

单词 茫然
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFUSED〕At times the old man seemed baffled by his surroundings. 有时,那个老人似乎对周围的环境感到茫然。朗文写作活用〔CONFUSED〕Mr Rice was staring at the report with a perplexed expression on his face. 赖斯先生盯着那份报告,一脸茫然。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Carter's face was a blank, revealing no emotion. 卡特一脸茫然,毫无表情。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕It was two days before the baby was due, and Robert was at his wits’ end. 孩子还有两天就要出生了,罗伯特茫然不知所措。朗文写作活用〔absently〕Did you? Dick said absently.「是吗?」迪克茫然地说道。文馨英汉〔absent〕She noted the absent fixity of his stare.她注意到他那茫然凝视的目光。英汉大词典〔adrift〕Marsha felt frustrated, frightened, adrift.玛莎觉得沮丧、恐惧和茫然。外研社新世纪〔as〕Teachers must put the brakes on, as it were, when they notice students looking puzzled.当老师发现学生神色茫然时,就应该在一定程度上放慢速度。牛津高阶〔at〕He was at a loss.他茫然无措。文馨英汉〔baffled〕His baffled expression betrayed his confusion.他茫然无措的表情将他心中的困惑表露无遗。外研社新世纪〔bemusedly〕He was staring bemusedly at the picture of himself.他茫然地盯着自己的照片。外研社新世纪〔bemusedly〕He was staring bemusedly at the picture of himself.他茫然地盯着自己的照片。柯林斯高阶〔bemusedly〕Mr. Sebastian was looking at the boys with a bemused expression.塞巴斯蒂安先生一脸茫然地看着男孩儿们。柯林斯高阶〔bemusedly〕She smiled bemusedly.她茫然地笑了笑。韦氏高阶〔bemused〕Mary looked at her with a bemused expression.玛丽一脸茫然地看着她。外研社新世纪〔bemused〕She had a bemused expression/smile on her face.她的脸上带着困惑的表情/茫然的微笑。韦氏高阶〔bemused〕They exchanged bemused glances.他们交换了一下茫然的眼神。麦克米伦高阶〔bemusement〕She smiled in/with bemusement.她茫然地笑了笑。韦氏高阶〔bewilderment〕She looked at him in bewilderment.她看着他,茫然不知所措。朗文当代〔blankly〕Abbot looked blank. 'I don't quite follow, sir.'.阿博特一脸茫然。“我没听明白,先生。”柯林斯高阶〔blankly〕His eyes have the blankness of someone half-asleep.他的眼睛透着茫然,一副半睡半醒的样子。柯林斯高阶〔blankly〕I sat quietly, staring blankly ahead.我静静地坐著,一片茫然地看著前面。文馨英汉〔blank〕Abbot looked blank. 'I don't quite follow, sir.'阿博特一脸茫然。“我没听明白, 先生。”外研社新世纪〔blank〕Gina looked blank; then understanding dawned.吉娜看起来很茫然,然后突然明白了。牛津搭配〔blank〕His expression remained studiously blank.他的表情仍是那种故作茫然状。牛津搭配〔confusion〕He stared in confusion and disbelief.他茫然而疑惑地瞪着眼。韦氏高阶〔confusion〕I saw the confusion on their faces.我看出他们脸上茫然的样子。牛津同义词〔dazed〕We were left feeling dazed and confused.我们感到茫然和疑惑。牛津搭配〔depth〕I was beginning to feel out of my depth.我开始感到茫然。英汉大词典〔disorientate〕Ex-soldiers can be disorientated by the transition to civilian life.退伍军人转去过平民生活可能会感到茫然。牛津高阶〔disorientate〕She felt shocked and totally disorientated.她感到震惊而茫然不知所措。牛津高阶〔dull〕Her eyes dulled and she gazed blankly ahead.她眼神暗淡, 茫然地凝视着前方。外研社新世纪〔empty〕She stood staring emptily into space.她站着茫然地凝视远方。牛津高阶〔exhilarated〕By the week's end I was exhilarated and confused.到了周末我又兴奋又茫然。外研社新世纪〔faint〕He looked around the room in the faint hope that Sam might suddenly appear.他在房间里茫然四顾,希望萨姆会突然出现。麦克米伦高阶〔floor〕He seemed floored by a string of scandals.他似乎被一连串的丑闻搞得茫然失措。柯林斯高阶〔flounder〕His abrupt change of subject left her floundering helplessly.他突然改变话题,使她茫然不知所措。牛津高阶〔gaze〕She gazed out of the window at the dreary landscape.她茫然地看着窗外毫无新意的风景。外研社新世纪〔incomprehension〕Rosie had a look of incomprehension on her face.罗茜一脸茫然。柯林斯高阶〔incomprehension〕Rosie had a look of incomprehension on her face.罗茜脸上一副茫然的表情。外研社新世纪〔incomprehension〕She gave me a look of complete/utter incomprehension.她茫然地看了我一眼。韦氏高阶〔incomprehension〕She screwed up her face into an urgent snarl of incomprehension.她把脸皱缩成一团,露出一副急切而茫然不解的神情。英汉大词典〔inert〕He sat listening to her, gone inert and blank himself.他坐着听她讲话,变得迟钝又茫然。英汉大词典〔iron〕I looked at him not so much in fear as in an iron incomprehension.我盯着他看,与其说是害怕,不如说是感到茫然不解。英汉大词典〔island〕We are islanded in the midst of the great mystery.我们堕入这个大谜团之中,茫然不着边际。英汉大词典〔lie〕A blank and empty future lay before me.我的未来是一片茫然和空白。朗文当代〔limbo〕I didn't know whether my family was alive or dead. I felt as if I was in limbo.我不知道家人是生是死,感觉自己茫然无措。柯林斯高阶〔loss〕When her son finally left home, Emily felt completely at a loss.儿子终于离开了家,埃米莉茫然若失。朗文当代〔lost〕I feel lost and lonely in a strange town alone.独自待在一个陌生的小镇, 我感到茫然无措, 很是孤单。外研社新世纪〔lost〕Of the funeral he remembered only the cold, the waiting, and feeling very lost.关于葬礼,他只记得那冷冷的天,那久久的等候和那种茫然若失的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔lost〕She's a great friend and I'd be lost without her.她是一个很不错的朋友,没有她我就会茫然无措。朗文当代〔muddle ... up〕I felt muddled up when I came to the new class.当我来到新的班上时,我感到茫然不知所措。21世纪英汉〔nothingness〕Her eyes, glazed with the drug, stared with half closed lids at nothingness.她因吸食毒品而目光呆滞,双眼半睁半闭,茫然呆视。柯林斯高阶〔nothingness〕Natalie found him looking into nothingness.纳塔莉发现他目光茫然。朗文当代〔overwhelmed〕Sightseers may be a little overwhelmed by the crowds and noise.拥挤的人群和喧闹的噪音可能会让游客有些茫然不知所措。外研社新世纪〔perplexed〕Japan's perplexed bankers need not worry.茫然无措的日本银行家们无需担忧。外研社新世纪〔perplexed〕The student looked at him, perplexed.那个学生看着他,一脸的茫然。朗文当代〔perplexity〕He stared at her in perplexity.他茫然地盯着她。韦氏高阶〔perplexity〕Most of them just stared at her in perplexity.他们多数人茫然地凝视着她。牛津高阶〔perplexity〕She stared at the instruction booklet in complete perplexity.她一脸茫然地盯着说明书。剑桥高阶〔perplexity〕The state of being perplexed or puzzled.困惑,茫然:困惑或令人费解的状态美国传统〔perplexity〕There was a look of perplexity on his face.他一脸茫然。韦氏高阶〔poker-faced〕His expressions varied from poker-faced to blank.他的表情在一本正经和茫然惶惑之间变幻不定。柯林斯高阶〔sea〕In a state of confusion or perplexity; at a loss.茫然,不知所措:处于混乱的或困惑的状态;不知所措美国传统〔shut〕She was silent for a moment, lips tight shut, eyes distant.她沉默了一会儿,嘴唇紧闭,眼神茫然。柯林斯高阶〔space〕He was absent-mindedly staring/gazing into space (= looking, but seeing nothing).他走神了,目光茫然。剑桥高阶〔space〕Molly turned away and gazed off into space, a faraway look in her eyes.莫莉转过脸去茫然瞪视,眼神似已飘到了远方。柯林斯高阶〔stare〕Clare was sitting on her unmade bed, staring into space.克莱尔坐在她没有整理的床铺上,茫然地发着呆。麦克米伦高阶〔stupefied〕They looked at her with stupefied expressions on their faces.他们一脸茫然地看着她。韦氏高阶〔stuporous〕He was in a mood of stuporous silence.他处于一种一言不发茫然若失的状态中。英汉大词典〔television〕Kelly switched on the television and stared blankly at the screen.凯利打开电视机,茫然地盯着电视屏幕。麦克米伦高阶〔tipping〕She took out the plate, stared blankly at the dried-up food on it, and tipped it into the bin… 她拿出盘子,茫然地望着上面已经干掉的食物,然后把它倒进了垃圾桶。柯林斯高阶〔trenchant〕He was shattered and bewildered by this trenchant criticism.他因这番尖锐的批评而万念俱灰,茫然不知所措。柯林斯高阶〔tyranny〕She felt lost in the bureaucratic tyrannies of the university system.在大学官僚专制体制内她觉得茫然无措。韦氏高阶〔uncomprehending〕He gave me an uncomprehending look when I mentioned her name.当我提到她的名字时,他一脸茫然。韦氏高阶〔uncomprehending〕She looked at him uncomprehendingly.她一脸茫然地注视着他。牛津高阶〔unfocused〕Bowman looked up at her, his gaze slightly unfocused.博曼抬头看着她,目光有些茫然。剑桥高阶〔unfocused〕His eyes were unfocused.他目光茫然。麦克米伦高阶〔vacancy〕His mouth fell open and the look of vacancy returned.他的嘴张着,又露出了那种茫然若失的神情。朗文当代〔vacantly〕African children, vacantly staring into a bleak world.神情茫然地凝望着这个凄凉世界的非洲儿童柯林斯高阶〔vacantly〕She stared vacantly at the floor.她茫然地瞪著地板。文馨英汉〔vacantly〕She stared vacantly out the window.她茫然地凝视着窗外。韦氏高阶〔vacant〕A vacant expression settled on his face.他的脸上露出茫然的表情。麦克米伦高阶〔vacant〕Cindy was staring vacantly into space.辛迪茫然地凝视着前方。朗文当代〔vacant〕He had a vacant expression on his face.他一脸茫然的表情。韦氏高阶〔vacant〕He stared vacantly ahead.他一脸茫然地盯着前面。麦克米伦高阶〔vacant〕She had a kind of vacant look on her face.她脸上有种茫然的神情。外研社新世纪〔vacuous〕He had a vacuous expression on his face.他一脸茫然的表情。韦氏高阶〔vaguely〕He looked vaguely around the room, his mind elsewhere.他茫然地看了看屋子四周, 脑子里想着别的事。外研社新世纪〔vague〕He looked very vague and wondered aloud how it could have happened.他的神情非常茫然,喃喃自语说怎么会发生这样的事。英汉大词典〔vague〕She gave him a vague look.她神情茫然地看了他一眼。外研社新世纪He sat slumped (= sitting with round shoulders and head low as if extremely tired) over his desk, staring vacantly at the keyboard.他垂头丧气地坐在了书桌前,茫然地凝视着键盘。剑桥国际He sat staring out of the window as if in a trance, dazed and unaware.他坐着凝视着窗外,好像处于恍惚的状态中,茫然的,没有意识。剑桥国际He spent some time staring vacantly at the pad in front of him.他盯着面前的小本子茫然地看了好一阵子。剑桥国际I looked in her face for some response, but she just stared at me blankly.我在她的脸上寻求答案,但她只是茫然地瞪着我。剑桥国际She gave me a bemused look when he told her he was studying the common flea.当他告诉她他正在学普通蚤目昆虫学时,她茫然地看了我一眼.剑桥国际She gazed vacantly into space/ahead.她茫然地望着空中/前方。剑桥国际She had a vacant look/expression on her face.她脸上是一片茫然的神色/表情。剑桥国际She smiled at him absently (=without thinking about what she was doing because she was thinking of other things).她茫然地对他微笑。剑桥国际She was dazed by the news. 这消息使他茫然。译典通




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