

单词 营房
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GI〕To clean (barracks, for example) thoroughly for or as if for an inspection.为检阅而打扫:为准备接受检阅而打扫(如营房)美国传统〔barracks〕He was confined to barracks for three weeks as a punishment.作为惩罚他在营房被关了 3 周。牛津搭配〔barracks〕The troops were ordered back to barracks.士兵们被命令返回营房。牛津高阶〔barrack〕The barracks were inspected daily.营房每天有人检查。英汉大词典〔barrack〕There is a barracks near our house.我们家附近有座营房。文馨英汉〔barrack〕To house (soldiers, for example) in quarters.使(如军人)住在营房内美国传统〔billet〕The troops are all in billets.那些部队都在营房里。文馨英汉〔billet〕We were billeted in a set of barracks.我们被安顿在一排营房里。英汉大词典〔bks.〕Barracks.营房美国传统〔camp〕The Dutch scouts had set up their camp.荷兰童子军已经搭好了营房。外研社新世纪〔cantonment〕A group of temporary billets for troops.临时营房:一组供部队使用的临时性营房美国传统〔cantonment〕Assignment of troops to temporary quarters.宿营:将部队分派到临时营房中美国传统〔charnel house〕The bombing turned the barracks into a charnel house.轰炸使营房变成了藏骸所美国传统〔coed〕Some barracks are coed.有些营房男女住在一起。英汉大词典〔confine〕Any soldier who leaves his post will be confined to barracks (=made to stay in the barracks).任何擅离职守的士兵都将被禁闭在营房里。朗文当代〔confine〕He announced that the army and police had been confined to barracks.他通告说军队和警察已经被禁闭在营房中不得外出。柯林斯高阶〔confine〕The soldiers concerned were confined to barracks(= had to stay in the barracks, as a punishment).有关的士兵已受到禁闭在营房的处分。牛津高阶〔dormitory〕Guests at the camp can stay in private cabins or for a smaller fee in the dormitories.露营的客人可以住独立的营房,也可以住收费较低的集体宿舍。韦氏高阶〔effective〕There are 5000 soldiers in camp, but only 4000 effectives.营房里有5000士兵,但只有4000名有战斗力。英汉大词典〔fall〕The soldiers fell out of the barracks for inspection.士兵们走出营房列队以待检阅。英汉大词典〔hut〕A temporary structure for sheltering troops.临时营房:供部队暂时居住的营房美国传统〔intern〕We reached Germany and were interned in a camp.我们抵达德国,被拘留在一所营房内。英汉大词典〔landlady〕A woman who runs a rooming house or an inn; an innkeeper.女房东:经营房屋出租或客栈的女店主;客栈店主美国传统〔landlord〕A man who runs a rooming house or an inn; an innkeeper.房东:经营房屋寄宿或客栈的男性;客栈店主美国传统〔latrine〕A communal toilet of a type often used in a camp or barracks.公共厕所:通常用在帐篷或营房里的一种公共厕所美国传统〔military〕The camp was run with military efficiency.该营房以军队般的效率进行管理。外研社新世纪〔pick off〕The sniper picked off the enemy soldiers as they tried to leave their hut.当敌人士兵企图离开营房时,狙击手将他们一个一个地瞄准射死。21世纪英汉〔pipe〕The band piped us to our barracks.军乐队吹奏号角把我们召集到了营房。外研社新世纪〔police〕Police of the barracks must be completed before inspection can take place.在检察之前,营房的内务值勤必须完成美国传统〔post〕The base commander allowed the war widows to live on post for eight months.基地司令官允许那些战争寡妇在营房里住8个月。英汉大词典〔prison camp〕A camp for prisoners of war.战俘集中营:囚禁战俘的营房美国传统〔pull ... down〕He's been pulling down US $20 000 a year dealing in property.他经营房地产,一年赚取了2万美元。21世纪英汉〔quarter〕He was confined to quarters as a punishment.他被罚不得离开营房。牛津搭配〔quarter〕The army's married quarters are just outside the town.已婚军人的营房就在城外不远的地方。剑桥高阶〔quarter〕The troops were quartered in barracks.军队住宿在营房里。牛津同义词〔roll-call〕The new soldiers were roll-called in front of their barracks.新兵在他们的营房前接受点名。21世纪英汉A barracks was built at the foot of the mountain. 山脚下建了一座营房。译典通Driving the explosive-laden car into the barracks was a kamikaze mission for the terrorists.把载满炸药的汽车开进营房是恐怖主义者的自杀性使命。剑桥国际He's a soldier so he lives in quarters.他是个士兵,所以他住在营房里。剑桥国际The army's married quarters are just outside the town.已婚军人的营房就在城外不远。剑桥国际The guards have a routine work to perambulate the camp after dinner. 吃完晚饭之后,守卫们例行巡查营房。译典通The soldiers were confronted by two terrorists as they left their camp. 士兵们离开营房时,迎面遇到两个恐怖分子。译典通




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