

单词 能忍受
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONVENTIONAL/UNCONVENTIONAL〕I can't stand it when your friends come to visit - they're so straight. 我不能忍受你朋友的来访—他们太一本正经了。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕I can't stand the sight of blood. 我不能忍受看到血。朗文写作活用〔SHOW OFF〕I can't bear pretentiousness of any kind. 我不能忍受任何矫揉造作的行为。朗文写作活用〔STAND〕My leg really hurts -- I'm not sure how much longer I can bear it. 我的腿很痛—我不知道我还能忍受多久。朗文写作活用〔any〕The patient cannot endure chemotherapy for any length of time.病人对于化疗一会儿也不能忍受美国传统〔bear off〕She can bear off the blow.她能忍受这次打击。21世纪英汉〔bearable〕The camaraderie among fellow employees made the tedious work just bearable.同事之间的友情使枯燥乏味的工作变得还能忍受。牛津搭配〔bear〕How can you bear this awful noise? 你怎么能忍受这种可怕的噪声?牛津搭配〔bear〕I couldn't bear not seeing him again.我不能忍受再也见不到他。朗文当代〔bear〕Make the water as hot as you can bear .把水温调到你能忍受的最热温度。朗文当代〔bear〕The humiliation was more than he could bear .这样的羞辱是他万万不能忍受的。朗文当代〔bear〕The pain is almost more than I can bear.这痛苦几乎非我所能忍受。文馨英汉〔bear〕The pain was more than I could bear.这种疼痛不是我所能忍受的。麦克米伦高阶〔bide〕I can't bide waiting like this.我不能忍受就这样等着。外研社新世纪〔bite〕She had great capacity to resist provocation; biting down hard, she said nothing.她很能忍受他人的挑衅,所以竭力忍着,什么也没说。英汉大词典〔blow〕I'll be blowed if I put up with that kind of treatment.我要能忍受那种待遇才怪呢。外研社新世纪〔boredom〕Sorting mail is not a job for people with a low boredom threshold.分拣邮件不适合那些不太能忍受乏味工作的人。牛津搭配〔captivity〕Some animals cannot bear captivity.有些动物不能忍受樊笼生活。英汉大词典〔cold〕I can't stand the cold.我不能忍受严寒。外研社新世纪〔constitute〕He is so constituted that he can accept unjust criticism without getting angry.他生来就是那种能忍受不公正的批评而不发火的人。英汉大词典〔constriction〕Eventually, unable to bear the constriction of family life, he left home.由于不能忍受家庭生活的约束,他终于离开了家。文馨英汉〔countenance〕My Lord, I cannot countenance this farce any longer.大人, 我再也不能忍受这出闹剧了。外研社新世纪〔crap〕I'm not going to take any more of this crap! 我再也不能忍受这种委屈了!朗文当代〔eccentricity〕Some people weren't very tolerant of his eccentricity.有些人实在不能忍受他的怪异。韦氏高阶〔endure〕He can't endure being apart from me.他不能忍受和我分开。朗文当代〔endure〕It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain.似乎谁都不可能忍受这样的疼痛。朗文当代〔endure〕They could endure much pain.他们能忍受很多痛苦。21世纪英汉〔flesh and blood〕It was more than flesh and blood can bear.这不是常人所能忍受的。韦氏高阶〔flesh〕Listening to the cries was more than flesh and blood could stand.听这种哭喊非常人所能忍受。牛津高阶〔go〕I can't go his behavior.我不能忍受他的行为。文馨英汉〔inconvenience〕I can put up with minor inconveniences.我能忍受些小的不便。牛津高阶〔insufferable〕Difficult or impossible to endure; intolerable.难于或不能忍受;不能忍受的美国传统〔intolerable〕The pain had become intolerable.痛得不能忍受。朗文当代〔intolerance〕The quality or condition of being intolerant; lack of tolerance.不容忍,不宽容:不能忍受的性质或状况;不宽容美国传统〔in〕I don't know how you can stand eating the same thing day in day out.我不明白你怎么能忍受天天吃同样的东西。麦克米伦高阶〔leg-pulling〕She cannot stand leg-pulling.她不能忍受愚弄。文馨英汉〔limit〕There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear.我们能忍受的疼痛是有限度的。牛津高阶〔live〕Well, I can live with it.嗯,这个我能忍受。英汉大词典〔marvellous〕I can't stand him, but my wife thinks he's marvellous.我不能忍受他,但我的妻子认为他很了不起。朗文当代〔memory〕The remembrance of his humiliation was almost too painful to bear.对于他所受到的侮辱的回忆使他痛苦得不能忍受。美国传统〔monotony〕It is more and more difficult to get people to accept the monotony of work on the assembly line.要找到能忍受装配线上工作的单调的人,是越来越难了。文馨英汉〔negatively〕I loathe negativity. I can't stand people who moan.我厌恶消极态度,不能忍受唉声叹气的人。柯林斯高阶〔nicety〕She appeared to have calculated to a nicety how much ill treatment her husband would bear without walking out on her.她似乎早已算准丈夫在不致抛弃自己的前提下还能忍受多少折磨。外研社新世纪〔nice〕Public officials have to make nice to politicians they cannot stand.公务员们不得不对于他们不能忍受的那些政客表示亲热。英汉大词典〔nonsense〕I don't stand any nonsense from anybody.我不能忍受任何人胡来。麦克米伦高阶〔nonsense〕I won't stand any nonsense from him!我不能忍受他的任何愚蠢行为!外研社新世纪〔one〕If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people who bite their nails.要是说有什么事是我不能忍受的,那就是有人啃指甲。朗文当代〔patient〕Bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness.忍耐的,能忍受的:平静地承受或忍受痛苦、困难、挑衅或烦扰的美国传统〔patronizing〕I can't bear his patronizing arrogance.我不能忍受他那居高临下的傲慢态度。英汉大词典〔penny-pinching〕I'm not putting up with this penny-pinching attitude any longer.我再也不能忍受这种吝啬的态度了。外研社新世纪〔put up with sth/sb〕I can put up with the house being messy, but I hate it if it's not clean.房子凌乱我能忍受,但我讨厌房子不干净。剑桥高阶〔reach〕I've reached the point where I'm not going to put up with her criticisms of me any more.我已经受够了,我再也不能忍受她这样非难我了。剑桥高阶〔refinement〕She could not stand his lack of refinement.她不能忍受他的粗俗无礼。英汉大词典〔roof〕They could no longer bear to live under the same roof.他们再也不能忍受居住在同一所房子里了。麦克米伦高阶〔stand〕How can you stand such insolence?你还能忍受这样的侮辱吗?21世纪英汉〔stand〕She's a strong woman who stands no nonsense from anyone.她是个很强的女人,不能忍受任何人的无理行为。朗文当代〔stomach〕Surgery often demands actual physical strength, as well as the possession of a strong stomach.外科医生往往得体力好, 而且要能忍受令人反胃的场面。外研社新世纪〔suchlike〕Mother couldn't stand to be parted from me, miss my childhood and suchlike rubbish.妈妈不能忍受和我分离、错过我的童年等等这样一些愚蠢的想法。柯林斯高阶〔sustain〕How long will you sustain the rudeness of your boss?对你上司的粗暴无礼你还能忍受多久?21世纪英汉〔take〕In this job you have to be able to take criticism.做这个工作你要能忍受批评。麦克米伦高阶〔thick〕Informal Going beyond what is tolerable; excessive.【非正式用语】 过份的:超过能忍受范围的;过分的美国传统〔this〕I can't bear the atmosphere in this house much longer.我再也不能忍受这屋子里的气氛了。朗文当代〔tolerate〕How can you tolerate such laziness? 你怎么能忍受如此的懒惰呢?韦氏高阶〔tolerate〕I can't tolerate that noise.我不能忍受那种噪声。韦氏高阶〔tolerate〕I don't know how you tolerate that noise! 我不知道你怎么能忍受那样的噪音!牛津高阶A day came when she couldn't tolerate his cruelty anymore -- she took a knife and stabbed her tormentor.终于有一天,她再也不能忍受他那残酷行为----她带着一把小刀,刺死了折磨她的人。剑桥国际I can bear love or hate, but not indifference.我可以忍受爱或恨,但不能忍受冷漠。剑桥国际I can no longer support this stifling heat, day after day.我再也不能忍受这种日复一日的闷热了。剑桥国际I can put up with the house being untidy, but I hate it if it's not clean.我能忍受房子凌乱,但我讨厌它不清洁。剑桥国际I can tolerate her voice for a while but then it starts to grate.我能忍受她的声音一会儿,但之后就开始受不了。剑桥国际I can't bear the noise of the chair grating on the stone floor.我不能忍受椅子在石头地板上摩擦发出的噪音。剑桥国际I can't stand any more of her stupid questions.我再也不能忍受她那些愚蠢的问题了。剑桥国际I can't stand her nagging (= complaining and criticizing) any more.我再也不能忍受她没完没了的抱怨。剑桥国际I can't stand macho men.我不能忍受有大男子主义的人。剑桥国际I couldn't bear his shafts of scorn.我不能忍受他轻蔑的挖苦话。剑桥国际I don't know how you can stick living in this place. 我不知道你怎么能忍受住在这地方。剑桥国际I don't mind untidiness -- it's dirtiness I can't stand.我不在乎凌乱----我所不能忍受的是肮脏。剑桥国际I don't think I can stick this job a day longer.我认为我再也不能忍受这工作了。剑桥国际I just can't take being insulted like that. 我实在不能忍受那样的侮辱。剑桥国际I like watching American football, but I can't be bothered with all those ridiculous cheerleaders, and the marching bands and all that malarkey.我喜欢看美式足球,但不能忍受那些可笑的啦啦队长,行进乐队及类似的无聊行为。剑桥国际I'm afraid I can't listen to any more reports about the war--the whole thing is just unbearable.我怕自己不能再听关于战争的报导了----整个事情令人不能忍受。剑桥国际It amazes me how you can put up with living in such a dirty house. 你怎能忍受住在这么脏的房子里,真令我吃惊。剑桥国际Many elderly people in need of a hip replacement operation have to suffer in pain because there are not sufficient resources.很多需要做更换髋骨手术的老人因为髋骨资源不足只能忍受痛苦。剑桥国际Open the windows. We cannot stand the stuffiness of the room. 把窗子打开。我们不能忍受这间屋子里的窒闷。译典通She could hardly put up with that fellow any longer. 她再也不能忍受那家伙。译典通She's just changed jobs (=got a new job) because she couldn't stand her old boss.她刚换了工作,因为她不能忍受她原来的老板。剑桥国际These sorrows are more than flesh and blood can bear. 这些忧伤不是血肉之躯所能忍受的。译典通




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