

单词 表扬
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔PRAISE〕to praise someone or something 表扬某人或某事朗文写作活用〔accord〕to accord due praise给予适当的表扬21世纪英汉〔bolster〕to bolster somone's morale by praising用表扬来鼓舞某人的士气21世纪英汉〔chary〕a teacher who is chary of giving praise 不轻易表扬学生的教师英汉大词典〔commend〕commend a soldier for bravery 表扬士兵勇敢英汉大词典〔crumb〕a few crumbs of praise for their hard work 对他们努力工作的点滴表扬麦克米伦高阶〔double-edged〕double-edged praise. 双重意义的表扬美国传统〔embarrass〕felt abashed at the extravagant praise; 对过分的表扬感到脸红;美国传统〔follow〕to follow praise with blame先表扬后责备21世纪英汉〔lap〕lapping up praise. 爱听表扬话美国传统〔laudatory〕a laudatory review of the new play. 对这出新戏给予表扬美国传统〔nice〕nice work 出色的工作(亦可用作表扬的感叹语) 英汉大词典〔overtone〕an overtone of anger barely masked; praise with overtones of envy. 几乎不加掩饰生气的表露;带着微露出的妒忌或表扬美国传统〔ravenous〕be ravenous for praise 渴望得到表扬 英汉大词典〔unsought〕an unsought compliment 主动的表扬英汉大词典




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