

单词 让给
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Esau〕In the Old Testament, the eldest son of Isaac and Rebecca who sold his birthright to his twin brother, Jacob, for a mess of pottage.以扫:在《旧约》中是艾萨克和卢贝卡的长子,曾只为了一些浓汤把他的长子名份让给了他的孪生兄弟雅各美国传统〔abdicate〕King Alfonso XIII abdicated in favour of his eldest son.国王阿方索十三世把王位让给了长子。朗文当代〔alienation〕Law The act of transferring property or title to it to another.【法律】 转让,让渡:将财产或封号转让给他人的行为美国传统〔alienee〕One to whom or to which ownership of property is transferred.受让人:财产的所有权所转让给的那个人美国传统〔alienor〕One that transfers ownership of property to another.让渡人:将财产所有权转让给其他人的人美国传统〔alien〕To transfer (property) to another; alienate.转让,让渡:将(财产)转让给其他人;让渡美国传统〔assign〕He assigned her all his land in Ireland.他把自己在爱尔兰的所有土地转让给了她。外研社新世纪〔assign〕Her property was assigned to her grandchildren.她的财产转让给了她的孙辈。剑桥高阶〔assign〕Law To transfer (property, rights, or interests) from one to another.【法律】 把(财产,权利、利息)从一人转让给另一人美国传统〔assign〕The agreement assigns copyright to the publisher.协议规定将版权转让给出版商。牛津高阶〔cede〕After the war Spain ceded the island to America.战争结束后西班牙把该岛割让给美国。外研社新世纪〔cede〕Cuba was ceded by Spain to the US in 1898.古巴在 1898 年被西班牙割让给美国。牛津高阶〔cede〕Hong Kong was ceded to Britain after the Opium War.鸦片战争后香港被割让给了英国。剑桥高阶〔cede〕Much of the territory along the border was ceded to the United States.沿边境的大片领土被割让给了美国。朗文当代〔cede〕Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico, but after the war Spain ceded the island to America.在波多黎各的战事很短暂;但是战争结束后,西班牙将该岛屿割让给了美国。柯林斯高阶〔cede〕Russia ceded Alaska to the U.S. in 1867.俄国于1867年将阿拉斯加割让给了美国。韦氏高阶〔cede〕They have ceded their business to Brown Brothers.他们已将他们的商行转让给布朗兄弟公司。21世纪英汉〔cede〕This island was ceded to Spain more than one hundred years ago.这个岛屿在一百多年以前就割让给西班牙了。21世纪英汉〔cession〕A ceding or surrendering, as of territory to another country by treaty.(领土的)割让:割让或放弃,如由条约规定的割让给另一国的领土美国传统〔concede〕The President was obliged to concede power to the army.总统被迫把权力让给军队。牛津高阶〔concede〕They conceded some of their land to the enemy.他们把一部分领土割让给敌人。21世纪英汉〔convey〕Conveying a property from one owner to another calls for meticulous attention to detail.将房产从所有人转让给他人时需要特别注意细节。外研社新世纪〔convey〕He conveyed the estate to his son.他将财产转让给了儿子。韦氏高阶〔deed over〕Mother decided to deed the house over to the eldest daughter before she died.母亲决定在逝世之前立遗嘱把房子转让给长女。21世纪英汉〔deed to〕He deeded the property to his daughter.他立契约把财产转让给女儿。21世纪英汉〔deed〕She deeded the house to her children.她立契把这房子转让给了她的孩子们。韦氏高阶〔deed〕The land was part of the reserve deeded to the Hudson's Bay Company.这片土地就是出让给哈得孙湾百货公司的保护区的一部分。外研社新世纪〔deed〕The property has been deeded to her by her husband.这笔财产已由她丈夫立契约转让给她。21世纪英汉〔disposal〕He placed (或 put, left) his house at my disposal during my holidays.在我度假期间他把房子让给我随意使用。英汉大词典〔endorsee〕One to whom ownership of a negotiable document is transferred by endorsement.被背书人:通过背书而被转让给可转让文件所有权的人美国传统〔extradite〕To give up or deliver (a fugitive, for example) to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority.引渡(逃犯等):把对(如逃犯等)的合法审判权放弃或让给另一政府或当局美国传统〔fee simple〕Private ownership of real estate in which the owner has the right to control, use, and transfer the property at will.产业的私有权:产业的所有者有控制和使用地产并按自己的意愿转让给他人的权力美国传统〔gallantly〕He gallantly offered her his seat.他殷勤地把座位让给了她。韦氏高阶〔give sth over to sth/sb〕We've given the attic over to the children.我们已经把阁楼让给孩子们了。剑桥高阶〔give up to〕It's still polite to give up your seat to an old man.把座位让给老人仍是个有礼貌的行为。21世纪英汉〔give/hand sth to sb on a (silver) platter〕If you sell your share in the company now, you're handing the ownership to him on a silver platter.如果你现在出售你在公司的股权,就等于把所有权拱手让给他。剑桥高阶〔give〕He gave up his seat on the bus to an old woman.在公共汽车上他把坐位让给一位老大娘。英汉大词典〔give〕He gave up his seat to a pregnant woman(= stood up to allow her to sit down).他把座位让给了一名孕妇。牛津高阶〔give〕I will give you this game.这一局我让给你了。外研社新世纪〔gladly〕When I offered her my seat, she accepted it gladly.我把座位让给她时,她欣然接受了。牛津高阶〔make over〕He made the ranch/shares over to his eldest son.他把农场/股份转让给了他的长子。韦氏高阶〔make over〕John had made over to him most of the land.约翰把绝大部分土地都转让给了他。柯林斯高阶〔make〕He made over the whole estate to his son.他把全部财产转让给了自己的儿子。朗文当代〔move over〕They said Mr Jenkins should make balanced programmes about the Black community or move over and let someone else who can.他们说,詹金斯先生应该针对黑人社区制订协调计划,或干脆离职,把位置让给能谋此政的人。柯林斯高阶〔oblige〕You are obliged to assign to me your firm by the contract.你必须按照合同把你的商行转让给我。21世纪英汉〔pass〕Under the will, ownership of the business will pass to my daughter.依照这份遗嘱,公司的所有权将转让给我女儿。麦克米伦高阶〔refusal〕I sold him (the) first refusal on my house for a thousand pounds down.我把我房子的第一优先购买权以预付1000英镑现金让给他了。英汉大词典〔relinquish〕She has relinquished the post to her cousin.她把职位让给了表弟。牛津搭配〔relinquish〕She relinquished possession of the house to her sister.她将房子让给了她的妹妹。牛津高阶〔relinquish〕The old king relinquished his throne to his son.年迈的国王将王位让给了儿子。21世纪英汉〔resign〕He resigned his seat to an old man.他把座位让给了一位老翁。英汉大词典〔resign〕She resigned her seat to an old woman.她把座位让给一位老太太。21世纪英汉〔rook〕They rooked me of £5 for the theatre ticket.他们将戏票转让给我,敲了我5镑。21世纪英汉〔seat〕He gave up his seat on the bus to a pregnant woman.他在公共汽车上把座位让给了一位孕妇。牛津搭配〔sell〕I sold my car to James for £800.我把我的汽车转让给了詹姆斯,获得 800 英镑。牛津高阶〔sign over〕He signed over the property to his brother.他签字把财产转让给他弟弟。韦氏高阶〔sign over〕Last June, he closed his business voluntarily and signed his assets over to someone else.去年6月,他主动关闭了自己的公司并签字将资产转让给了其他人。柯林斯高阶〔sign over〕Two years ago, he signed over his art collection to the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.两年前,他正式签字将他的艺术收藏品转让给了纽约大都会艺术博物馆。柯林斯高阶〔sign over〕You could avoid death duties by signing the house over to your son.你可以把房产转让给儿子, 以规避遗产税。外研社新世纪〔sign〕Her dad signed the car over to her.她的爸爸签字把汽车让给了她。麦克米伦高阶〔step aside〕He stepped aside in favour of a younger man.他退居了二线, 把位置让给了一位更年轻的男子。外研社新世纪〔subcontract〕A contract that assigns some of the obligations of a prior contract to another party.分包合同:将先前一合同的部分项目转让给另一方来完成的合同美国传统〔subway〕A guy gave me his seat on the subway.地铁上一个男人把他的座位让给了我。剑桥高阶〔surrender〕These two tickets could be surrendered to you.这两张票可以让给你买。21世纪英汉〔take〕He's the kind of man who makes things happen but lets others take the credit.他是那种做了事情却把功劳让给别人的人。朗文当代〔transferable〕Tickets are transferable between members of the same family.票证可转让给家庭成员使用。牛津搭配〔transferable〕Your Railcard is not transferable to anyone else.你的火车优惠卡不能转让给其他人。柯林斯高阶〔transfer〕He has already transferred ownership of most of the works to a British foundation.他已把大部分作品的所有权转让给一家英国基金会。柯林斯高阶〔transfer〕He has already transferred ownership of most of the works to a British foundation.他已经把大部分作品的所有权转让给了一家英国基金会。外研社新世纪〔transfer〕He intends to transfer the property to his daughter.他打算把财产转让给女儿。21世纪英汉〔transfer〕He transferred control of the company to his son.他把公司的管理权转让给儿子。韦氏高阶〔transfer〕He transferred the property to his son.他把财产转让给了儿子。牛津高阶〔transfer〕She transferred the house to her daughter before she died.她死前把房子转让给了女儿。剑桥高阶〔treaty〕Under the terms of the treaty, La Rochelle was ceded to the English.根据这个条约的条款,拉罗谢尔割让给了英国人。牛津高阶〔unselfish〕It was very unselfish of him to offer us his room.他把自己的房间让给我们,真是慷慨无私。a.麦克米伦高阶〔yield to〕They yielded to the senator from the South.他们把发言权让给了南方议员。21世纪英汉〔yield〕He would never yield up the castle to the English.他绝不会把城堡让给英格兰人。朗文当代〔yield〕They were forced to yield (up) their land to the occupying forces.他们被迫将领土割让给占领军。剑桥高阶By the terms of the treaty, a third of their territory was ceded to France. 根据协议的条款,该国领土的三分之一被割让给法国。译典通Do let me know if you're not coming because if so we'll give your place to someone else.如果你不能来,请务必告诉我,因为如果是那样的话,我们要把你的位子让给其他人。剑桥国际France ceded the territory to them. 法国把那块领土割让给他们。译典通He gave up his seat on the bus to an old woman standing nearby. 他乘公车时把座位让给了站在他身边的老太太。译典通He has put his car at my disposal. 他已把车子让给我随意使用。译典通He relinquished all control over the company to his daughter. 他将掌管公司的全权让给了女儿。译典通He transferred the policy to the bank under an assignment clause.他根据转让条款将保险单转让给银行。牛津商务His wealth was made over to his children. 他的财产转让给了他的子女。译典通Hong Kong was ceded to Britain after the Opium War.香港是在鸦片战争后割让给英国的。剑桥国际It is difficult to cede control of projects to people who might make mistakes.将项目的控制权让给可能出错的人是很难的。牛津商务Please give (up) your seat to an elderly or disabled person if they require it.如果上了年纪的人或残疾人要求你让座,请把座位让给他们。剑桥国际She gave up her sleeping berth to a pregnant woman. 她把卧舖让给了一位孕妇。译典通She relinquished responsibility for the family investments to her son.她把管家庭投资的责任让给了儿子。剑桥国际She transferred the house to her daughter before she died.她死前把房子让给了她的女儿。剑桥国际She's been head of this school for 20 years, and it's time she moved aside/over to make room for a younger person (= gave up her job so that a younger person can have it).她在这学校当了二十年校长,现在该退休,把职位让给年轻人了。剑桥国际Thank you for giving me your seat, that was very kind of you.谢谢你把座位让给我,你这样做使我很感激。剑桥国际The company is not obliged to hand this benefit on to customers.公司并非必须将这项利益让给顾客。牛津商务The legal title to the shares is transferred to the buyer.股票的合法所有权已转让给买方。牛津商务The museum director said that the first step in salvage was to get any party with a claim to the wreck to relinquish it to the museum.博物馆馆长说,抢救的第一步是使任何对该残骸提出所有权要求的一方将此要求权转让给博物馆。剑桥国际The old farmer conveyed his farm to his son. 老农夫将其农场转让给儿子。译典通The trader will transfer the bill of exchange to his bank through endorsement.贸易商通过背书将汇票转让给他的银行。牛津商务They will break up the company and parcel out bits to the other players in the sector.他们会将公司分拆后转让给本行业的其他企业。牛津商务




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