

单词 自然
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Mother Nature〕the forces of Mother Nature 大自然的力量韦氏高阶〔affinity〕the strange affinity between man and nature人和自然之间奇特的亲近感外研社新世纪〔antipathy〕a natural antipathy for people in authority 对当权者自然而然的反感牛津搭配〔au naturel〕an au naturel hairstyle. 自然的发型美国传统〔book〕the great book of nature 大自然这部百科全书英汉大词典〔chemistry〕natural changes in body chemistry 人体化学的自然变化牛津搭配〔child〕a child of nature; a child of the Sixties. 作为自然产物的人;六十年代的人美国传统〔commune〕to commune with nature与大自然息息相通21世纪英汉〔convert〕naturally occurring substances which the body can convert into vitamins. 自然产生的能被身体转化成维生素的物质柯林斯高阶〔defence〕the body's natural defence against viruses 身体对病毒的自然抵抗力牛津搭配〔elegance〕a woman of unstudied elegance; 自然典雅的女子;美国传统〔hue〕a selection of tops in natural hues and fibres. 一批自然色彩和纤维的上衣柯林斯高阶〔marvel〕the marvels of nature/technology 大自然的╱技术的奇迹牛津高阶〔multiform〕the multiform universe of nature and man 大自然和人类的大千世界英汉大词典〔museum〕the American Museum of Natural History美国自然历史博物馆外研社新世纪〔natural history〕the Natural History Museum 自然历史博物馆牛津高阶〔natural justice/law〕natural justice/law 自然公道/规律韦氏高阶〔naturalistic〕naturalistic writing/paintings 自然主义风格的作品/绘画韦氏高阶〔naturalness〕the naturalness of his acting 他表演的自然逼真韦氏高阶〔natural〕natural justice/law 自然公道╱规律牛津高阶〔nature〕city workers who want to get back to nature in their holidays 希望休假时可以回归自然的城市上班族朗文当代〔nature〕nature conservation 自然保护牛津高阶〔nature〕the beauties of nature 自然界中美好的东西牛津高阶〔occult〕the occult powers 超自然力量朗文当代〔of〕love of nature 对大自然的热爱英汉大词典〔order〕the order of nature 自然的规律英汉大词典〔overuse〕the overuse of natural resources 对自然资源的过度使用朗文当代〔paranormal〕ghosts and other paranormal phenomena 鬼以及其他超自然现象朗文当代〔physical〕physical explanations of miracles 用自然规律对奇迹所作的解释英汉大词典〔poise〕the natural poise and balance of the body 身体的自然姿态与平衡牛津搭配〔psychic〕psychic energy/forces/phenomena/powers 超自然的能量;超自然力量;超自然的现象;心灵力牛津高阶〔regenerative〕the regenerative power of nature. 大自然的再造能力柯林斯高阶〔setting〕wild animals in their natural setting 自然环境中的野生动物牛津搭配〔slide〕let things slide 【口】任事情自然发展下去文馨英汉〔supernatural〕supernatural powers 超自然力量牛津高阶〔unexcepted〕nature's unexcepted law 不可改变的自然规律英汉大词典〔unforced〕unforced humour 自然的幽默牛津高阶〔vicious〕a forced, vicious style of prose. 不自然且有缺点的韵文美国传统〔wisdom〕a simpler and more humane approach, based on ancient wisdoms and 'natural' mechanisms. 基于古代智慧和“自然”机制的更简单、更人道的方法柯林斯高阶measures to protect the environment 保护自然环境的措施牛津商务




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