

单词 艺术评论
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ART/CULTURE〕Art critics were not impressed by the collection. 艺术评论家对这批收藏不以为然。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕It's true that art critics aren't as learned as art-historians in these matters. 艺术评论家在这些方面确实不如艺术史学家来得知识渊博。朗文写作活用〔acclaim〕His work was acclaimed by art critics.他的作品受到艺术评论家的推崇。朗文当代〔aesthete〕He regards art critics as a bunch of pretentious aesthetes.他认为艺术评论家们是一群自命不凡的审美家。韦氏高阶〔approach〕This book takes an unorthodox approach to art criticism.这本书采用的是非传统的艺术评论方法。朗文当代〔external〕His art criticism had external brilliance but no substance.他的艺术评论表面上才气横溢,实际上空洞无物。英汉大词典〔lavish〕The critics were lavish in their praise for the paintings.艺术评论人对这幅油画大加赞赏。剑桥高阶〔misvalue〕The art critics had misvalued his work for years.这些艺术评论家们多年来一直低估他的作品美国传统〔stature〕His stature as an art critic was tremendous.他作为艺术评论家享有非常高的声誉。剑桥高阶〔time〕He was also for a time the art critic of 'The Scotsman'.有相当长的一段时间他为《苏格兰人》报撰写艺术评论。柯林斯高阶During his lifetime this man's stature as an art critic and social theorist was tremendous.此人生前作为艺术评论家和社会理论家的名声非常大。剑桥国际Panellists on the Arts Review Board serve for a maximum of three years.艺术评论委员会的成员们最多任期三年。剑桥国际




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