

单词 英国议会
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕Women began to enter the British Parliament in significant numbers in the 1990s. 20世纪90年代已有相当数量的妇女开始进入英国议会。朗文写作活用〔Hansard〕The official report of the proceedings and debates of a legislature in the Commonwealth of Nations, especially of the British or Canadian parliament.英国议会议事录:在不列颠联邦内产生的立法争论和议事进程的官方报告,尤指英国或加拿大议会美国传统〔POLITICS〕McEnroe loves the atmosphere at Westminster - he's a real political animal. 麦肯罗喜欢英国议会的氛围一他真是个政治动物。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕Adams was elected to the British Parliament, but refused to swear an oath to the English Queen. 亚当斯获选进入英国议会,但拒绝向女王宣誓。朗文写作活用〔analogue〕He has been studying the European analogues of the British Parliament.他一直在研究相当于英国议会的欧洲政治机构。剑桥高阶〔chamber〕There are two chambers in the British parliament - the House of Commons is the lower chamber, and the House of Lords is the upper chamber.英国议会有两院——平民院又称下议院,贵族院又称上议院。剑桥高阶〔day〕Few in Westminster doubt that the government will win the day.在英国议会中,几乎没有人对政府将会获胜存有怀疑。柯林斯高阶〔faith〕People have lost faith in the British Parliament.人们已经对英国议会失去了信任。柯林斯高阶〔found〕The British parliamentary system is founded on debate and opposition.英国议会制度的基础是辩论质询。朗文当代〔mother〕Westminster is known as 'the mother of parliaments'.英国议会被认为是“议会之母”。朗文当代〔negotiate〕He'd given up trying to negotiate the labyrinth of Westminster politics.他已经放弃了搞清楚错综复杂的英国议会政治的努力。麦克米伦高阶〔perplexing〕British Parliamentary procedure is perplexing at the best of times.即使在最好情况下,英国议会的程序也很费解。柯林斯高阶〔seat〕She took her seat in Parliament as Britain's youngest MP.她上任时是英国议会最年轻的议员。牛津搭配〔trace〕Britain's Parliament can trace its history back to the English Parliament of the 13th century.英国议会的历史可以追溯到 13 世纪的英格兰议会。柯林斯高阶〔westminster〕The rumours were still circulating at Westminster.当时谣言依然在英国议会和政府流传。牛津高阶He has been studying the European analogues of the British Parliament.他一直在研究与英国议会相类似的欧洲各国议会。剑桥国际In the British parliament the Speaker's mace is carried into the House of Commons at the beginning of the day's business.在英国议会中,下议院议长的权杖一早便被带入众议院里。剑桥国际In the British parliament, MPs are divided into the Ayes and the Noes when they vote.在英国议会,下院议员投票时被分为“赞成者”和“反对者”两组。剑桥国际The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美国国会相当于英国议会。译典通The annals of the British Parliament are recorded in a publication called Hansard.英国议会的历史记载于一份称为《议会议事录》的出版物中。剑桥国际There are two chambers in the British parliament--the House of Commons is the lower chamber, and the House of Lords is the upper chamber.英国议会有两院----众议院即下议院和贵族院即上议院。剑桥国际




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