

单词 轮换
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔biodynamics〕A method of organic gardening and crop cultivation in which certain factors, such as planetary and seasonal cycles, are considered.生物动力学:有机物栽培和作物培养的一种方法,需要考虑如行星作用和季节轮换等因素美国传统〔bit〕A unit of information equivalent to the choice of either of two equally likely alternatives.位元:相当于轮换选择二者之一的一组信息美国传统〔carpool〕They carpooled their way from New Mexico.他们从新墨西哥出发,一路轮换开车。英汉大词典〔cross-training〕Cross-training is a vital part of job rotation.交流培训是工作轮换必不可少的环节。朗文当代〔job-sharing〕A practice whereby the responsibility for one job is shared between two or more alternating part-time workers.轮换工作:由两个或两个以上兼职人员轮换负担一项工作职责的行为美国传统〔piggyback〕They give each other piggy-back rides.他们轮换驮着对方。柯林斯高阶〔relay〕He chartered a relay of cars which got him to Beirut.他租了几辆车,轮换着开,一程又一程开到了贝鲁特。英汉大词典〔relay〕The guard was relayed every four hours.看守每四小时轮换一次。外研社新世纪〔rotate〕Employers may rotate duties to give staff wider experience.雇主可以轮换工作岗位,以丰富员工的经验。朗文当代〔rotate〕The chairmanship of the committee rotates annually.委员会主席的职位每年轮换一次。朗文当代〔rotate〕The coach rotates her players frequently near the end of the game.教练在比赛即将结束时频繁地轮换球员美国传统〔rotate〕The soldiers would be rotated home.那些士兵将轮换调防回国。英汉大词典〔rotate〕The troops stationed along the border three years ago have been rotated back to their original positions.三年前派驻在边境的部队现已轮换调防原地。21世纪英汉〔rotate〕They will swap posts in a year's time, according to new party rules which rotate the leadership.根据轮流担任领导的新政党章程,他们在一年后会轮换职位。柯林斯高阶〔rotate〕We have been rotating the rescue teams on a 12-hour basis.每12小时我们就轮换一批营救队员。麦克米伦高阶〔rotate〕We rotated back to the States together.我们一同轮换调防回美国。英汉大词典〔rotate〕When I joined the company, I rotated around the different sections.我加入这个公司时,轮换过几个不同的部门。牛津高阶〔rotation〕We use a system of job rotation to keep staff stimulated.我们采用工作轮换制来保持员工的积极性。麦克米伦高阶〔rotative〕Characterized by or occurring in alternation or succession.轮流的,轮换的:具有交替或连续特征的美国传统〔spell〕He and the other assistant spelled each other.他和另一位助手轮换工作。英汉大词典〔spell〕If we take spells (with) doing the painting, it won't seem like such hard work.如果我们轮换着刷油漆,也许干起来不会这么累。剑桥高阶〔squad rotation〕Benitez defended his squad rotation system, saying key players need to be rested.伯尼特兹为他的球员轮换首发系统进行辩护,表示主力球员需要休息。剑桥高阶〔trick〕A period or turn of duty, as at the helm of a ship.(轮值或值班的一班):值班的时间或轮换,如在轮船的舵旁的值班美国传统〔turn about〕If we do the work turn and turn about, we can finish it quickly.如果我们轮换着做这个工作,我们能很快地把它完成。21世纪英汉〔turn〕If you do the work turn and turn about you shouldn't get too tired.如果你们轮换着做这工作那就不会太疲劳了。英汉大词典〔undulation〕A regular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides; movement in waves.波动,起伏:有规律地升起和降落或轮换侧面的运动;波状运动美国传统Job rotation between different tasks was introduced to reduce physical and mental fatigue.实施了不同任务之间的岗位轮换以减少身体和精神疲劳。牛津商务




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