

单词 轮状
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acyclic〕Botany Not cyclic. Used especially of flowers whose parts are arranged in spirals rather than in whorls, as in magnolias.【植物学】 非轮列的:非轮状的。特指花朵的排列是螺旋形的而非轮状的,如木兰花美国传统〔annular〕Shaped like or forming a ring.环状的,轮状的:形状象环或形成环状美国传统〔cyclic〕Having parts arranged in a whorl.轮列的:部分成轮状排列的美国传统〔food processor〕An appliance consisting of a container housing interchangeable rotating blades and used for preparing foods, as by shredding, slicing, chopping, or blending.食物加工机:由装有可变换的轮状叶片的容器组成的器具,用来制备食物,如用于撕碎、切片、剁、混合美国传统〔rim〕The circular outer part of a wheel, furthest from the axle.轮缘:离中轴最远的轮状物的圆形外圈部分美国传统〔rotate〕Having radiating parts; wheel-shaped.有辐射部分的;车轮状的美国传统〔rotavirus〕Any of a group of wheel-shaped, RNA-contained viruses that cause gastroenteritis, especially in infants and newborn animals.轮状病毒:任何一组含核糖核酸的轮状病毒,尤其会导致婴儿或新生畜患胃肠炎美国传统〔rotifer〕Any of various minute multicellular aquatic organisms of the phylum Rotifera, having at the anterior end a wheellike ring of cilia.轮虫:轮虫门的任一种头部顶端有一圈轮状纤毛的微小多细胞永生生物美国传统〔rotiform〕Shaped like a wheel.轮状的:像轮子的形状美国传统〔trochal〕Shaped like or resembling a wheel, as the ciliated ring of a rotifer.轮状的:形状象或类似轮子的,如轮虫有纤毛的环美国传统〔verticillaster〕A cymose inflorescence resembling a whorl but actually arising in the axils of opposite bracts, as in most mints.轮状聚伞花序:类似涡旋状的聚伞花序,但实际上是从相对花苞的枝腋中产生的,如同大部分的薄荷属植物美国传统〔verticillate〕Arranged in or forming whorls or a whorl.轮生的,有毛轮的:轮状排列或者轮生的美国传统




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