

单词 萨克
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abraham〕In the Old Testament, the first patriarch and progenitor of the Hebrew people. He was the father of Isaac.亚伯拉罕:在《旧约》中,希伯来人的第一个族长和先祖。艾萨克的父亲美国传统〔Adderley〕American jazz saxophonist who was noted for skillful improvisation and who promoted the musical styles known as soul jazz and bop.阿德利,朱利安:美国爵士乐萨克斯管演奏家,以其技巧娴熟的即兴创作闻名,发扬人们熟知的灵魂爵士乐及波普的音乐风格美国传统〔Blessed Sacrament〕The consecrated host.圣萨克拉门特:献祭的天使美国传统〔COST〕A good quality saxophone will set you back at least £1000. 一支优质的萨克斯管会让你至少花1,000英镑。朗文写作活用〔Coleman〕American jazz saxophonist and composer who established free jazz, an unrestrained improvisational style of jazz.柯曼·欧涅:美国爵士萨克斯风吹奏者和作曲家,他创立了自由爵士乐,具有无限制且即兴创作的爵士风格美国传统〔Cossack〕A member of a people of southern European Russia and adjacent parts of Asia, noted as cavalrymen especially during czarist times.哥萨克人:北欧部分的俄罗斯和亚洲交界处的一种人,以其骑兵,尤其是沙皇时代的骑兵著称美国传统〔Epiphany〕Isaac Newton's epiphany about gravity and a falling apple.艾萨克·牛顿关于地心引力和苹果落地的顿悟柯林斯高阶〔Esau〕In the Old Testament, the eldest son of Isaac and Rebecca who sold his birthright to his twin brother, Jacob, for a mess of pottage.以扫:在《旧约》中是艾萨克和卢贝卡的长子,曾只为了一些浓汤把他的长子名份让给了他的孪生兄弟雅各美国传统〔FAMOUS〕John Cusack is one of my favourite movie stars. 约翰·丘萨克是我最喜爱的影星之一。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Sachs was a shrewd judge of character, and chose his staff well. 萨克斯善于洞察人心,把自己的工作班子选得很得力。朗文写作活用〔Kazakh〕A member of a pastoral Moslem people inhabiting Kazakhstan and parts of Xinjiang Uygur in China.哈萨克人:居住在哈萨克斯坦和中国新疆维吾尔部分地区的游牧的伊斯兰教徒美国传统〔Kazakh〕The Turkic language of this people.哈萨克语:哈萨克人的语言,属突厥语族美国传统〔LIFE〕Sutcliffe was sent to jail for the rest of his life. 萨克利夫被关进监狱囚禁终生。朗文写作活用〔LOVE〕We all thought the world of Isaac and were devastated when he died. 我们大家都深爱艾萨克,他去世时大家都悲痛欲绝。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕Matthews used to jam with drummer Carter Beauford and saxophonist LeRoi Moore. 马修斯过去常和鼓手卡特·博福德及萨克斯管手雷罗伊·穆尔一起即兴演奏。朗文写作活用〔Mulligan〕American jazz saxophonist and arranger known for his improvisational style and for introducing a jazz quartet without a piano as a standard group arrangement.杰瑞·穆利根:美国爵士乐萨克斯管演奏家与策划者,因其即兴的风格和引进不带钢琴作为一标准合奏安排的爵士乐四重奏而著名美国传统〔Newton's laws of motion〕The three laws proposed by Sir Isaac Newton to define the concept of a force and describe motion, used as the basis of classical mechanics.牛顿运动定律:艾萨克·牛顿爵士定义力的概念以及描述运动时提出的三大法则,为非量子机械学的基础美国传统〔PERSONALLY/YOURSELF〕The letter had been delivered by hand, and was addressed to Mrs Zippie Isaacs. 这封信是有人亲自送来的,写给齐皮·艾萨克斯夫人。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕Isaacs chanced it with a long three-point shot at goal in the last minute of the game. 艾萨克斯在比赛最后一分钟时投了个长距离的三分球碰碰运气。朗文写作活用〔STORY〕Isaac Deutscher's outstanding biographies of Stalin and Trotsky 伊萨克·多伊彻写斯大林和托洛茨基的优秀传记作品朗文写作活用〔Saxon〕A native or inhabitant of Saxony.萨克森人:德国萨克森的土著人或其居民美国传统〔Shorter〕American jazz saxophonist who was a leading figure in the hard bop and jazz rock movements.梭特,伟恩:美国爵士乐萨克斯风管演奏家,改良咆哮乐和爵士摇滚运动的主要人物美国传统〔TOWN〕Sacramento is the state capital of California. 萨克拉门托是加利福尼亚州的首府。朗文写作活用〔alto〕He plays the alto sax/saxophone.他演奏中音萨克斯管。韦氏高阶〔around〕The factory is in Sacramento, or somewhere around there.工厂在萨克拉门托或那附近的某个地方。麦克米伦高阶〔arrangement〕This new arrangement of the piece is for saxophone and piano.这支新改编的乐曲是供萨克斯管和钢琴演奏的。剑桥高阶〔bass〕They had a bass and a piano and a sax and percussion.他们有一把低音吉他、一架钢琴、一管萨克斯和打击乐器。柯林斯高阶〔biblical〕They named their son Isaac after the biblical figure.他们根据《圣经》中的人物为自己的儿子起名为艾萨克。剑桥高阶〔blaze〕Isaac's eyes suddenly blazed with anger.艾萨克的眼里突然冒出怒火。剑桥高阶〔break〕The piano and saxophone breaks washed over the rest of the music.钢琴和萨克斯管的华彩段如行云流水,盖过了乐曲中的其他声音。英汉大词典〔company〕He's performing in company with saxophonist Ernie Watts.他和萨克斯管演奏家厄尼‧沃茨一起演奏。朗文当代〔contemporary〕His work is contemporary with that of Thackeray.他的作品和萨克雷的同属一个时代。麦克米伦高阶〔costume〕In the colourful markets at Chincero and Pisac, women still wear their traditional costume.在金测罗和皮萨克五颜六色的集市上,女人们还是身着传统装束。柯林斯高阶〔costume〕In the colourful markets at Chincero and Pisac, women still wear their traditional costume.在钦瑟罗和皮萨克五彩缤纷的集市上, 妇女们仍身着传统服装。外研社新世纪〔dare〕Andrei Sakharov was one of the few people who dared to protest.安德烈·萨克哈罗夫是敢于抗议的少数几个人之一。麦克米伦高阶〔dim〕Isaac was old and his eyes were dim.艾萨克年纪大了,视力不大好。朗文当代〔disconcert〕Antony's wry smile disconcerted Sutcliffe.安东尼的苦笑让萨克利夫不知所措。外研社新世纪〔double〕The pianist doubles on saxophone.那钢琴演奏者兼作萨克斯管吹奏员。21世纪英汉〔double〕The saxophonist doubled the drum in the band.那位萨克斯管吹奏员在乐队中兼作鼓手。21世纪英汉〔epiphany〕Isaac Newton's epiphany about gravity and a falling apple艾萨克·牛顿关于地心引力和苹果落地的顿悟外研社新世纪〔felicitous〕Sachs has a sure hand with a felicitous phrase.萨克斯用词精当, 恰到好处。外研社新世纪〔flow〕The Sacramento River flows into San Francisco Bay.萨克拉门托河流入圣弗兰西斯科湾。麦克米伦高阶〔front〕The commission, fronted by Sir Isaac Hayatali, was set up in June 1992.由艾萨克·哈亚塔利爵士领导的这个委员会建立于 1992 年 6月。柯林斯高阶〔gangbuster〕American gangbuster John Cusack, an FBI mafia expert美国警探约翰•丘萨克、联邦调查局反黑手党专家外研社新世纪〔genius〕Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were great scientific geniuses.阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和艾萨克·牛顿都是伟大的科学天才。韦氏高阶〔habit〕I've got out of the habit of practising my saxophone.我已经没有练习萨克斯管的习惯了。朗文当代〔hand back〕He took a saxophone from the Salvation Army but was caught and had to hand it back.他从救世军那里拿了一支萨克斯管,但却被抓住了,只得将其交还。柯林斯高阶〔hand-held〕Saivonsac shot the entire film with a hand-held camera.塞冯萨克使用便携式摄像机拍摄了整部影片。柯林斯高阶〔hand-held〕Saivonsac shot the entire film with a hand-held camera.塞冯萨克使用手持摄影机拍摄了整部电影。外研社新世纪〔hoot〕He couldn't play saxophone but hoot,which set us laughing.他根本不会吹萨克斯管,只吹出“嘟嘟”的声音,把我们大家逗得哈哈大笑。21世纪英汉〔jammed〕He was jamming with his saxophone.他在即兴吹奏萨克斯管。柯林斯高阶〔jam〕He was jamming with his saxophone.他在用萨克斯即兴演奏爵士乐。外研社新世纪〔lapse〕Despite the occasional lapse, this was a fine performance by the young saxophonist.尽管偶尔出现失误,这位年轻萨克斯手的表演还是堪称精彩。朗文当代〔match〕Their shields proved more than a match for the Cossack muskets and sabres.他们的盾牌让哥萨克的火枪和军刀根本穿不透。外研社新世纪〔nationalist〕Serb/Kazakh/Zulu nationalists 塞尔维亚/哈萨克/祖鲁民族主义者麦克米伦高阶〔nationality〕Kazakhstan alone contains more than a hundred nationalities.单是哈萨克斯坦就有一百多个民族。牛津高阶〔oral〕Stuart Isaacs QC will put the oral arguments against the ban to the European Court of Justice.王室法律顾问斯图亚特•艾萨克斯将向欧洲法院陈述反对这一禁令的论据。外研社新世纪〔pen name〕Baroness Blixen, also known by her pen-name Isak Dinesen.布利克森男爵夫人,亦以笔名伊萨克·迪内森闻名柯林斯高阶〔play〕I'm learning to play sax.我正在学习演奏萨克斯管。牛津搭配〔pooh-pooh〕In the past he has pooh-poohed suggestions that he might succeed Isaacs.过去他对自己会接替艾萨克斯之说嗤之以鼻。柯林斯高阶〔quote〕The saxophonist quoted a Duke Ellington melody in his solo.萨克斯手在他的独奏中引用了一段杜克·爱灵顿的曲子美国传统〔rabbi〕Rabbi Jonathan Sacks 乔纳森‧萨克斯拉比剑桥高阶〔rabbi〕Rabbi Sacks 萨克斯拉比牛津高阶〔reedman〕A player of reeds, especially a jazz saxophonist or jazz clarinetist.簧乐器乐师:演奏簧乐器的人,特别是爵士乐队中萨克斯或单簧管演奏者美国传统〔sacher torte〕A rich chocolate cake filled with apricot jam and topped with chocolate icing.萨克大蛋糕:装满杏子酱并覆有巧克力糖衣在顶上的富含巧克力的蛋糕美国传统〔sackbut〕A medieval instrument resembling the trombone.萨克布号:一种类似长号的中世纪乐器美国传统〔saxhorn〕Any of a family of valved brass wind instruments that resemble the bugle and have a full, even tone and wide compass.萨克斯风:一种似喇叭的带栓塞的铜管乐器,声调丰富而平稳,音域宽广美国传统〔saxophone〕A woodwind instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece and a usually curved conical metal tube, including soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone sizes.萨克斯管:一种木管乐器,带有单簧管的簧长嘴子和通常弯曲的圆锥形金属管,包括最高音、中音、次中音和上低音导型号美国传统〔saxophone〕I play the saxophone.我吹奏萨克斯管。外研社新世纪〔saxtuba〕A large bass saxhorn.低音大萨克斯管美国传统〔sax〕A saxophone.乐器萨克斯管美国传统〔settle〕Issac was offering to settle outside the courts for £10,000.艾萨克主动提出出1万镑庭外解决。英汉大词典〔show business〕He started his career in show business by playing the saxophone and singing.他的演艺生涯是从吹奏萨克斯和唱歌开始的。柯林斯高阶〔show business〕He started his career in show business by playing the saxophone and singing.他进入娱乐圈这一行是从吹萨克斯管和唱歌开始的。外研社新世纪〔star〕Zusak's novel "The Book Thief" was turned into a movie starring Geoffrey Rush.苏萨克的小说《偷书贼》被改编成电影,由杰佛里•拉什领衔主演。剑桥高阶〔story〕Isak's story is typical of a child who has a specific learning disability.伊萨克的故事就是一个具有某种学习障碍的孩子的典型故事。柯林斯高阶〔superlatively〕The violin concerto was superlatively played by Isaac Stern.艾萨克·斯特恩非常出色地演奏了这支小提琴协奏曲。麦克米伦高阶〔tenge〕A basic unit of currency in Kazakhstan; a unit of currency in Turkmenistan.坦吉:哈萨克斯坦基本货币单位;土库曼斯坦基本货币单位美国传统〔tenor〕She plays the tenor sax/saxophone.她演奏次中音萨克斯管。韦氏高阶〔unambiguously〕The president of Kazakhstan unambiguously condemned the coup.哈萨克斯坦总统明确地谴责了政变。外研社新世纪〔unendurable〕Isaac had found the work unendurable and walked out of the job.艾萨克觉得这份工作实在令人难以忍受,就辞职走人了。柯林斯高阶〔unendurable〕Isaac had found the work unendurable and walked out of the job.艾萨克觉得这份工作难以忍受, 便辞职走人了。外研社新世纪〔warp〕The vigorous Anglo-Saxon base had become the warp and woof of English speech.富有生气的盎格鲁-萨克逊语词基成了英国语言的根底。英汉大词典As a saxophonist ,he was known for his vibrant playing.作为一个萨克斯管演奏家,他以其充满生机的演奏著名。剑桥国际Charlie Bird Parker was a famous sax player.查理·伯德·帕克是个著名的萨克斯演奏家。剑桥国际Cossacks were famous for their horsemanship and their skill with the sword.哥萨克人以骑术和剑术著称。剑桥国际He played the saxophone with a soft, pure tone.他吹奏萨克斯的曲调柔和纯净。剑桥国际He plays the saxophone in a big band.他在一个大乐队里吹萨克斯管。剑桥国际He plays the saxophone in a jazz band.他在一个爵士乐队演奏萨克斯管。剑桥国际He plays the tenor saxophone in a jazz band.他在一支爵士乐队中吹次中音萨克斯管。剑桥国际Jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker was a master of improvisation.爵士萨克斯管手查理·帕克是个即兴演奏的大师。剑桥国际Rabbi Jonathan Sacks 乔纳森·萨克斯拉比。剑桥国际Saxophones and flutes are wind instruments.萨克斯管和横笛是管乐器。剑桥国际She plays alto/tenor sax.她演奏中音/次中音萨克斯管。剑桥国际The charters granted the royal privilege of minting (=producing) coins to an ecclesiastical institution in Saxony.特许状把皇家制造硬币的特权授予了萨克森州的一个教会机构。剑桥国际The clarinet, flute, saxophone and bassoon are all woodwind instruments.竖笛,横笛,萨克斯管及巴松管都是木管乐器。剑桥国际The saxophone is used mainly in jazz and dance music.萨克斯管主要用于爵士乐和舞曲。剑桥国际This new arrangement (=changed form) of the piece is for saxophone and piano.对这首乐曲新作的改编是供萨克斯管和钢琴演奏的。剑桥国际Trousers in the Cossack style are baggy at the knee but become suddenly tight at the ankle.哥萨克式长裤(膝部以上十分宽松,至脚踝处突然收紧)剑桥国际We've got two saxophonists in our dance band.我们的伴舞乐队有两名萨克斯手。剑桥国际




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