

单词 英国航空公司
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHEAP〕British Airways have slashed fares by over 50%. 英国航空公司票价降了50%以上。朗文写作活用〔MANAGER〕The Chairman of British Airways visited Downing Street last week. 英国航空公司主席上周访问了唐宁街。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕The exhibition is sponsored by the Arts Council in conjunction with British Airways. 展览由艺术委员会与英国航空公司共同赞助。朗文写作活用〔airway〕British Airways 英国航空公司文馨英汉〔airway〕British Airways 英国航空公司牛津高阶〔airway〕British Airways 英国航空公司英汉大词典〔airway〕British Airways 英国航空公司韦氏高阶〔black〕Two British Airways jets were blacked by the ground staff at the Kenyan airport.两架英国航空公司的喷气式飞机受到肯尼亚机场地勤人员的抵制。英汉大词典〔call〕This is the last call for passengers travelling on British Airways flight 199 to Rome.乘坐英国航空公司 199 次班机飞往罗马的乘客,这是最后一次通知登机。牛津高阶〔flight〕BA flight 286 was two hours late.英国航空公司 286 次航班晚点两个小时。柯林斯高阶〔fly〕Millions of passengers fly British Airways every year.每年有数百万人乘坐英国航空公司的飞机。朗文当代〔ground staff〕There had been a strike amongst British Airways ground staff.英国航空公司的机场地勤人员曾经举行过罢工。柯林斯高阶〔link-up〕The U.S. airline has just announced a formal link-up with British Airways.美国航空公司刚刚宣布了其与英国航空公司的正式合作。外研社新世纪〔link-up〕The US airline has just announced a formal link-up with British Airways.这家美国航空公司刚刚宣布了与英国航空公司的正式合作。柯林斯高阶〔onward〕British Airways have two flights a day to Bangkok, and there are onward flights to Phnom Penh.英国航空公司每天有两个航班飞往曼谷, 那里有前往金边的接续航班。外研社新世纪〔onward〕British Airways have two flights a day to Bangkok, and there are onward flights to Phnom Penh.英国航空公司每天有两个航班飞往曼谷,那里有前往金边的接续航班。柯林斯高阶〔partially〕The airline is partially owned by British Airways.这家航空公司部分隶属于英国航空公司。麦克米伦高阶〔put on〕British Airways is putting on an extra flight to London tomorrow.英国航空公司明天将增加一班到伦敦的航班。柯林斯高阶〔regret〕British Airways regret to announce the cancellation of flight BA205 to Madrid.英国航空公司非常抱歉地通知,飞往马德里的 BA205 次航班取消了。剑桥高阶〔result〕British Airways has announced disappointing results for the first half of the year.英国航空公司公布了上半年令人失望的业绩。朗文当代〔return〕BA and Air France charge more than £400 for a return to Nice.英国航空公司和法国航空公司去尼斯的往返票价为400多英镑。柯林斯高阶〔share〕This is why Sir Colin Marshall, British Airways' chairman, has been so keen to buy shares in US-AIR.这就是为什么英国航空公司主席科林·马歇尔爵士一直如此热衷于购买美国航空公司的股票。柯林斯高阶〔sponsor〕The competition was sponsored by British Airways.此项比赛由英国航空公司赞助。朗文当代〔subsidiary〕British Asia Airways, a subsidiary of British Airways.英国亚洲航空公司,英国航空公司的子公司柯林斯高阶〔suspension〕A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester.英国航空公司地勤人员的罢工已经造成伦敦至曼彻斯特的航线停运。柯林斯高阶〔take over〕A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways.一家英国报纸称,英国航空公司计划接管环球航空公司。柯林斯高阶〔telex〕They telexed British Airways.他们给英国航空公司发了电传。柯林斯高阶British Airways 英国航空公司译典通British Airways 英国航空公司牛津商务British Airways is facing increasing competition from low-fare airlines.英国航空公司正面临着来自低票价航空公司日益激烈的竞争。牛津商务British Airways is one of the world's biggest air lines.英国航空公司是世界上最大的航空公司之一。剑桥国际Flight BA174, dep. Heathrow 07.45.英国航空公司174航班从希思罗机场起飞出发时间为07###∶45。剑桥国际The agency's client list includes Gucci and British Airways.这机构的客户名单里有古奇和英国航空公司。牛津商务




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