

单词 菜谱
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔UNUSUAL〕a book of recipes for every day and special occasions too 日常及特殊场合均可使用的一本菜谱朗文写作活用〔adventurous〕recipes for the more adventurous cook 为比较敢于创新的厨师准备的菜谱麦克米伦高阶〔book〕a course cooked strictly by the book 严格按菜谱烹制的菜肴英汉大词典〔imaginative〕recipes that make imaginative use of seasonal vegetables 妙用时令蔬菜的菜谱牛津高阶〔intuitively〕a chef who works intuitively, rather than from a recipe 凭直觉而不是照菜谱做菜的厨师韦氏高阶〔non-dairy〕non-dairy recipes 无乳制品食材的菜谱剑桥高阶〔nutrition〕a nutritionally balanced menu 营养均衡的菜谱牛津高阶〔pulled〕a recipe for pulled pork with barbecue sauce 柔软易撕猪肉配烧烤酱的菜谱剑桥高阶〔quick〕a quick and easy recipe 简易菜谱韦氏高阶〔recherché〕a recherché menu 罕见的菜谱剑桥高阶〔writer〕a travel/cookery, etc. writer 游记作家、写菜谱的人等牛津高阶〔à la king〕a simple recipe for chicken à la king一个用蘑菇青椒奶油浓汁烹调鸡肉的简单菜谱外研社新世纪




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