

单词 装修
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔after〕a large hall fitted up after the Roman style 一间仿照罗马风格装修的大厅英汉大词典〔budget〕a book which offers great ideas for decorating on a budget 为装修控制预算而提供良策的一本书朗文当代〔cheerfully〕a cheerfully decorated kitchen 装修得令人心情愉快的厨房麦克米伦高阶〔decorate〕a small, badly decorated office. 装修简陋的小办公室柯林斯高阶〔decoration〕the style of decoration typical of the 1920s20世纪20年代的典型装修风格外研社新世纪〔detract〕a decorating scheme that detracts but does not enhance. 一个不但没增色反而减色的装修方案美国传统〔do ... up〕to do up the house装修房子21世纪英汉〔embellishment〕money provided for the embellishment of the new cathedral 为装修新教堂提供的款子英汉大词典〔fitter〕a gas fitter 煤气设备装修工剑桥高阶〔fitter〕a gas fitter 煤气设备装修工牛津高阶〔green〕a room decorated in pale blues and greens 用浅蓝色和浅绿色装修的房间朗文当代〔gussy〕cost $1,000,000 to gussy up for its capacity of 1,000 tourists 花去100万美元装修费使之能接纳千名游客英汉大词典〔hog〕if you are redecorating one room, why not go the whole hog and paint the entire house?如果你要重新装修一个房间的话, 为什么不彻底地重新装修一下, 把整个房子都刷一遍呢?外研社新世纪〔home improvement〕home-improvement products 家居装修产品牛津高阶〔improvement〕carry out a great number of interior improvements to the house 对房子作大量的内部装修改进英汉大词典〔improvement〕home improvements 家居装修麦克米伦高阶〔inside〕the inside furnishings 内部装修英汉大词典〔lavishly〕the train's lavishly furnished carriages. 装修豪华的列车车厢柯林斯高阶〔lavishly〕the train's lavishly furnished carriages装修豪华的列车车厢外研社新世纪〔lavish〕a lavishly decorated ballroom 装修豪华的舞厅麦克米伦高阶〔makeover〕the chance to give your living-room a makeover对你的起居室进行装修的机会外研社新世纪〔outfit〕a room outfitted as an office 装修成办公室的房间英汉大词典〔professional〕hired a professional to decorate the house. 雇一名专业装饰工来装修房子美国传统〔project〕a project to refurbish the art gallery画廊重新装修方案外研社新世纪〔redo〕redo a living area in yellow. 把房子起居部分重新装修成黄色美国传统〔renovate〕buildings in need of renovation 需要重新装修的大楼牛津高阶〔renovate〕good advice for home renovators 给家庭装修者的忠告韦氏高阶〔scheme〕the color/decorative scheme of a room 房间的色彩/装修布局韦氏高阶〔simply〕a simply decorated apartment 一套朴素装修的公寓剑桥高阶〔smarten〕to smarten up one's bathroom装修浴室21世纪英汉〔spiff〕spiffed up the the old storefront. 把旧的店面装修一新美国传统〔sprucely〕a sprucely decorated room 装修得很漂亮的房间韦氏高阶〔tasteless〕the tasteless decor in the house 房子里毫无品味的装修剑桥高阶〔tip〕handy tips for decorating a small flat 装修小公寓的有用建议朗文当代〔weatherproof〕to weatherproof a building给楼房装修使之防风雨21世纪英汉a pipe/gas fitter 管道/煤气装修工牛津商务buildings in need of renovation 需要重新装修的大楼牛津商务




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