

单词 被征服
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔annex〕The state was conquered and annexed in 1832.这个国家于1832年被征服吞并。外研社新世纪〔captive〕Held in bondage; enslaved.被束缚的:受奴役的;被征服的美国传统〔conquer〕Mount Everest was conquered(= successfully climbed)in 1953.珠穆朗玛峰于 1953 年被征服。牛津高阶〔down-and-out〕Incapacitated; prostrate.衰竭的;被征服的美国传统〔forced labour〕The mines were manned by forced labour from conquered countries.这些矿由来自被征服国家的强制劳工开采。牛津高阶〔hold〕The people were held down for centuries by their conquerors.那里的民众被征服者压制了几个世纪。朗文当代〔portion〕The conquered territories were portioned out among the victors.被征服的领土在胜利者之间被均分了。21世纪英汉〔prostrate〕Physically or emotionally incapacitated; overcome.崩溃的:身体或感情上没有能力的;被征服的美国传统〔reduce〕The whole country was reduced after three months.3个月之后,全国被征服了。英汉大词典〔render〕The conquered had to render tribute to the conqueror.被征服者只得向征服者称臣纳贡。21世纪英汉〔render〕The conquered rendered tribute to the conqueror.被征服者向征服者纳贡。英汉大词典〔subjugate〕The native population was subjugated and exploited.土著人被征服了,并遭受剥削。朗文当代Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome. 许多被征服的国家要向古罗马的统治者纳贡。译典通The conquered rendered tribute to the conqueror. 被征服者向征服者纳贡。译典通




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