

单词 血液
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LAW〕The law defines drunkenness as a certain percentage of alcohol in the blood. 法律上界定喝醉酒是血液中有一定比例的酒精含量。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕After its membership halved in the past year, leaving mainly diehard right-wingers behind, the party now desperately needs new blood. 这个党在去年成员减半,留下的主要是一些死硬的右翼分子,现在他们急需注入新鲜血液。朗文写作活用〔Raynaud's disease〕A circulatory disorder caused by insufficient blood supply to the hands and feet and resulting in cyanosis, numbness, pain, and, in extreme cases, gangrene.雷诺氏病:由于流到手脚的血液供应不足而引起的循环异常,会导致发绀病、麻木、疼痛以及严重病例中的坏疽美国传统〔TEST〕A blood test can be done to determine who the baby's father is. 可以进行血液测试来确定这个婴儿的生父是谁。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕Refined sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly.精制糖很快就被吸收进入血液。外研社新世纪〔absorb〕Refined sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly.精制糖迅速吸收进血液中。柯林斯高阶〔absorb〕Water and salts are absorbed into our blood stream.水分和盐被吸收进我们的血液中。朗文当代〔adhere〕Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells.细菌一进入血液里,就附着在红细胞表面上。牛津高阶〔analysis〕The blood samples have been sent away for analysis.血液标本已送去作分析。麦克米伦高阶〔astringent〕A substance or preparation, such as alum, that draws together or constricts body tissues and is effective in stopping the flow of blood or other secretions.止血剂:一种物质或药剂,如明矾,可以聚敛或收缩机体组织,从而有效地阻止血液或身体其它分泌物流出体外美国传统〔blood bank〕Blood or plasma stored in such a place.血库血液,血库血浆:存储在血库中的血液或血浆美国传统〔bloodstream〕The drug is now entering the bloodstream.药物正在进入血液。韦氏高阶〔bloody〕Of, characteristic of, or containing blood.血的:有血的,或由血液组成的美国传统〔blood〕Oxygen and other vital substances are all carried in the blood.氧气和其他重要物质都是通过血液输送的。麦克米伦高阶〔canon〕Within the Canon, the wafer and wine becomes the body and blood of Jesus Christ.在祭献经文里, 薄饼和红葡萄酒变成耶稣基督的身体和血液。外研社新世纪〔carry〕The veins carry blood to the heart.静脉把血液输送到心脏。牛津高阶〔centrifuge〕The blood is centrifuged to allow the white cells to be removed.用离心机对血液进行分离以去除其中的白细胞。外研社新世纪〔circulatable〕The heart circulates blood round the body.心脏使血液在身体内循环流动。21世纪英汉〔circulate〕Blood circulates through the body.血液在体内循环。英汉大词典〔circulate〕Blood circulates through the body.血液在体内循环。韦氏高阶〔circulate〕Swimming helps to get the blood circulating through the muscles.游泳有助于肌肉中的血液循环。朗文当代〔circulation〕Exercise helps to improve circulation.运动有助于促进血液循环。剑桥高阶〔circulation〕Exercise improves the circulation.运动有助于促进血液循环。朗文当代〔circulation〕I have poor circulation.我的血液循环不好。牛津搭配〔circulation〕Regular exercise will improve blood circulation.经常锻炼会促进血液循环。牛津高阶〔circulation〕The drug improves blood circulation.这种药可改善血液循环。韦氏高阶〔clot〕Aspirin apparently thins the blood and inhibits clotting.阿司匹林能显著地稀释血液、抑制血液凝结。柯林斯高阶〔congeal〕Fear congealed his very blood.恐惧使他全身的血液都凝结了。英汉大词典〔congeal〕The blood had congealed in thick black clots.血液凝成了厚厚的黑血块。剑桥高阶〔congeal〕The blood had started to congeal.血液已经开始凝结。柯林斯高阶〔contract〕Blood is only expelled from the heart when it contracts.血液在心脏收缩的时候从心脏流出。柯林斯高阶〔denote〕The word “heart” denotes an organ that pumps blood.“心脏”这个词的本义是泵送血液的器官。英汉大词典〔diagnose〕His condition was diagnosed as some type of blood disorder.他的病被诊断为某种血液病。剑桥高阶〔drain〕The blood drains out of the body.血液从身体中流出来。牛津搭配〔effusion〕The seeping of serous, purulent, or bloody fluid into a body cavity or tissue.渗出:严重的有毒的或血液状液体渗出并流入躯体空穴或细胞组织中美国传统〔excess〕Driving with excess alcohol in the blood is a serious offence.血液里酒精含量过高时驾车是严重的违法行为。牛津高阶〔excess〕Tests subsequently revealed an excess of alcohol in the driver's blood.检测随后显示该司机的血液中酒精含量超标。麦克米伦高阶〔excess〕The tests found an excess of sodium in his blood.化验结果发现,他的血液中的钠含量过高。韦氏高阶〔excrete〕To separate and discharge (waste matter) from the blood, tissues, or organs.排泄分泌:从血液、组织或器官中分离或消除(废物)美国传统〔export〕The blood exports waste products from the tissues.血液把组织中的废物带走。英汉大词典〔factor〕Physiology A substance that functions in a specific biochemical reaction or bodily process, such as blood coagulation.【生理学】 遗传基因:在某一特定生化反应或生理过程中起作用的物质,如血液凝固美国传统〔fibrillation〕Rapid, uncoordinated twitching movements that replace the normal rhythmic contraction of the heart and may cause a lack of circulation and pulse.心室纤维性颤动:快速的、不协调的抽搐运动,代替了心脏正常的有节奏的收缩而且可能引起暂时的血液循环及脉搏的停止美国传统〔find〕Her blood was found to contain poison.她的血液中发现有毒素。牛津高阶〔flow〕In that moment a surge of hatred flowed through my blood.那一刻,一股仇恨在我的血液中翻涌。柯林斯高阶〔freely〕If your muscles are tense, blood cannot circulate freely .如果肌肉紧张,血液就不能畅通地循环。朗文当代〔function〕The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body.心脏的功能就是把血液输往全身。牛津高阶〔haptoglobin〕A plasma protein that is a normal constituent of blood serum and functions in the binding of free hemoglobin in the bloodstream.结合珠蛋白:一种血液血清的正常组成部分并在血流中对自由血红蛋白的粘合起作用的血浆蛋白美国传统〔hematology〕The science encompassing the medical study of the blood and blood-producing organs.血液学:包括对血液及造血器官的医学研究的学科美国传统〔hematopoiesis〕The formation of blood or blood cells in the body.生血作用:体内血液或血细胞的生成美国传统〔hematopoietic system〕The bodily system of organs and tissues, primarily the bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes, involved in the production of blood.造血系统:身体的器官和组织系统,主要是产生血液的骨髓、脾、扁桃体和淋巴结美国传统〔hemodynamics〕The study of the forces involved in the circulation of blood.血液动力学:研究涉及血液循环的力的学科美国传统〔heparin〕A complex organic acid found especially in lung and liver tissue and having the ability to prevent the clotting of blood, used in the treatment of thrombosis.肝素:一种复合的机质性酸,尤指在肺、肝器官内的这种酸,具有防止血液凝块的作用,用于治疗血栓病美国传统〔histiocytosis〕Any of several abnormal conditions characterized by the appearance of histiocytes in the blood or tissues.组织细胞增多病:血液或组织中组织细胞增多的不正常状况美国传统〔hypoglycemia〕An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood.低血糖症:血液中葡萄糖不正常地低含量美国传统〔hypokalemia〕An abnormally low concentration of potassium ions in the blood.低钾血症,血钾过低:血液中不正常的低钾离子浓度美国传统〔hyponatremia〕A deficiency of sodium in the blood.低钠血症,血钠过低:血液中不正常的低钠浓度美国传统〔hypostasis〕Medicine The settling of blood in the lower part of an organ or the body as a result of decreased blood flow.【医学】 坠积性充血:血液减少造成的血往器官或身体下部沉淀美国传统〔infiltrate〕The blood is infiltrated into the disorganized tissues and dark blotches appear on the skin.血液渗入已遭破坏的组织,皮肤上出现深色斑点。英汉大词典〔internal secretion〕A secretion that is produced by an endocrine gland and discharged directly into the bloodstream; a hormone.内分泌物:由内分泌产生并且直接流入血液的分泌物;激素美国传统〔kill off〕All blood products are now heat-treated to kill off any infection.所有的血液制品现在都要经过高温消毒以杜绝任何感染。外研社新世纪〔limiting〕He was found to be three times over the limit.他血液中的酒精浓度是允许极限的3倍。柯林斯高阶〔limit〕His blood alcohol level was 50% above the legal limit .他血液里的酒精浓度超过了法定限度的 50%。朗文当代〔lymphocytosis〕A condition marked by an abnormal increase in the number of lymphocytes in the bloodstream, usually resulting from infection or inflammation.淋巴结胞增多症:一种以血液内淋巴细胞异常增多为特征的症状,一般是感染或发炎导致的美国传统〔medium〕Blood is the medium in which oxygen is carried to all parts of the body.血液是将氧气输送到全身各处的媒介。外研社新世纪〔mononucleosis〕The presence of an abnormally large number of white blood cells with single nuclei in the bloodstream.单细胞增多症:血液中单核白血细胞的异常增多美国传统〔myelocyte〕A large cell of the bone marrow that is a precursor of the mature granulocyte of the blood.髓细胞:骨髓的一种大型细胞,是血液成熟的有粒细胞的前身美国传统〔narrow〕Left untreated, the arteries will gradually narrow, restricting the flow of blood.如不加以治疗,动脉会逐渐变窄,从而限制血液流通。牛津搭配〔new blood〕We need some new blood in the team.我们的队伍需要一些新鲜血液。外研社新世纪〔oxygenation〕Oxygenation of the blood is a key function of the lungs.为血液加氧是肺的关键功能。剑桥高阶〔plasmapheresis〕A process in which plasma is taken from donated blood and the remaining components, mostly red blood cells, are returned to the donor.血浆除去法:从捐献者的血液中提取血浆,将剩余的成份,大多数是红血球,返还给献血者的一种方法美国传统〔plasma〕The clear, yellowish fluid portion of blood, lymph, or intramuscular fluid in which cells are suspended.浆:血液、淋巴液或肌肉内液中的透明的淡黄色液体部分,细胞悬浮在其中美国传统〔porphyria〕Any of several disorders of porphyrin metabolism, usually hereditary, characterized by the presence of large amounts of porphyrins in the blood and urine.卟啉症:卟啉代谢异常的几种病态的一种,这种病通常为遗传性的,其特征是血液和尿中出现大量的卟啉美国传统〔presence〕Tests revealed the presence of poison in the blood.化验显示血液中含有有毒物质。朗文当代〔pulse〕He could feel the blood pulsing through his veins when he heard the news.当他听到这消息时,他能感觉到浑身的血液在沸腾。英汉大词典〔pulse〕She felt the blood pulsing through her veins .她觉得血液冲击着自己的血管。朗文当代〔pump〕I could feel the blood pumping through my veins.我能感到血液在静脉中流淌。韦氏高阶〔pyemia〕Septicemia caused by pyogenic microorganisms in the blood, often resulting in the formation of multiple abscesses.脓毒病、脓血病:由血液中的化脓的微生物引起的败血症,经常导致复合式脓肿的形成美国传统〔recipient〕One who receives blood, tissue, or an organ from a donor.接受者:从某个捐献者处接受血液、组织或器官的人美国传统〔reperfusion〕The restoration of blood flow to an organ or tissue that has had its blood supply cut off, as after a heart attack.再灌注:血液复流到先前血液供应停止的器官或组织,如心脏病发作后美国传统〔rest〕In contrast the same person at rest would be pumping only 4 or 5 litres of blood a minute.相比之下, 同一个人在不动时心脏每分钟输送的血液只有四五升。外研社新世纪〔revulsion〕Medicine Counterirritation used to reduce inflammation or increase the blood supply to the affected area.【医学】 诱导法:用以减少炎症或增加感染区的血液供应的对抗刺激美国传统〔rush〕Blood rushed to her face.血液涌到她的脸(她的脸突然变红)。文馨英汉〔saphenous〕The saphenous vein is the major vein that carries blood to the heart from the foot and leg.隐静脉是将血液从腿和脚送回心脏的主要血管。剑桥高阶〔secondary〕The damage to the brain cells is secondary to the damage caused to the blood supply.比起对血液供应造成的损害, 对脑细胞的损害不那么严重。外研社新世纪〔sinus venosus〕The first chamber in the heart of fish, amphibians, and reptiles, which receives blood from the veins and contracts to force the blood into the atrium.静脉窦:鱼、两栖动物和爬行动物心脏的第一腔,它接收体静中的血以迫使血液流入心脏美国传统〔stasis〕Pathology Stoppage of the normal flow of a body substance, as of blood through an artery or of intestinal contents through the bowels.【病理学】 阻塞:身体内物质正常流动的停止,如血液流过动脉或肠中物质通过肠的停止美国传统〔stream〕The drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream.这种药物不被血液吸收。牛津搭配〔survive〕Drugs that dissolve blood clots can help people survive heart attacks.能溶解血液凝块的药物有助于增大心脏病发作后的存活几率。外研社新世纪〔tang〕I could taste the metallic tang of blood.我能够尝出血液中强烈的金属味道。外研社新世纪〔thrombopoiesis〕The process of blood clot formation.血液凝结,形成血小板:血凝块的形成过程美国传统〔thrombosis〕It is generally accepted that thinning of the blood reduces the chances of thrombosis.一般认为,稀释血液可降低血栓形成的可能性。柯林斯高阶〔uptake〕The drug increases the number of red cells in the blood, enhancing oxygen uptake by 10 percent.这种药增加了血液里的红细胞数量,从而将摄氧量提高了10%。柯林斯高阶〔viral load〕The concentration of a virus, such as HIV, in the blood.病毒负荷量,病毒量:血液中的病毒聚集处,如人体免疫缺乏(艾滋病)病毒美国传统Garlic is good for your blood.大蒜对人的血液有好处。剑桥国际His condition was diagnosed as some sort of blood disorder.他的病被诊为某种血液紊乱。剑桥国际If you want to find what page the circulation of the blood is described on, look it up in the index.如果你想找到哪一页描述血液循环,在索引中查一下。剑桥国际Ligatures are used in surgery to stop the flow of a bleeding artery.在外科手术中绷带被用来阻止动脉血液外流。剑桥国际Scientists have found that the saliva of the vampire bat prevents congealing of the blood and is effective in dissolving blood clots in humans.科学家发现吸血蝙蝠的唾液能够防止血液凝结,对于溶解人体中的血液凝块颇为有效。剑桥国际The drug is sold as an enhancer of the oxygen-carrying facility of the blood.这种药作为血液输氧功能的强化物销售。剑桥国际The way in which the blood is carried round the body is shown in the above diagram (=one in a higher position on the same page).血液在身体内的循环路线如上图所示。剑桥国际




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