

单词 藻类
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EMPTY〕To remove algae from your aquarium, drain off the water and wash the tank thoroughly. 要除去鱼缸里的藻类,就得放掉水彻底清洗缸壁。朗文写作活用〔algal〕Sewage nutrients do increase algal growth in the harbour.污水里的营养物质确实会促进港口内藻类的生长。外研社新世纪〔antheridium〕A sperm-producing organ occurring in seedless plants, fungi, and algae.孢子囊,精子囊:无籽植物,菌类植物和藻类植物的孢子囊美国传统〔cell plate〕A partition formed during cell division in plants and some algae that separates the two newly formed daughter cells.细胞板:在植物和一些藻类细胞分裂时产生的一种将新成形的子细胞隔开的隔离物美国传统〔cloud〕Debris causes the water to cloud and encourages bacteria and algae growth.垃圾使水变浑, 促进了细菌和藻类的生长。外研社新世纪〔conjugation tube〕A slender tube in certain bacteria and algae that connects two individuals during conjugation and through which the transfer of genetic material occurs.接合管:在某些细菌或藻类体内的一种细长管,在配对期间用来连接两个个体并传输基因物质美国传统〔eyespot〕A small, light-sensitive patch of pigment in certain algae and unicellular organisms.眼点:某种藻类和单细胞体中的小形感光的色素体美国传统〔floridean starch〕The storage carbohydrate of the red algae.红藻淀粉:红色藻类贮藏的碳水化合物美国传统〔gonidium〕An algal cell filled with chlorophyll, formed in the thallus of a lichen.共生藻细胞:在苔藓的叶状体里发现的带有叶绿素的藻类细胞美国传统〔gonidium〕An asexually produced reproductive cell, such as a zeospore, found in certain algae.无性生殖细胞:无性生殖细胞,存在于一些藻类植物里美国传统〔green alga〕Any of the numerous algae of the division Chlorophyta, such as spirogyra and sea lettuce, that have chlorophyll unmasked by other pigments.绿藻:绿藻属的任一种藻类,如螺旋藻和海莴苣,其都含有不为其他色素所遮掩的叶绿素美国传统〔heterothallic〕Producing male and female gametangia in different structures or plants, as in some algae and fungi.雌雄异株的:在不同的构造或植物中产生雄性与雌性配子囊的,如一些藻类和菌类美国传统〔holdfast〕Biology An organ or a structure of attachment, especially the basal, rootlike formation by which certain seaweeds or other algae are attached to a substrate.【生物学】 吸盘:吸附的器官或结构,尤指一些海藻或其他藻类植物吸附在上面的基部的类根结构美国传统〔homothallic〕Having male and female reproductive structures on the same thallus, as in some fungi and algae.同宗配合的:在同一菌体上有雌雄两种生殖结构的,如某些真菌和藻类美国传统〔in turn〕The algae feeds the fish, which in turn become food for larger sea animals.鱼类以藻类为食,又成为更大的海洋动物的食物。韦氏高阶〔medulla〕The central portion of a thallus in certain lichens and red or brown algae.菌髓:某些地衣和红色或棕色藻类之叶状体的中心部分美国传统〔paramylum〕A carbohydrate resembling starch that is composed of glucose and forms the reserve foodstuff of certain algae.副淀粉,类淀粉,裸藻淀粉:一种类似淀粉的碳氢化合物,由葡萄糖构成并保留了某些藻类植物的营养成分美国传统〔paraphysis〕One of the erect, sterile filaments often occurring among the reproductive organs of certain fungi, algae, and mosses.侧丝:通常出现于某些真菌、藻类和苔藓的生殖器官中的直立的不育花丝美国传统〔phycomycete〕Any of various fungi that resemble algae, including certain molds and mildews.藻菌:与水藻类似的真菌类,包括某些真菌和霉菌美国传统〔promote〕The intense light promotes rapid growth of weeds and algae.强光促进海草和藻类的快速生长。麦克米伦高阶〔red snow〕Snow on which red-pigmented algae has grown, commonly found in Arctic and Alpine regions.红雪:表面上生长着带红颜料的藻类的雪,通常见于北极或高山地区美国传统〔seaweed〕Any of numerous marine algae, such as a kelp, rockweed, or gulfweed.海藻:任一种海生藻类,如大型褐藻、岩石藻或马尾藻美国传统〔soredium〕A specialized asexual reproductive unit of lichens consisting of a mass of algal cells surrounded by fungal hyphae.粉芽:地衣特有的无性生殖器官,由被真菌菌丝包裹的大量藻类细胞构成美国传统〔sporocarp〕A multicellular structure in which spores are formed, especially in red algae and certain fungi and slime molds.孢子果,子实体:形成孢子的多细胞结构,尤其在红藻类和某种真菌以及液状的霉中美国传统〔trichogyne〕A hairlike terminal process forming the receptive part of the female reproductive structure in certain fungi or algae.受精丝:一种发状的末端隆起,构成某些真菌或海藻类的雌性生殖结构的受精部位美国传统〔unicellular〕Most algae are unicellular.大多数藻类都是单细胞生物。剑桥高阶




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