

单词 能去
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕We've got so much on at work I couldn't possibly go on holiday now. 我们的工作很忙,所以我现在不可能去度假。朗文写作活用〔DRY〕Can you check to see if the laundry's dry? 你能去看一下洗的衣服是否干了吗?朗文写作活用〔FINALLY〕One day ordinary people will be able to travel in space. 总有一天普通人也能去太空旅行的。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕Can you see who's at the door? 你能去看看是谁在门外吗?朗文写作活用〔GUESS〕This is only a guess, but I think Barbara might have gone to Jan's house. 这只是猜测,我想芭芭拉可能去简家了。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕I can't go running this week - I've hurt my foot. 这个星期我不能去跑步了—我的脚弄伤了。朗文写作活用〔MAKE FUN OF〕We can't do that - we'd be a laughing stock! 那件事我们可不能去做一我们会成为笑柄的!朗文写作活用〔MAYBE〕There's a chance that I'll be in California in October, so I might be able to visit you for a few days. 10月份我可能去加州,这样我也许能有几天时间来拜访你。朗文写作活用〔MEDICAL TREATMENT〕The kids have to get their shots before they go to school. 孩子们得打过针后才能去上学。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕I can't go to the movie tonight - I have a big test to study for. 今天晚上我不能去看电影一我要准备一个很重要的考试。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕Don't be daft! Of course you're not too old to go clubbing. 别犯傻了!你当然还没有老得不能去夜总会了。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕My parents are in the Caribbean for Christmas, but I couldn't go this year. 我父母在加勒比海过圣诞,但我今年不能去了。朗文写作活用〔USE〕The meeting room is in use at the moment, so we'll have to go somewhere else. 现在会议室在使用,我们只能去别处了。朗文写作活用〔afraid〕I'm afraid I can't go.恐怕我不能去了。21世纪英汉〔again〕He might go, and again he might not.他可能去,也可能不去。英汉大词典〔again〕He might go, and then again, he might not.他可能去,但也可能不去。韦氏高阶〔again〕She might go, and again she might not.她可能去,也可能不去美国传统〔any〕You have to be a member to go there. They won't let just any person in.你必须成为会员才能去那里。他们不是随便什么人都让进。韦氏高阶〔a〕What a shame he couldn't be there to receive the prize! 可惜的是他不能去那儿领奖!麦克米伦高阶〔because〕I can't go, because I'm too busy.我不能去,因为我太忙。文馨英汉〔because〕The reason (why) I can't go is because I'm too busy.我不能去的理由是因为我太忙。文馨英汉〔c'est la vie〕I can't go to the game on Saturday - I've got to work. Oh well, c'est la vie.周六我不能去看比赛——我得去上班。哎,这就是生活。剑桥高阶〔carer〕Women are more likely than men to be carers of elderly dependent relatives.与男人相比, 女人更有可能去照料年迈不能自理的亲戚。外研社新世纪〔case〕He's too young to come and in any case I want him to spend the time with Mom.他还太小,不能去。 不管怎么说,我要他和妈妈在一起。朗文当代〔clear〕He took special care to stay clear of any place where Sally might be.他格外小心, 避开萨莉可能去的任何地方。外研社新世纪〔could〕He said (that) he couldn't go.他说过他不能去(参照He said, "I can't go.")。文馨英汉〔could〕If I could go, I would be glad.假如我能去,我会很高兴(事实上我不能去)。文馨英汉〔could〕We would go if only we could—but unfortunately we can't.要是能去,我们就会去,但遗憾的是我们去不了。韦氏高阶〔could〕We would have gone if only we could have—but unfortunately we couldn't.要是能去,我们就去了,但遗憾的是我们去不了。韦氏高阶〔decant〕Vintage ports must be decanted to remove natural sediments.倒上等波尔图葡萄酒时一定要慢, 那样才能去掉天然沉积物。外研社新世纪〔depend〕Whether or not we can go ultimately depends on the weather.我们是否能去最终取决于天气。牛津搭配〔do〕We didn't get to do Nice when we were in France.我们在法国时没能去尼斯游览。剑桥高阶〔else〕Where else can I go? 我还能去别的什么地方呢? 英汉大词典〔everywhere〕We went everywhere we could.能去的地方我们都去了。韦氏高阶〔fairly〕I was fairly sure that I would go to the party.我很可能去参加晚会美国传统〔fair〕Why does Eric get to go and I don't? It's not fair! 为什么埃里克能去而我却不能去?这不公平!朗文当代〔fall apart〕I've tried everything to stop our marriage falling apart.我已竭尽所能去维系我们的婚姻。外研社新世纪〔fall〕I've tried everything to stop our marriage falling apart.我已竭尽所能去维系我们的婚姻。柯林斯高阶〔finish〕You can't go anywhere until you've finished your homework.没完成家庭作业前你哪儿也不能去。朗文当代〔full〕You know full well that you're not supposed to go there without asking me! 你非常清楚未经我同意你不能去那里!剑桥高阶〔guess〕I guess this means that we can't go.我认为这就意味着我们不能去。韦氏高阶〔hell〕How the hell can I go? You did one hell of a job. He ran like hell to catch the bus.我怎么能去呢?你的工作一塌糊涂。他疯狂地追赶公共汽车美国传统〔hopeful〕Don't get too hopeful. We may not be able to go.别抱太大希望,我们也可能去不成。牛津搭配〔instead〕If Jo can't attend the meeting, I could go instead.如果乔不能去开会,我可以代他去。朗文当代〔knock〕I've a lot of work to knock off before I can take my holiday.我有好多工作要赶完才能去休假。英汉大词典〔meet〕I can't go to your track meet after school tomorrow.明天放学后我不能去看你参加的径赛了。牛津搭配〔might〕She told him yesterday he might not go on the trip.她昨天告诉他,他不能去旅行美国传统〔mile〕You can't go to Portsmouth, it's miles away.你不能去朴次茅斯,那儿很远。朗文当代〔miss〕Can I go to the toilet, Miss? 我能去厕所吗,老师?剑桥高阶〔mom〕Aw, Mom, why can't I go? 哦,妈妈,为什么我不能去?剑桥高阶〔note〕I can't come to class today. Would you mind taking notes for me? 今天我不能去上课了。你能帮我记一下笔记吗?韦氏高阶〔nothing〕I couldn't come to the door - I had nothing on! 我不能去开门——我什么都没穿!剑桥高阶〔not〕I can't go.我不能去。剑桥高阶〔number one〕I'll tell you why we can't go on a vacation: number one, we can't afford it, and number two, we'll miss my sister's party.我告诉你为什么我们不能去度假:首先,我们负担不起;其次,我们会错过我姐姐的派对。韦氏高阶〔off season〕It is possible to vacation at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off-season.如果在淡季出游,就有可能去一些价格较为昂贵的旅游胜地度假。柯林斯高阶〔overshoot〕I overshot your house yesterday afternoon.昨天下午,我飞速驱车驶过了你的家,没能去看你。21世纪英汉〔owe〕I can't go. I owe it to him to stay and help.我不能去。我应该留下来帮他。外研社新世纪〔picnic〕If the weather's nice we could have a picnic in the park.天气好的话我们就能去公园野餐了。剑桥高阶〔pity〕It was a great pity we couldn't visit the Louvre.我们不能去参观罗浮宫真是太可惜了。麦克米伦高阶〔please〕Please can I go to Rebecca's house? 请问,我能去丽贝卡家吗?朗文当代〔probably〕Will you be going to the meeting?—Probably.你会去开会吗?——很可能去。外研社新世纪〔promise〕I can't promise you that I'll be able to go, but I'll do my best.我不能向你保证我能去,但是我会尽量去。韦氏高阶〔rake through〕They raked through every possible place to find the missing girl.凡是可能去到的地方他们都进行了搜索,以寻找这个下落不明的小姑娘。21世纪英汉〔rig-out〕You can't go to the party in that rig-out! 你穿那套衣服不能去参加那个聚会!文馨英汉〔salivate〕She was salivating at the prospect of traveling to Europe.她非常期盼能去欧洲旅行。韦氏高阶〔shelf〕We couldn't shelf him.我们不能去告发他。外研社新世纪〔sick〕At the last minute I got sick and couldn't go.我在最后一刻病倒,不能去了。朗文当代〔sponge〕Most food stains will come off if you sponge the material with a little detergent.用一点去污剂能去除布料上的大部分食物污渍。剑桥高阶〔strategy〕Their marketing strategy for the product involves obtaining as much free publicity as possible.他们对这一产品采取的市场策略包括尽可能去争取免费宣传的机会。剑桥高阶〔stubborn〕This treatment removes the most stubborn stains.这个方法能去除最为顽固的污渍。外研社新世纪〔suggest〕The evidence suggests that single fathers are more likely to work than single mothers.这一证据显示,单身父亲比单身母亲更有可能去工作。朗文当代〔thing〕I can't go. For one thing, I've no time.我不能去。理由之一是我没有时间。 英汉大词典〔tie ... up〕I can't go to the cinema now. I'm a bit tied up.我现在不能去看电影,我有点忙。21世纪英汉〔today〕I couldn't go shopping yesterday so I'll have to go today.我昨天没能去买东西,所以今天我必须去。朗文当代〔trash〕Can you take out the trash? 你能去倒一下垃圾吗?牛津搭配〔up〕I don't feel up to going to work today.我觉得不舒服,今天不能去上班。牛津高阶〔up〕My little girl started jumping up and down with rage when she heard she couldn't go.我的小女儿在得知她不能去后非常生气,开始不停地跳上跳下。剑桥高阶〔visit〕I would like to visit Rome someday.我希望将来有一天能去罗马游览。韦氏高阶〔want〕She could not go on holiday for want of money.她因为缺钱而不能去度假。麦克米伦高阶〔when〕How can he help when they won't let him?既然他们不让他帮,他怎么能去干呢?21世纪英汉〔yearn〕I've always yearned to go stock car racing.我一直渴望能去参加改装车赛。牛津搭配Cohen, whose contract expires next week, is likely to move to play for a European club.合同于下周到期,科恩有可能去一家欧洲俱乐部踢球。剑桥国际Her party clashes with my brother's wedding, so I won't be able to go.她的晚会和我哥哥的婚礼时间冲突,所以我不能去晚会了。剑桥国际I could not go to see him because the psychiatric section is segregated from the rest of the prison.我不能去看他,因为精神病治疗区与监狱其余部分是隔开的。剑桥国际If you put a raw potato into the soup, it will remove some of the saltiness.要是你在汤里放一个生土豆,就能去掉一些咸味。剑桥国际It 's extremely aggravating that I've got to work this weekend, so I can't go to the football match.极其令人恼火的是,这个周末我得去上班,这样我就不能去看足球比赛了。剑桥国际Mark wasn't able to go to see his daughter performing in the school concert, so Alan videoed it (= recorded it using a video camera) for him.马克没能去观看他女儿在学校音乐会上的演出,因此艾伦就帮他录了下来。剑桥国际Modern detergents will shift most stains, such as blood, oil and food.最新的洗洁剂能去除大部分的污点,如血渍、油渍和食物留下的痕迹。剑桥国际Most food stains will come off if you sponge the material (down) with a little detergent.大多食物的污渍都能去掉,只要你在湿布上蘸一点去垢剂,把它擦掉即可。剑桥国际Our daughter started jumping up and down with rage when she heard she couldn't go.当听说她不能去时, 我们的女儿非常生气,不停地跳脚。剑桥国际There's no point glowering like that just because you can't go to the party.因为不能去参加聚会而那样虎着脸是没有意思的。剑桥国际We may go there, but that all depends. 我们可能去,但要看情况而定。译典通We went skiing in France last year and we're hoping to go again next year.我们去年去法国滑雪了,希望明年还能去。剑桥国际We were snowed in for four whole days last winter--the kids couldn't even go to school.去年冬天我们被雪困住了4天----孩子们甚至不能去上学。剑桥国际What might have happened doesn't bear thinking about (= is too frightening to imagine).可能发生的事可怕得不能去想。剑桥国际When Mum told my sister she couldn't go to the party, the fur really began / started to fly (=a fierce argument started).当妈妈对我姐姐说她不能去参加聚会时,一场激烈的争吵便开始了。剑桥国际You can shout as much as you like but it won't make a ha'porth of difference--you're not going.你可以尽情地大喊大叫,但这不会带来任何改变----你不能去。剑桥国际You need to be robust to go rock climbing.你需要很强健才能去攀登岩石。剑桥国际You shall (= I promise that you will) go to the ball, Cinderella.你一定能去参加舞会的,灰姑娘。剑桥国际You're in no shape (= not in a good enough state of health) to go to work today.你今天身体不好,不能去上班。剑桥国际




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