

单词 观点
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔EXPRESSION ON SB'S FACE〕a face that does not show any feelings or opinions 不表露任何情感或观点的脸朗文写作活用〔SAME〕to have the same beliefs, ideas, or opinions as someone else 具有与别人同样的信仰、观点或意见朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕someone who supports a person/political party/idea 支持某个人/政党/观点的人朗文写作活用〔TELL〕to let people know your feelings or opinions 让别人知道你的感受或观点朗文写作活用〔airing〕an opportunity to give your views an airing 公开发表你观点的一次机会牛津高阶〔belief〕a strongly held belief that stealing is wrong 一个深信不疑的观点 — 认为行窃是不对的朗文当代〔detached〕a detached view 不偏不倚的观点英汉大词典〔differing〕differing views 不同的观点韦氏高阶〔dissent〕a dissenting voice/view/opinion 反对的声音/观点/看法麦克米伦高阶〔dissent〕political/religious dissent 政治观点╱宗教信仰上的分歧牛津高阶〔dominion〕opinion at home and in the dominions 国内及自治领的观点朗文当代〔exception〕opinions that are open to exception. 欢迎批评的观点美国传统〔felicitously〕expressing himself felicitously 恰当地表达他自己的观点韦氏高阶〔flip-flop〕a politician accused of flip-flopping on social issues 被指责在重大社会问题上突然改变观点的政客韦氏高阶〔form〕form an opinion 形成观点韦氏高阶〔hard left〕the hard-left view that foreign forces should not have been sent. 认为不该派遣驻海外部队的极左派观点柯林斯高阶〔harmonizable〕to harmonize one's views with the new situation使某人的观点与新的情况一致21世纪英汉〔hermetically〕two men of decided and hermetically opposite views 两个持对立观点而又固执己见的人英汉大词典〔historical〕from a historical perspective 以历史的观点英汉大词典〔illiberal〕illiberal views.狭隘的观点。牛津同义词〔interplay〕the interplay of ideas 不同观点的相互影响朗文当代〔jeering〕a jeering dismissal of the other's point of view对他人观点的嗤之以鼻外研社新世纪〔markedly〕markedly different opinions 明显不同的观点韦氏高阶〔middle-of-the-road〕a middle-of-the-road newspaper 观点中立的报纸牛津高阶〔minority〕the view of a small but vociferous minority 人数少但声势很大的观点牛津搭配〔mistaken〕mistaken views/ideas 错误的观点╱想法牛津高阶〔modern〕modern views and methods 新潮观点和方法英汉大词典〔offer〕offer an opinion. 提出一种观点美国传统〔philander〕philander solemnly with a point of view 貌似认真地对待一种观点英汉大词典〔popularist〕a popularist outlook (艺术等的)大众化观点英汉大词典〔private〕a private joke; private opinions. 个人的笑话;个人观点美国传统〔radical〕radical ideas 不同凡响的观点牛津高阶〔reconciliation〕a reconciliation of opposing views 对立观点的调和韦氏高阶〔sacramental〕her view that music is a sacramental art. 她将音乐视为神圣艺术的观点柯林斯高阶〔shift〕a shift in attitude / opinion / perspective 态度的/观点的/角度的改变牛津搭配〔stripe〕commentators of all political stripes 持各种政治观点的评论员牛津高阶〔traverse〕fully determined to traverse his views, instead of seconding them下定决心不支持他的观点, 而是反对外研社新世纪〔unbiased〕an unbiased opinion 不偏不倚的观点剑桥高阶〔wry〕a wry view 错误观点英汉大词典〔yield〕to yield a point同意一个观点(或在这点上让步)21世纪英汉




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