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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OWE〕The chart shows the movements in the company's liabilities and assets during a particular trading period. 这张图表显示了公司在某一经营阶段负债与资产的变动情况。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕This dial indicates oil pressure in the engine. 这仪表显示引擎的油压。朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕The chart showed a gradual rise in his temperature over the previous eight hours. 图表显示在过去八小时里他的体温在逐渐上升。朗文写作活用〔bulge〕The graph shows a bulge in the birth rate.图表显示出生率的暴增。英汉大词典〔by〕It's 3 o'clock by my watch.我的表显示是3点钟。外研社新世纪〔cash register〕A machine that tabulates the amount of sales transactions, makes a permanent and cumulative record of them, and has a drawer in which cash can be kept.收银机:把交易额列表显示出来,并做成一个永久性和累加记录的机器,其内部有一个保存现金的抽屉美国传统〔chart〕Bulletin boards charted each executive's progress.公告板用图表显示了每位主管的工作进展。外研社新世纪〔clock〕The car had 160,000 miles on the clock.里程表显示此车已行驶了16万英里.柯林斯高阶〔clock〕The car had 160,000 miles on the clock.里程表显示这辆汽车已行驶了16万英里。外研社新世纪〔complexity〕The diagram illustrates the complexity of the cell's structure.这张图表显示了细胞结构的复杂性。韦氏高阶〔date of birth〕The registration form showed his date of birth as August 2, 1979.登记表显示他生于1979年8月2日。外研社新世纪〔date of birth〕The registration form showed his date of birth as August 2, 1979.登记表显示他的出生日期是 1979年 8 月 2 号。柯林斯高阶〔display〕The chart displays the links between these groups.图表显示了这几个组别之间的联系。外研社新世纪〔gauge〕The fuel gauge was reading 'empty'.汽油表显示油已用完。牛津搭配〔gauge〕The gauge was giving a faulty reading.测量仪表显示的读数不准。外研社新世纪〔gauge〕The petrol gauge is still on full.汽油表显示汽油依然是满的。朗文当代〔graphically〕The information was presented graphically.这条信息由图表显示。韦氏高阶〔graphically〕This data is shown graphically on the opposite page.对页以图表显示这些数据。牛津高阶〔graph〕The graph shows that the number of working mothers is increasing.图表显示有工作的母亲数量在增加。麦克米伦高阶〔live〕The table shows the rate of infant mortality per 1000 live births.这份图表显示了每1000个新生婴儿的死亡率。麦克米伦高阶〔make〕The charts showed we had made it, and big.图表显示我们成功了,大大地成功了。英汉大词典〔measure〕An odometer measures the number of miles your car travels.汽车里程表显示汽车行驶的英里数。朗文当代〔peak〕The graph shows that murders in the city declined from a peak of 173 in 2004.图表显示该市的凶杀案数量从2004年173起的峰值开始下降。韦氏高阶〔plot〕Greenhouse temperature can be plotted against plant growth.可以用图表显示温室的温度相对于植物生长的情况。牛津搭配〔ratio〕The bottom chart shows the ratio of personal debt to personal income.下面的图表显示了个人负债与个人收入之比。柯林斯高阶〔read〕The clock read 4:30.钟表显示4:30了。韦氏高阶〔read〕The fuel gauge reads below zero.燃油表显示油量在零以下。柯林斯高阶〔show〕The altimeter showed that the plane was descending.高度表显示那架飞机正在下降美国传统〔show〕The odometer shows now 140 miles per hour.里程表显示现在的时速为140英里。21世纪英汉〔simplistic〕The graphics are somewhat simplistic.这些图表显得有点儿过于简化了。牛津搭配〔statement〕This latest statement shows our operations are still over-budget.最新的报表显示, 我们的运营费用仍然超支。外研社新世纪〔tell〕This gauge tells you how much fuel you have left.这油表显示还剩有多少燃料。牛津高阶〔tick〕The clock ticked away the minutes.钟表显示时间一分一秒地过去。牛津高阶〔touch〕The speedometer was touching 90.速度表显示时速达 90 英里。牛津高阶〔trough〕The graph showed peaks and troughs of activity.图表显示了活动的高峰和低谷。朗文当代〔watch〕My watch says three o'clock.我的手表显示是 3 点钟。牛津搭配The chart shows an up trend of meat prices. 图表显示肉价呈上升趋势。译典通The chart shows how weight increases in proportion to height (= the increase in weight depends on the increase in height).这张图表显示出体重是怎样随身高成正比例上升的。剑桥国际The chart shows the growth of exports and imports over the last 30 years.这图表显示了过去 30 年进出口的增长情况。牛津商务The diagram represents our network at a local, regional and national level.这张图表显示出我们在本地、各地区和全国的网络分布。牛津商务The graph shows a bulge in the price of meat. 图表显示肉类价格上涨。译典通The manufacturing process is represented in diagrammatic form.制造过程用图表显示。牛津商务The speedometer showed that we were doing 50 miles per hour/80 kilometers per hour.计速表显示我们的时速是50/80英里。剑桥国际The table shows sales in each main market over the last five years.这张表显示了过去五年中各主要市场的销售情况。牛津商务This graph shows how crime has varied in relationship to unemployment over the last 20 years.这张图表显示了过去20 年间犯罪率与失业率之间的关系。剑桥国际This line graph shows sales trends over the five-year period.这个线状图表显示了五年期间的销售趋势。牛津商务




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