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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WATCH〕The concert was seen by 500 million viewers around the world. 这场音乐会全球有五亿电视观众观看。朗文写作活用〔capacity〕The game was watched by a capacity crowd/audience of 50,000 (= the place was completely full).比赛场座无虚席,5万观众观看了比赛。剑桥高阶〔disposition〕This film is not suitable for viewers of a nervous disposition.这部影片不适合易紧张的观众观看。麦克米伦高阶〔dub〕It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences.它被译制成西班牙语以方便墨西哥观众观看。柯林斯高阶〔field house〕A building having one or more areas for different athletic events and usually grandstands for spectators.运动场馆:有一块或多块供不同运动项目进行比赛的场地的建筑物,通常还有供观众观看的大看台美国传统〔incredulous〕A few incredulous spectators watched on as Paterson, ranked 23rd in the world, beat the champion.一些观众观看了世界排名第23位的帕特森击败世界冠军,他们简直不敢相信。剑桥高阶〔record〕A record crowd of 120,000 people saw the game.创纪录的120,000名观众观看了比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔spectator〕Thirty thousand spectators watched the final game.3 万名观众观看了决赛。柯林斯高阶〔vast〕A vast audience watched the broadcast.大量的观众观看了转播。剑桥高阶〔view〕The program was viewed by millions of people.有数百万观众观看了这个节目。韦氏高阶〔view〕The show has a viewing audience of six million(= six million people watch it).这个节目有六百万观众观看。牛津高阶〔watch〕The debate was watched by 97 million viewers.这场辩论有 9,700 万观众观看。朗文当代A vast audience watched the broadcast.一大群观众观看了转播。剑桥国际Only a few incredulous spectators watched Paterson, ranked 23rd in the world, beat the champion.只有少数满脸不相信的观众观看了排名世界第23位的帕特森击败世界冠军。剑桥国际The drama had a 29% audience share between 9 and 10.30 p.m.晚上 9 点至 10 点 30 分,有 29% 的观众观看戏剧节目。牛津商务The game was watched by a capacity crowd/audience of 50 000 (=the place was completely full).座无虚席,五万观众观看了这场比赛。剑桥国际Thousand of spectators watched the sailing. 数千名观众观看了这次游艇比赛。译典通




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