

单词 营商
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔access provider〕the UK's largest internet access provider 英国最大的互联网接入服务运营商剑桥高阶〔bidder〕bidders for two licences to develop cellular telephone systems in Greece. 努力争取得到两张在希腊开发移动电话系统许可证的运营商柯林斯高阶〔dealer〕dealers in commodities and financial securities经营商品和金融证券的商人外研社新世纪〔operator〕the nation's largest cable-TV operator全国最大的有线电视运营商外研社新世纪〔ply〕ply a trade 经营商业文馨英汉〔stockist〕a stockist of medical supplies 医疗用品专营商店韦氏高阶〔tourism〕the world's first commercial space tourism operator 世界上第一个商业太空旅游经营商牛津搭配〔tour〕a tour operator(= a person or company that organizes tours) 旅游经营商牛津高阶a railway network/operator/system 铁路网/运营商/系统牛津商务a senior UK equity dealer 一位资深的英国股票自营商牛津商务incumbent operators without a real threat of competition 没有真正竞争威胁的主导运营商牛津商务the Swedish telecoms incumbent 瑞典电讯市场的主导运营商牛津商务the UK's biggest cable television operator 英国最大的有线电视运营商牛津商务the common carrier network 电信运营商网络牛津商务the leading wireless Internet carrier 领先的无线互联网运营商牛津商务




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