两侧有明轮翼的汽船美国传统〔spill〕The ship was suddenly swamped and all its passengers spilled into the sea.轮船突然沉没,船上乘客全都掉进海里。英汉大词典〔spoke〕Nautical One of the handles projecting from the rim of a ship's steering wheel.【航海】 舵轮把柄:安装在轮船舵轮边上的手柄美国传统〔steadied〕Our ship began to steady again after a storm.暴风雨过后,我们的轮船又开始变得平稳了。21世纪英汉〔stern-wheeler〕A steamboat propelled by a paddle wheel at the stern.艉明轮船:一种由在船尾的浆轮推动的轮船美国传统〔tail〕The ship tailed into the wind.那艘(停泊的)轮船船尾迎风。英汉大词典〔take〕The ship took on more fuel at Freetown.轮船在弗里敦停靠加燃料。牛津高阶〔third class〕Accommodations, as on a ship or train, of the third and usually lowest order of luxury and price.三等房:轮船或火车上的三等房间,常是最简陋最廉价的房间美国传统〔tow〕The ship had to be towed into the harbor.那艘轮船不得不被拖进港口。朗文当代〔trick〕A period or turn of duty, as at the helm of a ship.(轮值或值班的一班):值班的时间或轮换,如在轮船的舵旁的值班美国传统〔trim〕To balance (a ship) by shifting its cargo or contents.装稳:调整船上的舱货或乘客以便(轮船)保持平衡美国传统〔under〕The ship came under attack from enemy aircraft.轮船遭到敌机的袭击。麦克米伦高阶〔unscheduled〕The ship made an unscheduled stop at Hawaii.轮船临时停靠在夏威夷。外研社新世纪〔wad〕We are going to shoot our whole wad at the ship.我们将不惜工本地建造这艘轮船。英汉大词典A 10 000-ton vessel can be unloaded in 10 hours.一艘万吨级的轮船 10 小时即可卸完货。牛津商务A ship is in difficulties (= is having problems) off the coast of Ireland.爱尔兰海岸外一艘轮船遇到了麻烦。剑桥国际As a result of his seamanship they avoided the rocks and the ship was saved from disaster.他的航海技术使他们避开了礁石,轮船安全逃离了灾难。剑桥国际He guided the ship safely into harbor. 他驾驶轮船安全入港。译典通On a ship the furniture is often bolted to the deck.轮船上的家具通常用螺栓固定在甲板上。剑桥国际Ships have been warned to watch out for (ice) floes.轮船得到警报说要注意浮冰。剑桥国际The SS Great Britain was the first steamship to cross the Atlantic.大不列颠号轮是穿过大西洋的第一条轮船。剑桥国际The crew were paid off as soon as the ship docked.轮船靠岸后,船员结清工钱后被立即遣散。牛津商务The goods were loaded into the ship's hold.货物被装入轮船的货舱中。牛津商务The large ship could not navigate the river. 那艘大轮船不能在河里航行。译典通The ship has a scheduled in-service date of 2011.这条轮船 2011 年有一个预定的开始服役日期。牛津商务The ship put in at (= stopped at) Cape Town for fresh supplies.轮船停靠在开普顿以补充淡水。剑桥国际The ship sank slowly to the depths of the ocean.轮船慢慢沉向海底。剑桥国际The ship steamed into the harbor. 轮船驶抵港口。译典通The ship unloads the bulk shipment immediately upon arrival.装运散装货物的轮船一抵达目的港立即卸货。牛津商务The ship was not carrying its usual payload of gravel or iron ore.这艘轮船没有装载通常的碎石或铁矿石。牛津商务The ship was only slightly damaged in the collision and was able to sail into port under its own power.轮船在碰撞中只是轻微受损,可以依靠自己的动力驶入港口。剑桥国际The wrecked ship has finally been lifted from the floor of the ocean / the ocean floor.失事轮船的残骸终于从海底打捞上来了。剑桥国际We had a good view of all the ships coming into/leaving port.所有的轮船进出港口我们看得很清楚。剑桥国际




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