

单词 解体
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Commonwealth of Independent States〕the Commonwealth of Independent States独立国家联合体, 独联体(苏联解体后由之前的加盟共和国组成, 不包括波罗的海三国, 成立于1991年)外研社新世纪〔absolute〕the collapse of moral absolutes 绝对道德准则的解体英汉大词典〔break-up〕the break-up of British Rail for privatisation. 在私有化过程中英国铁路公司的解体柯林斯高阶〔break-up〕the break-up of British Rail for privatization在私有化过程中英国铁路公司的解体外研社新世纪〔breakup〕the breakup of an asteroid as it hits the Earth's atmosphere 小行星进入地球大气层后的解体韦氏高阶〔breakup〕the breakup of the Soviet Union 苏联的解体朗文当代〔collapse〕the collapse of the Soviet Union 苏联的解体韦氏高阶〔collapse〕the collapse of the Soviet Union 苏联的突然解体朗文当代〔current〕keep Grandmother current on sports and scientific developments 让奶奶随时了解体育新闻和科学的最新发展英汉大词典〔demise〕the demise of the USSR 苏联的解体牛津搭配〔disintegrate〕disintegrate the social structure 使社会结构解体英汉大词典〔disintegrate〕the catastrophic disintegration of the aircraft after the explosion. 爆炸后飞机灾难性的解体柯林斯高阶〔disintegrate〕the disintegration of an ordinary marriage. 一桩普通婚姻的解体柯林斯高阶〔disintegrate〕the disintegration of the Soviet empire into separate republics 苏联帝国解体成独立的共和国朗文当代〔disintegration〕indicators of social disintegration such as divorce, suicide and petty theft 社会解体的标志,例如离婚、自杀和小偷小摸牛津搭配〔disintegration〕the catastrophic disintegration of the aircraft after the explosion爆炸后飞机灾难性的解体外研社新世纪〔disintegration〕the gradual disintegration of sb.'s way of life 某人生活方式的逐渐解体英汉大词典〔disintegration〕the gradual disintegration of traditional values 传统价值观的逐渐解体牛津搭配〔disintegration〕the violent disintegration of Yugoslavia南斯拉夫的暴力解体外研社新世纪〔dissolution〕a film about social hypocrisy and the dissolution of family ties一部反映社会伪善与家庭关系解体的电影外研社新世纪〔dissolution〕the dissolution of traditional family life. 传统家庭生活的解体柯林斯高阶〔empire〕the collapse of the Soviet empire 罗马帝国的解体麦克米伦高阶〔family〕the break-up of the family unit 家庭单位的解体朗文当代〔fragmentation〕the fragmentation of the Soviet Union into separate states 苏联到各个独立国家的解体过程麦克米伦高阶〔parenthood〕the disintegrating nuclear family and the rise in single parenthood 核心家庭的解体与单亲家庭数量的上升牛津搭配〔ramshackle〕a ramshackle federation of states 一个行将解体的国家联盟麦克米伦高阶〔ramshackle〕the ramshackle structure of federal taxes 行将解体的联邦税制英汉大词典〔split-up〕the split-up of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的分裂解体英汉大词典




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