

单词 解出
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕It was a difficult equation, but it took her only five minutes to work out the solution. 这是个很难解的方程式,但她只花了五分钟就解出来了。朗文写作活用〔BEFORE〕Sandy finished the puzzle first. 桑迪第一个解出了字谜。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕Give Tom a mathematical puzzle and he'll just keep on trying till he cracks it. 给汤姆一道数学难题,他就会一直解下去,直到解出来为止。朗文写作活用〔box〕To solve this puzzle, you'll have to think outside the box.要解出这道难题,你必须跳出固有的思维模式。韦氏高阶〔crow〕The boy gave a little crow of delight when he mastered the puzzle.男孩解出了这道难题,高兴得叫出声来。韦氏高阶〔deport〕He was deported from Ecuador when his visa expired.-- 签证过期后他被递解出厄瓜多尔。朗文当代〔deport〕Several of the asylum seekers now face deportation.寻求避难的人中有几个正面临递解出境。牛津高阶〔dope out〕I doped out most of the questions on the test.我解出了试题中的大多数题。21世纪英汉〔dope〕Informal To figure out (a puzzle, for example).【非正式用语】 想出:推断出,解出(如难题)美国传统〔famously〕Authors are famously ignorant about the realities of publishing.作者们不了解出版界的实际情况,这是人所共知的。柯林斯高阶〔flog〕I knew exactly how difficult it is flogging through thirty problems a day without assistance.我知道在无人帮助的情况下一天解出三十道题有多难。外研社新世纪〔grapple〕He grappled with the problem for an hour before he solved it.他费了一个小时才解出了那道题。英汉大词典〔independent〕Of or relating to a system of equations no one of which can be derived from another equation in the system.独立方程式的:属于或与一组方程组有关的,方程组中任一方程不可能从其它同组方程解出答案的美国传统〔process〕I solved the problem by a process of elimination.我用排除法解出了那道题。朗文当代〔take〕He took ten minutes solving (或to solve) the problem.他花10分钟时间解出了这道题。英汉大词典〔understand〕You don't understand what it's like/how it feels to have to beg on the streets.你不了解出于无奈才上街乞讨是什么样子/是什么样的感觉。剑桥高阶〔unzip〕I think I've finally unzipped this calculus problem.我认为我最终解出了这道微积分题。21世纪英汉〔work〕He worked out the problems.他把那些问题解出来。文馨英汉He grappled with the problem for an hour before he solved it. 他费了一个小时才解出了那道题。译典通I came within reach of solving (= I almost solved) the crossword, but there was one clue that I couldn't work out.我差点就解出了纵横字谜,可有一个提示我做不出。剑桥国际She solved the puzzle astonishingly quickly.她以快得出奇的速度解出了难题。剑桥国际We finally puzzled out the meaning of the poem. 我们苦苦思索终于解出这首诗的意思。译典通




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