

单词 英镑
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔FALSE〕a forged £50 note 一张50英镑假钞朗文写作活用〔OAP〕tickets only £6 each and half that for OAPs and kids. 每张票6英镑,老人和孩子半价柯林斯高阶〔above〕costing above £10费用超过10英镑外研社新世纪〔acceptance〕an acceptance of£400 400英镑的承兑金额英汉大词典〔boost〕a multi-million pound boost for the British film industry 用于推动英国电影业发展的数百万英镑朗文当代〔bung〕a 500-million-pound bung to shareholders贿赂股东的五亿英镑外研社新世纪〔coin〕a pound coin 面值1英镑的硬币剑桥高阶〔condemned〕a multimillion-pound trade in condemned meat一桩金额达数百万英镑的劣质肉的交易外研社新世纪〔crisp〕a crisp new £5 note/a crisp white tablecloth 平展簇新的5英镑钞票/平展的白色桌布剑桥高阶〔deficit〕a country with trade deficits of £90 billion 一个有900亿英镑贸易逆差的国家麦克米伦高阶〔devalue〕the devaluation of the pound 英镑的贬值朗文当代〔draft〕a draft for £500500英镑的汇票外研社新世纪〔each way〕a £10 each way bet 10 英镑的一注三赢赌注朗文当代〔estimation〕estimations of pre-tax profits of £2.25 million. 估计税前利润达225万英镑柯林斯高阶〔excess〕a letter demanding an excess fare of £20要求额外支付20英镑邮资的信件外研社新世纪〔figure〕a six-figure salary(= over 100 000 pounds or dollars) 六位数的薪水(即超过 10 万英镑或元)牛津高阶〔gain〕people earning less than £10,000 per year 年收入不足 10,000 英镑的人朗文当代〔gain〕to gain ten pounds赚得10英镑21世纪英汉〔grant〕a grant of £50,000 50000 英镑的补助金朗文当代〔initial〕an initial investment of £5000 5000 英镑的初始投资朗文当代〔invest〕the European Investment Bank, which invested £100 million in Canary Wharf. 向卡纳里码头投资了1亿英镑的欧洲投资银行柯林斯高阶〔loser〕a prize of £1m to the winner and £600,000 to the loser 优胜者获得100万英镑而失败者获得60万英镑的奖金麦克米伦高阶〔lump sum〕a tax-free lump sum of £50,000 at retirement age. 退休时一次总付、不用缴税的5万英镑柯林斯高阶〔note〕a £5 note 5英镑的钞票麦克米伦高阶〔offer〕to offer (someone) 100 pounds for an old car(向某人)出价100英镑买这辆旧汽车21世纪英汉〔overshoot〕the 100 million pounds overshoot in the cost of building the hospital. 修建医院费用中超支的1亿英镑柯林斯高阶〔package〕a £500m compensation package for Railtrack shareholders为英国铁路公司股东提供的价值5亿英镑的薪酬方案外研社新世纪〔paltry〕a paltry fine of £50. 50英镑的小额罚款柯林斯高阶〔pound〕a pound coin. 1英镑硬币柯林斯高阶〔premium〕a monthly premium of £6.25 每月 6.25 英镑的保险费牛津高阶〔restore〕restore confidence in and stability to the pound 恢复对英镑的信任及其稳定性 英汉大词典〔sterling〕ten pounds sterling 10英镑英汉大词典〔street〕drugs with a street value of £5 million 街头黑市价值达 500 万英镑的毒品牛津搭配〔strength〕the continuing strength of the pound 英镑的持续坚挺牛津搭配〔tempting〕a tempting offer of salary £60000 per annum 愿出年薪60000英镑的诱人提议英汉大词典〔upwards〕projects worth upwards of 200 million pounds价值2亿多英镑的项目外研社新世纪〔wager〕to wager £50 on a horse 在一匹马上押 50 英镑的赌注牛津高阶〔wage〕a weekly wage of £200 周薪 200 英镑牛津高阶〔wage〕wages of £200 a week 一星期 200 英镑的工资牛津高阶an annual subscription of £500 500 英镑的年订阅费牛津商务




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