

单词 自然现象
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GHOST〕Many of the people here continue to believe in the supernatural. 这里的许多人依然相信有超自然现象。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕A thorough understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of natural phenomena. 透彻理解数学足以解释很多自然现象。朗文写作活用〔anthropomorphism〕Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.拟人论,拟人观:赋予无生命的物体,动物或自然现象以人的动机,特征或行动美国传统〔anthropomorphous〕Ascribing human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to things not human, such as inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.使人格化的:赋予非人的事物,如无生命的物体、动物或自然现象以人的动机、特征或行为的美国传统〔anthropopathism〕Attribution of human feelings to things not human, such as inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.与人同感论:赋予非人事物,如无生命的物体、动物或自然现象以人的感情美国传统〔atmospherics〕Electromagnetic radiation produced by natural phenomena such as lightning.大气电,自然电波:由自然现象,如闪电等产生的电磁辐射等美国传统〔freak〕A freak of nature produced the midsummer snow.仲夏下雪是非常奇怪的自然现象选美国传统〔gravitation〕The natural phenomenon of attraction between massive bodies.万有引力:巨大物体间相互吸引的自然现象美国传统〔interest〕She always had a great interest in the supernatural.她一直对超自然现象怀有极大的兴趣。牛津搭配〔intuition〕My intuition tells me that life is a natural phenomenon in the universe.我的直觉告诉我:生命是宇宙间的一种自然现象。外研社新世纪〔kami〕Any of the sacred beings worshiped in Shintoism, conceived as spirits abiding in natural phenomena and sometimes in people with extraordinary qualities.神道,神:任何在神道中所为人崇拜的神圣本质,被认为是一种永恒存在于自然现象中及偶尔存在于拥有不凡特质的人们身上的精神美国传统〔mechanism〕Philosophy The doctrine that all natural phenomena are explicable by material causes and mechanical principles.【哲学】 机械论:一种哲学学说,认为一切自然现象都能由物质原因和机械原理来解释美国传统〔microseism〕A faint earth tremor caused by natural phenomena, such as winds and strong ocean waves.微震,脉动:由自然现象,如风或强海波引起的轻微地球震动美国传统〔natural history〕Charmouth Heritage Centre is the place to discover more about the natural history of the area.在查茅斯遗产中心, 可以对该地区的自然现象进行更多探索。外研社新世纪〔numen〕A spirit believed by animists to inhabit certain natural phenomena or objects.神灵:万物有灵论者相信的存在于某些自然现象或物体中的精灵美国传统〔observatory〕A building, a place, or an institution designed and equipped for making observations of astronomical, meteorological, or other natural phenomena.观测所,气象台,天文台:一座建筑或一个机构,用以观测天文的、气象学的或其它自然现象美国传统〔occurrence〕Lightning is a natural occurrence.闪电是一种自然现象。韦氏高阶〔paranormal〕Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena.科学也许能够解释某些超自然现象。外研社新世纪〔paranormal〕Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena.科学也许能够解释某些超自然现象。柯林斯高阶〔phenomenon〕Gravity is a natural phenomenon.重力是一种自然现象。剑桥高阶〔phenomenon〕He conducted a scientific investigation into paranormal phenomena.他对超自然现象进行了科学调查。牛津搭配〔phenomenon〕His job is to investigate supernatural phenomena.他的工作是探究超自然现象。牛津搭配〔phenomenon〕Lightning is a natural phenomenon.闪电是一种自然现象。外研社新世纪〔physical〕Scientists used the space station to study physical phenomena in a weightless environment.科学家们用空间站研究失重环境下的自然现象。韦氏高阶〔psychic〕He declared his total disbelief in psychic phenomena.他声称完全不相信超自然现象。外研社新世纪〔science〕Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena.自然科学:局限于自然现象的活动美国传统〔spirit〕A being inhabiting or embodying a particular place, object, or natural phenomenon.幽灵:居于或附着于某一地方、物体或自然现象中的幽灵美国传统〔teleology〕Philosophy The study of design or purpose in natural phenomena.【哲学】 目的论:对自然现象的设计或目的的研究美国传统〔teleology〕The use of ultimate purpose or design as a means of explaining natural phenomena.目的论方法:作为解释自然现象的最终目的或设计的用法美国传统〔umbrella〕Does coincidence come under the umbrella of the paranormal?巧合可以归到超自然现象这个总称下面吗?外研社新世纪Each season is associated with a particular type of weather and with natural events that are affected by the weather.每一个季节有它特有的气候以及受气候影响的自然现象。剑桥国际Gravity is a natural phenomenon.引力是一个自然现象。剑桥国际I don't believe in the supernatural (= matters and experiences connected with forces that cannot be explained by science).我不相信超自然现象。剑桥国际




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